Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency Info - Printable PDF


This is a printable collection of information about marijuana nutrient problems. I put this together because I wanted a printable document that I could take with me to my grow room. So I searched for charts and info and found the highest resolutions pics and put them together in a neat and printable PDF. So here it folks, hope this helps someone grow big and strong buds. You can download it from as a PDF or just save the pics below and print them off one by one.




No problem, I just see allot of questions on here about dieing leaves and color changes. So I figured it would be helpful to put up a chart, info, and pics in a PDF so people can print it out easily and compare their leaves side by side.


80% yeah right, people get to frantic with question and speculations when a plant is going bad on them, but they just have to realize its just a plant and they survived with out us for millions of years and I can bet the species will surly out live live us. Too many people over think when it comes to growing. Hell my step dad grows huge and potent plants in his back yard and the only thing he does is mix shit into his soil, he doesn't even know what NPK is but he knows what a fat bud looks like.