Help me with my grow - change lighting times


Active Member

i need some advice on changing the times of my lighting..

currently im a few days into flower.. (beginning) and doing 12/12.

The question is my lights turn on at 6pm and turn off at 6am. (during outside light hours)

i want to flip it over so the lights turn on at 6am and turn off at 6pm. (outside night hours)

the reason why i want to do this is so the purple strains i have can get colder during the nights at about 17degrees celcuis i might get some purple colour buds.
so whats the best way to do it? should i just do the flip .. but this will mean more dark time for the plants, will they stress out alot? etc

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Give your plants 24 hours of darkness and you'll be good.

As long as you dont interrupt the night cycle... then you'll be fine. So extending the night cycle is fine... just make sure not to shorten it, when adjusting your times.


Active Member
just use a 24 hr dark cycle to transition.
Give your plants 24 hours of darkness and you'll be good.

As long as you dont interrupt the night cycle... then you'll be fine. So extending the night cycle is fine... just make sure not to shorten it, when adjusting your times.
Thanks guys so the trick is to get it done over a long 24hour night cycle than an extended light period yeah?
I will do the transition today then.. the lights are off at the moment so ill adjust it so the lights don't turn on until 6am tomorrow.

will the plants stretch out because of the 24hour dark cycle before the lights come on again?