Stunted, Mutant Looking New Growth


Active Member
Hello fellow RIU brethren, I have a problem with one of my plants and I've never experienced it before. For some reason, the new growth on one of my plants is stunted and growing weirdly. It's not really growing in new leaves of 3, 5, or 7 blades but rather weird damaged looking leaflets. Here are some pictures, but they don't really show the full extent of the problem. The plant looks healthy...just growing funny.



Active Member
i should also say, this is a freebie industrial in with a set of violator kush's. they are doing awesome, so maybe it's a strain issue?


Active Member
i'm using rain water, so ppm was at 4 before i added nutes. ph was a little high, at 6.6 for one day, but i lowered it back to 6.2 today. I doubt it's ph because it was elevated for only one day and no other plant is exhibiting these problems.


Well-Known Member
I would try and get it down to like 5.8 and i'm willing to bet your ph is the issue. Get rid of the rain water and use either tap or bottled or RO, you really don't know what pollutants are in the rain water your using, especially if it has ran off a roof and thru gutters before you used it. At least with the other type of water you know exactly what's in it.


Active Member
i collected it in my reservoir, and there are no dissolved solids in this water. ph at time of collection was like 6.8. If it was the water, it would affect all of my plants no?


Active Member
hey max, i really appreciate your help, don't get me wrong. I just don't think it's the rain water that is causing this problem. I have a hanna ppm meter, not only is the water not reacting to electric conductivity, there is literally no measurable dissolved solids in the water.

As for molybdenum, it says the deficiency causes the leaves to turn yellow, dry, and drop off. On the contrary, they are still green and growing...just weirdly. My reference book also says it's almost never found deficient in cannabis. Thank you for your help though!