Leaves yellowing


Active Member
Hey guys, thanks for your help so far. Have any of you seen leaves like this yellow one? It is only the lower leaves, most of the plant seems fine. I am on a sandy creek bank, high ph, with hard water (I’m using the creek for my watering). I'm using organic bloom fert, but at 1/2 strenght, and I've only done it twice. Soil drains pretty fast. Is there a chance of a Magnesium deficiency?

Also, when would you stop fertilizing on an outdoor grow?




Well-Known Member
yes, could be magnesium, also manganese I believe can cause the same or at least a similar look. If KP is around she might know for sure. GL HH

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Im using fish emulsion 5-1-1 for vegging and last time iused 2 teaspoons for every 2 liters of water and last time i only used 1 teaspoon beacause my plants looked sad from the nutes. i water about 2-3 times a week.
heres a pic of my buddy. it seems like only thr two gallon pots were really affected and of course i feed less to them then my 3 gallon pots.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey dude... your pot size is not the issue.. not yet at least..

are you over watering?
are you pH ing your water.... ?

these are KEY fundementals that need to be mastered.. and YOU can do it.. it is easy..

thanks for the pic..


The pH of your water determines your plants ability to absord (eat food) nutrients.. if you do not have proper pH you will get nutrient deficiencies.. and it will often manifest as yelllow leaves

Over watering ...soggy soil does not allow the plants roots to get oxygen.. you shuold water thoroughly but only every 3-10 dayts... you need to let the soil dry out before you water agin.. thispromotes even root growth throughout your container...


Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hey dude... your pot size is not the issue.. not yet at least..

are you over watering?
are you pH ing your water.... ?

these are KEY fundementals that need to be mastered.. and YOU can do it.. it is easy..

thanks for the pic..


The pH of your water determines your plants ability to absord (eat food) nutrients.. if you do not have proper pH you will get nutrient deficiencies.. and it will often manifest as yelllow leaves

Over watering ...soggy soil does not allow the plants roots to get oxygen.. you shuold water thoroughly but only every 3-10 dayts... you need to let the soil dry out before you water agin.. thispromotes even root growth throughout your container...


Well i let my water sit for like 2 days to take the chlorine out and i water my plants when the soil is dry and the pot is light. so ill buy a PH meter. how do i go about changing the ph if too high.