how to dry main cola?


New Member
Hey guys i was just wondering how do i know when my main cola is dry enough to know the rule is of if the stems snap it's dry ,but since my cola is on the main stem ,which is thick as hell i wonder how do i tell..:-?


Well-Known Member
When the stem snaps :P

Trim a few buds out of the middle to get to the stem, you're going to cut it up and cure it anyways arent you? You can cut it into pieces big enough to fit your jar and when you think it is dry enough to start curing put it in jars for a day and if it isn't dry enough the outside that was crispy will be wet again.

Just remember that you want it somewhat still moist when you cure it so it will do that anyways, but you'll be able to tell if it is excessive moisture. If it feels like you just cut it you can hang it again.


New Member
how about if the buds feel dry on the outside,try and cure them,and if they go moist hang them up and keep repeating..instead of using the stem snap rule...