1st indoor Grow - 4 X Eazy Ryder + Jack Horror auto


Active Member
Greetings to all :lol::lol::lol:
I started for first time an indoor grow with 5 plants . I read your site for a long time and now i think it's time to write down my experience

Grow room :
70 cm X 100 cm X 2000 cm made of wood
Soil :
Made by me with a simple 12-6-6 soil plus bat Guanno (3-10-2) (160 gr /50 lt) + perlite (30%) + fish blood extract (80 gr /50 lt)
Light :
400 w MH powerplant for veg
430 w HPS phillips son agro-T for flowering
23 w UVB
Nutri :
BioRoot - BioGrow - Biobloom - Chicken shits and melassa
Ventilator :
Super Silence TD 350/125 - 380 m3/h - 19 db and hand made extra silencer
Carbon Filter :
Hand made by me
CO2 :
Bottles with sugar etc
Pots :
11 lt

Next coming photos of the set up.

18042011254.jpg18042011255.jpg18042011256.jpg23032011145.jpgSet up 4.jpg



Active Member
So lets go to the plants . Now i'm day 32 from seed.
Light circle 20/4.
The germ of the seed started Friday18/03/2011
I'll name them JH for Jack Horror and ER1, ER2,ER3,ER4 for the easy ryders
You can follow the grow picture by picture. Each picture has name accorting the day (from seed) and the plant. Some days have more than one pictures

Starting with JH
This plant doesn't goes flowering by it's own so i put it in a closet for 12 hours per day starting from day 30 (17/04/2011)



Active Member
All the babes together



Active Member
So thats all until to day. Some extra info
Easy Ryder from Joint Doctor. First time auto for me.
Ph : 6.4 to 6.8
Temp : 25 -28 C during light and minimum 18 C during "night"
Feeding once the week from week 2. Until then i was using only root juice. Watering something like every 3 days. I have some type of humidity counter for the soil and it works fine -4 euros each.
I've change MH to HPS at day 22 from seed
Started flowering at day 26 from seeds (exept JH that i'm still watting)
Humidity for the first 30 days 40-80%. Now 30-40%.

I would like to hear comments and please - please - please- help me with the problem i have with ER4

PS: The top leaves of all Easy Ryders are "looking" up like trying to protect the main flower. Is this a problem ?

Waitng for your replay