home made grow tent for future scrog


Well-Known Member
hey guys and gals!!! well i wanted to cut down on the amount of space in my room that i was using. i should have taken a pic of how i originally had my set up. i made a curtain from black material that was 5ft wide, i cut 4 pieces about 8ft tall, sewed two pieces together to make it a little less than 10ft across, sewed the other two together and sewed them on top to make it 2xthick. i then suspended it from the cieling to the floor to make a 3x6 room around the window with the ac in it. it just took up too much room and i was loosing a lot more light than i am now.................So here goes........

i started out by making the margins(2x2) with yarn. the wood in the pics are (1 1/2x1 1/2). i had a friend with a table saw trim a 6ft 2x6 that i had laying around(zero dollars)to a 5 ft piece, then he ripped it twice for me.(very nice of him not to charge me anything.

next i screwd in the top and middle pieces of the frame for stability

then screwd in the other top part to connect the remaining piece.

screwed it to the wall to make sure it doesn't shift.

try to imagine the large sheet of fabric hanging from the cieling completely past the window and wrapped around to go to the other wall.

this is the fabric(which was a gift $0)

snip snip snip snip snip

i cut out and screw on the side piece

snip snip snip snip snip

then the top. i cut it big so i could cut it out while it was on top.

and use the extra to make another layer.

almost there...........................

now to cut the out the door

snip snip snip snip snip

starting to take form.

i cut some holes in the top to run the chains.

hung my fan in place and turned it on.

and to fix the flapping, i only screwed in one part of the door at the bottom so to let the air out..... and thats the finished project. I ordered some solor emergency blankets from ebay to put inside for reflectivity. when it gets here i will put it on the inside and take some more pics.

updates: i have 4 plants, (3 seedlings and a revegging mother), in veg right now. i mixed a peat moss soil together when i first started with the mother. it turned out not to be worth a diddley squat and i used miracle grow all purpose plant food. it lacks a few trace elements, but the plant survived. i am getting FFOF this friday, 4(3 gallon pots), and some floraNova grow and bloom.i was going to wait and take clones from the mother and use the FF with those but at the rate she grows in the soil i mixed idk if it would be faster to restart fresh or to wait it out or just continue to grow what i have into the scrog i hope it will be. oh yeah i am going to do a 4 plant scrog. the deminsions are 2x2x5. the pots are 9in tall, i want to grow the plants to a foot tall, so thats 21in. hopefully they will fill in the screen before the branches are past the 3 ft mark on the wall cause then they will surely outgrow their house when they r fully flowering. i hope they dont get past 4ft on the wall when they have fully flowered cause i want to keep my light at least a ft away. the temp stays about 77 with the 600w light a ft away. please feel free to give any information on what you would do. hope you enjoyed the pic. there will be more to come, and feel free to stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Killer man!!! Thats for the step by step. I personally wont be recreating such a thing in the near future, but its always good to be exposed to different ideas.

You get rep for the effort you put into this post.


Well-Known Member
i think its pretty kool, the temp stays between 75-80 in there. it takes up way less space than the 3x6 room before.

edit: i just need some reflective material that is worth putting up. i got some emergency blankets because i read that others were using them. they really are bad about creating hot spots because of the way they are folded to be put in the packs. i was thinking about using some of those white plastic things that some put over beds for people with alergies. you can get them at wal*fart or at dollar general.

update: i went to the closest nursery this past friday which is about 45 miles from here, i read on the fox farm website that i could get some ocean forest there. i asked them if they any, and they told me "we don't get any of that stuff until march." i was like mother fucker. so i had to order it offline. it winded up costing me 41 dollars, and it will be here next week. i also asked them if they had any nutes at the nursery. all they had was some bullshit miracle grow and some other stuff that was bullshit. so i am going to order some floranova or fox farm nutes off the internet next week when i get my check.


Well-Known Member
hey every1!! how's it growin'? i just wanted to throw in some updates on the setup. i am trying to scrog 4 mothers and take clones to flower, then maybe i will flower the mothers when they are huge, but idk . it wont be too much longer for when i put up the screen.

first i would like to say that i got another support peg for my tent and moved it off of the wall. plus i turnd the door 90 degrees. it looks like this now.
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓The doorway used to be on this side
→→→→→→now it is this way

My first grow i had two plants, one was male, and the other flowered and now she is revegging.

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓th↓s ↓s Jazzy↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

she has been revegging since Jan. 5.

i started some seeds towards the end of november, not sure the actual date that they came out of the ground. i had no way to take Ph readings, but i did order a ph meter. it hasn't arived yet. i believe the Ph was too low and maybe is still too low. there has been slow growth for the 2 months of these plants' life, and the first 4 or 5 nodes of fan leaves on each plant died and fell off.i've only fertilized once or twice throughout the whole 2 months. i think the ph is finally starting to correct itself, because there has been great new growth within the past 2 weeks.
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ this picture was taken when they where about a month old.

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ this is them now↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
this is daisy, she is about 8 inch tall. she lost about 3 nodes above the first round leaves.

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓This is May-Z, she lost about 5 nodes above the bottom round leaves. but she is trying to branch out of every node all the way down, except above the cotyledons

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓this is don it lost 3 nodes above the bottom first round leaves

and this is Juan it lost 4 nodes→→→

i know that Daisy is female because she has hairs on the node that doesn't have any leaves on it. it doesn't have any leaves there because i FIMd it. i am going to be transplanting her into a half gallon orange juice carton soon. you can just barely see the hairs in this pic☺↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

May-Z has a structure that is similar to Daisy so i am assuming that it is female too. they have new branches starting on each node above the fan leaves. But don and Juan look completely different, they do not have any new branches on any nodes. i think that they are males.

i did recieve the FFOF that i ordered offline. i started 4 new seeds and they came out of the ground Jan. 25. this is them at day 4 the one on the top left is in the mix that i threw together. i am going to be monitoring it and trying to figure out what is going on with it. the rest are in FFOF.

These are all bag seeds of unknown strains. probably all hybrids. Jazzy is indica dominant, and she put out some lightgreen that was very good tasting and very smooth after 2 weeks of cure. so hopefully i can hurry up and get this perpetual scrog going.


Well-Known Member
new seedlings day 6↓↓↓↓↓pics 1-4

daisy is clearly showing female preflowers
and new growth↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ pic 5-6

Jazzy is showing some great new shoots↓↓↓↓ pic 7-8

↓↓↓↓↓↓taken jan 11 ↓↓↓↓compare to ↑↑↑↑↑

future clone↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

here is a pic of all the retards↓↓↓↓↓ pic 9

here is a pic of the new seedlings↓↓↓pic 10

↓↓↓↓↓↓pic 11 is all of them


Well-Known Member
you seem to have some stretch going on maybe light to far away

what does nails do for you in the cups

i grow in tents dont really nned height at all i sometimes lay my tent down on its side for sea of green and scrog

good luck


Well-Known Member
i just recieved my Ph up, so hopefully i can get this problem that i am having under control. I ordered a ph meter 2 weeks ago, but it hasn't got here yet. i also got a free sample of snow storm ultra with my order of Ph up. any body ever use snow storm ultra?



Well-Known Member
hey, i went ahead and transplanted daisy, since i know that she is female. the others are going to have to show b4 i put em in a new home, LOL no males in my grow LOL. this is what i put her in

↑↑half gallon OJ box 8inches tall.

↓↓↓↓more pics of her, she is starting to alternate up top☻☺

↓↓↓↓↓↓another shot of her hairs.


Well-Known Member
this day 11 for my new seedlings. the 3 that are in the Fox Farm Ocean Forest are growing rapidly. sadly, the one that is growing in the soil i mixed is not growing so fast.

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓Today is 1 month of reveg↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓



Well-Known Member
i started using this cabinet a couple days ago, i figured i could use it for cloning or something.


i set a piece of OSB on top of it and put the grow tent on top


Well-Known Member
i am going to start moving these 2 in and out of the grow room from 11pm to 11am. they are being stubborn and do not want to preflower. Daisy is the 1 with 3 tops, she has preflowers everywhere.



Well-Known Member
week 2 for the new seedlings.

not sure i will get very much out of these two.↓↓↓↓ that is if they are female, thinking both male. moving them out at night and back in 12 hours later to flower these two.

bottom branches are starting to grow out nicely. this one is female, can see preflowers in the next 2 pics↓↓↓↓

second set of branches↓↓↓↓☻

3 tops are getting much bigger. hairs very visible↓↓↓↓

took clone last night↓↓↓↓

i took clone from↓↓↓↓

soaked rockwool and clone for 24 hours↓↓↓↓

made some slits to help promote root growth↓↓↓↓

dipped it into rooting powder and put in rockwool.↓↓↓↓

↑↑↑↑clone has one lower limb, it should grow into two main stems☻
more updates soon! stay tuned


Well-Known Member
Its always good to see someone growing...But the underlying rule of production always stays the same..you get what you put in, times a variable which is determined by hundreds of factors. #1 you need more light #2 you need better genetics Im not trying to knock your grow, Im just saying it takes reasonable space and funds with adequate equipment to make your money back. Like i said you get what you put in...and if you dont cross a certain line of efficiency you will make less than what you put in. I mean why put a 600w lamp in an area so small when it do so much more?


Active Member
+rep for the tent xD

I did a similar thing. I built a wooden frame and covered it w black n white plastic. :joint:
I only have 1 pic of the tent shut down. The front door I velcro shut and "roll" up when to open. Cant take more pics atm...ladies are sleeping, watch my threads in sig and u can see it open.



Well-Known Member
the thread is barely even started. i am getting 2x250w cfls when i get my taxes, i am going to make a saparate flower room and use the 600w to flower with. 4 now i am just concentrating on making clones right now, the revegging mother is some great smoke. i dont like really big buds, the one revegging didn't produce well the first time cause i didn't have quality soil, but those little nugs were great, . the one with 3 tops was in that same low quality soil, she wasn't growing well for the first 2&1/2 months, but now that i transplanted her into some FFOF, she is starting to branch out better than b4. i will soon put her in a 5 gallon bucket of FFOF. i am mainly working on getting clones 4 now. i have taken 2 now. i am also trying to start a perpetual grow, harvesting 2 or 3 a week, while scrogging the mothers under 2x250w cfls.☻


Well-Known Member
that looks real good PANGcake, i plan on building another 1 about that size for flowering, i will let u know when i get it done and pics are posted. +rep to u too.


Well-Known Member
here are some updated pictures taken about 30 minutes ago.
lat 2 pics, i cut juan in half, dipped it, and put it in a presoaked rockwool cube, maybe i can get some root growth, lol.

