Tested plants with 3 different vegging lenghts with Results


Active Member
If your wondering how long to veg your babies for then this the the thread you want to read. The reason for that is because i've recently done the test.
Ok so what I did is start with one plant and vegged it as long as i needed until i built my room. which took about 1 month to get everything i needed together. So What I did is start with that one vegged it up till that month and then placed it in my room. took cuttings from that one aka mother and started about 5 clones. I took 1clone out of those 5 and vegged it for a month. (So far I got 2 Plants in veg, 1 at 2 months 1 at 1 month). Then from the seconded 1 month plant I took a cutting and cloned it and after the 2 weeks of cloning it went stright in with the other 2. This gave me...
1 plant at 2 months 2 weeks vegged.
1 plant at 1 month and 2 weeks vegged.
1 plant with 0 vegging at all.

Day Before Flowering (7).jpg
Ok so I hope you are all caught up on that......

-Plant 1. aka 2month 2week vegged came out (pros) to have denser buds, more bud sites, and a wider range of buds all around, (cons) yet not as sticky, with a slight bit of less triches on them, and less purple thourgh out the buds (when useing purple maxx).
-Plant 2. aka 1month 2week vegged came out (pros) to have more sticky-ness, slight bit strong aroma to them, and fuller buds, also less popcorn sites, yet (cons) Less bud sites all around, slight bit of more purple color (when use of purple maxx), and not so dense.
-Plant 3. aka not vegged at all came out (pros) very Stronger AROMA, Alot more triches, and a nice purple color to them, yet (cons) less yeild from, not as dense buds, and the topps was the only wow factor in that.

Now, with all that said I came to the conclusion if you where looking to going with SOG the the less vegged plants such as 1-2 weeks will be the best because you'll get the highest quailty buds from the topps, and the topps are the best part period. Yet if deciding to go with the SCROG I would say going 2 months or more vegged not only to get your sites threw the screen but to really fill out the screen. Therefore, if you plan on growing a med size amount the of bud say 15 plants in a 4x4 room then go with 1 month or so veg and pitch the crap out of it to fill it out.

Ill have the exact amount of yeild of each plant tomorrow. Am willing to post pictures IF I get some good reps from my experiment!

Came out with some great stuff. keep in touch and good luck growing.


Active Member
Exactly just trying to make everyone realize all they have to do is use common sence and then do the test if unsure.

Yeild yet to come. keep rep+


Well-Known Member
They look nice,they must be from seed given how they look and the time given.


Active Member
Nope thats 9 Clones from 12 I took from the last mother I just harvested. I used 3 Mothers and got my clones going right now for my next harvest. Im pulling SOG next.
Im also testing which gives most yeild SOG SCROG or a normal grow with 9 and topped and fimmed without the screen. I did scrog, now im on normal, next will be sog.


Well-Known Member
Coolio it's so hard to tell scale of size sometimes.
They should be purty frickin huge by the time they're done.


Active Member
Yeah. They are already 2ft with 1 week into 12/12. Looking beautiful and healthy.

OK sooo. for those who are wondering I have the results of the yield of K2 Kush at 3 different types of veg. lenghts.
Plant.1 got 14.5 oz
Plant 2 got 4.1 oz
Plant 3 got 1.9 oz
total of 20.5 oz.

Now thats with still a lil longer curing so ill take off that extra half oz. for a grand total of 20 oz.

1000w hort light with co2 induced.