My Grow Journal Pink Kush

This is going to be my grow journal for my closet pink kush grow. I am using a variety of CFL's. I definitely need some come up with some sort of reflectors to try and improve the amount of light that I am capturing. Some information about the plant. It was cloned from one of my friends pink kush plants. He grew it for about a month before he gave it to me. I am assuming that it is so small because he had it in a small party cup during this time. There was obviously some nutrient problems with it when it was younger, but i have had it on just water for three days now and I am going to start a new nutrient routine tomorrow. I am going to feed it through watering the soil and spraying on the leaves. I am thinking about leaving it in Veg for around two more weeks and then switching to flowering. This amount of time is really going to be based on how it is growing though. I am using fox farm nutrients for both vegetation and flowering. Ideally I would like to get about two ounces from this plant, but since it has been a while since I have grown and I have space limitations Im not sure what to expect. I am open to any suggestions so follow if you want


This is my fourth day with the plant going. I have had some retarded slip ups. One of my lights dropped down and was resting on the plant and gave it a little burn but the leaf should still be able to harness some energy. I ordered a reflector for my CFL online because I found a cheap one and I definitely think that it is going to mak a difference. I began a slight nutrient mix last night cause the leaves were looking yellow and today I feel like they look a little bit better. Also I took the light schedule from 24 hrs to 18 hrs because i was reading that darkness helps to promote root growth and I would assume bigger root system=bigger yield. Also as my luck would have it my roommate got four blue cheese seeds when he picked up yesterday so I have two of those germing now. I am going to keep them on the same schedule as the pink kush plant cause I do not feel like messing with two "rooms" so they are only going to have a week or so in veg but at least I will get a little something out of them. For anyone wondering this is not a grow to sell off large amounts of weed. I understand I will not be getting that much. It just personal for me and my friends for the summer because weed is way overpriced on the east coast. More pictures in a couple days
This is the sixth day that I have had the plant. The problems that I had been seeing with yellowing leaves turned out to be mites. unfortunately they had spread nearly all over the plant. underneath the leaves were a ton of egg sacks and webs. I tried to wipe off as many as I could and then I also applied neem oil to hopefully finish the job off. It's got me pretty worried but I cleaned the whole grow area and I am doing what I can.
Below are a couple images of what some damaged leaves looked like in case some other people have a similar issue
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Hopefully the leaves are not damaged to the point where they wont continue to function. I also noticed a lot of side growth since I started adding the nutrients. Hopefully I get some serious growth over these next two weeks so I can begin flowering
This is the second week that I have had the palnt and there are already more problems than I would have wanted. After finding spider mites last week I have applied neem oil and it seems to slow them down. I have not found nearly as many new eggs and I have been removing as many signs of them as possible. There is still some damage to the plant but it does not seem to be slowing down growth. Right now she is a solid 15 inches tall. Most of the growth that I have been seeing is lower down. The plant is now wider than the pot. I have been applying spray water and using a fan to hopefully strengthen up the branches. I have been using my fox farm grow big nutes for over the last week and they seem to be showing great results. I am going to try and do just water once a week to make sure that there is not excess nute build up. The pictures of the plant dont look too impressive yet, but I can definitely see changes in personDSC_0960.jpgDSC_0959.jpgDSC_0958.jpg

I also started one cheese seed yesterday in the same size pot and I am going to be planting another one probably tomorrow morning in another. There are still two more seeds that are germinating after that. i do not know if the seeds are female so I will have to wait and see on that but ill take my chances. The cheese seeds are not going to have much veg time because I am going to put them into flowering when I do the Pink Kush but if there are four of them I would still expect to get a decent amount. I am looking at flowering some time during the last week of February
This is the begining of the third week that I have had the plant in my grow area. As far as I can tel the spider mites have still not come back. Tonight when the lights go off I am going to spray another round of neem oil and put out a new sticky trap. I want to make sure that in a week or two when I begin flowering the mites are definitely not going to be coming back. So for all of those people who say neem oil doesnt kill them you were wrong. The plant is probably ready to go to flowering now but I plant a couple other seedlings and I want to give them a little time to veg before switching over. I have seen some pretty good growth in the plant recently. I would guess that now she is probably around seventeen ish inches tall. I really should get something to measure with. The side growth is still pushing out and seems to be liking the side light. I also thinned the plant out a little bit this week by cutting off a handful of the inner leaves that were not getting any light. I will probably do another thinning a couple days before flower. My plan is to add another 2700K 125w bulb and reflector hood sometime this week. I dont know if it will do much for growth now but it should come in handy during flowering. Im still aiming for my goal of getting two ounces off this girl, but Ill just have to see how much bigger she gets during flowering because right now I dont see how she could hold 2 ouncesDSC_0969.jpgDSC_0967.jpgDSC_0968.jpgDSC_0966.jpg