First Time Grow - Tutti Fruity - Greenhouse


Well-Known Member
first time grower here, currently doing a trial grow in my greenhouse using bio bizz and growing some tutti fruity from seed.
i germinated the seed roughly 4 or 5 weeks ago and planted into a pot and put it in the greenhouse almost immediately, my camera broke so i dont have any pictures from the first 2 weeks though.
thats it after roughly 2 to 3 weeks out in the greenhouse ive got pictures here taken every 2 to 3 days and its growing well
some close ups of the plant branches


and again some more close ups over the next few days with more leaves forming at the start of each branch. looking good so far considering its august.


another few days have passed and the original leaves are getting really big with lots of small ones forming still, little round bits at bottom have fell off i think in the last day or two.


stem is starting to thicken up at the bottom and the branches are getting bigger still only 3 to 4 weeks old.

starting to get a bit bushy, hopefully it doesn't grow much taller don't want it to be visible to nosey neighbours

still no signs of the plant slowing down with its growth, the days are starting to get shorter i just hope we don't get a cold snap early this year.
plant 2 days ago

plant 1 hour ago. greenhouse is starting to smell skunky, no signs of sex yet on plant but its growing well and is only 4 or 5 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
the first week it grew really tall trying to get the light but had no problems with it falling over or anything, plant may be a little tall and skinny but it seems to be sorting itself out so far. any tips and advice would be appreciated lads


Well-Known Member
yeah it doesn't need moved pot yet roots are just starting to show at the side of the soil when i look down the inside of the pot, thinking give it another week before i move it. ill post up some more pictures over the next few days.

plant is standing at just over 13" looks bigger


Well-Known Member
ok so i decided to ove the plant into a bigger pot thi morning heres some pics of how shes doing so far
roots beginning to wrap themselves around the soil from the smaller pot so maybe it was a good idea to switch it up now


repotted and some water added to base holder and a little added to around the stem-root


a few close ups of the bottom branches starting to offshoot in multiple directions

close up of the bottom again with leaves starting to get bigger around each node

Photo-0070.jpg another close up although picture quality isn't the greatest

plant from the top, thing looks like its gonna keep growing yet

and finnally a view from the sides.

how do you guys reckon its coming along?


Well-Known Member
updating with better quality pictures in new pot

anything you guys thing i should be doing now??? do i need to trim any leaves or anything?


Well-Known Member
i thought plants were meant to sometimes slow down when transported to a bigger pot?? i went to check on my baby this morning and the shit has grew a good inch or two overnight again. some updated pics



Well-Known Member
took a small cutting 2 days ago and planted it directly into soil and it has started rooting already, didn't use any cloning solution or anything :)


Well-Known Member
cutting hasn't took off so chucked it out. plant is getting bushier as the days go on and currently stands at 21" tall. spotted a greenfly on it earlier so gave the bottom of the leaves a spray of water with a drop washin liquid in then 20 minutes later gave them, another spray with just water and a shake to get it all off so i dont burn them.
heres some pics i took this morning

and got these in this morning to start in my indoor cfl growdrobe next week :) Photo-0143.jpgPhoto-0142.jpg

5x Feminized AK48, 2x Feminized Burmese Kush and 2x Regular Big Bud#1


Well-Known Member
had to repot this morning as roots were coming out bottom of the pot and wrapping round outside of soil.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
putting to final resting pot would be good idea.DEFINATLY begin preperation for bugs.powdery mold to.your leaving them outside/in greenhouse right? i would think they will be trying to flower soon anyhow.but im not saying to or not to!lol but definatly get transplanting done before they flower.just my opinion tho! all lookn good!


Well-Known Member
yeah the pot its in is the one im gonna be leaving it, having some problems with the lower leaves on the first node or two with leaves starting to slowly turn yellow and die. heres some more pictures from this morningPhoto-0161.jpgPhoto-0163.jpgPhoto-0160.jpgPhoto-0162.jpg

my bio grow and bio bloom should get delivered tommorow so if the problem is a nutrient deficincy then i can sort it out tommorow. have a look and let me know what ya thnk please