THC Bomb and Sensi Kush


Well-Known Member
So here we go guys. After all your help and after researching all the information on this forum I could handle, I finally started the process.

I started germinating 4 THC Bomb and 2 Sensi Kush seeds yesterday in small glass jars with a couple paper towels in each (keeping the seeds separate so I know which plants are which)


Here's my supply list so y'all know what's going on:

Paper cups
26W CFL bulb (@ 1,750 lumens) inside shoebox w/ aluminum foil - makeshift lightbox for the seedlings
400W metal halide conversion bulb (@ 33,000 initial lumens) under a HTG supply aluminum reflector with ballast and timer
400W high pressure sodium bulb (@ 55,000 initial lumens)
6 x ~1.8gal plastic 8" planters and 10" saucers
1.5cu ft Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil
Flora Nova Grow and Flora Nova Bloom fertilizers
Bag of perlite
Bag of vermiculite
2gal plastic watering can
Misting bottle

Any help, advice, recommendations, or constructive criticism is more than welcome. I look forward to sharing this grow with you guys as it progresses.

First question: When I put my seeds under the lightbox (shown below), what kind of light cycle should I put them on until they've grown enough to go under the MH for 18/6? Should it be 18/6 as well? Or would 24/0 work better?



Well-Known Member
So those seeds germinated dammmmnnnn fast. Had tails after just about 20 hours, I planted them a few minutes ago at about 32+ hours.

So I mixed up some A&P generic soil with some perlite (about 1/4 perlite, 3/4 soil) and put it in a bowl and misted and mixed constantly until I got a real nice level of moisture (pouring water over the soil once it was in the cup just flooded the cup and made the perlite rise to the top, so I thought this would be a better idea). Poked 3/4 inch holes in the soil and dropped them seeds in.


Put them under the CFL bulb and we'll see what we get over the coming week.



Well-Known Member
Not sure how this is all happening so fast, I read grow journals that keep telling me that weeks are supposed to go buy before any of this stuff happens, but we're only on Day 3 and we already have a sprout!


Isn't it adorable!?! :mrgreen:


So if anyone is actually reading this, is it normal for this to be happening so fast? This is only the second day after putting the seeds in dirt. From what I've read it seems like this is supposed to take at least a week. Even germinating only took a day.

In any case, I'm happy about the progress so far!

Still waiting on those CFL bulbs... I ordered them with Amazon Prime shipping so I should have them in the next couple days. Hopefully the 2700K won't cause stretching this early...


Well-Known Member
Side note on watering - I haven't actually poured any water into the cups. When I first mixed the soil, I misted it with water as I mixed it so that it would be nice and damp, but not flooded. Since planting, I've only been misting the soil regularly, about 2-3 times a day. I feel like this is a good thing to do since the cups don't drain, and it ensures a constant supply of water without drowning the seed and prevents the (somewhat hot) CFL bulb from drying the soil. It seems like it's working!


Well-Known Member
So here's an update. Due to the sprouting of one of the Sensi Kush, I decided to take all precautions and went straight to putting them under the 400W MH conversion bulb instead of risking stretching or undergrowth under the 2700K CFL.


There seems to be a small bit of growth on the sprout. I poked around in the soil of a THC Bomb seed just to see what was going on and I noticed a lot more growth of the seed's tail, as well as a small sprout. I covered it back up and hope to see it again soon :3

I put them under the MH for just over an hour to see how they'd do and how hot it would get. It did get pretty hot, and this evening I'm going to do some construction and rig up some tin foil to keep the light in. There's no outlets in the closet and I don't have an extension cord so a fan is going to have to wait, but I should be able to rig something up in a few days when I get the supplies.

I'm going to leave the light off for the next six hours and turn it on again at 10:00pm. I have to do this manually because the timer HTG Supply sent me has no pins to set the times... so I guess I need a new one. So until then I'll have to do it manually.


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning to a disaster. The soil was very dry and my sprout had fallen over and was also dry. I quickly turned off the light and spritzed the soil heavily until it was better. The sprout quickly sprang up again and all seems well. I will not be using the MH bulb until all plants have at least several inches of growth. For now I will use my dual 26W 1600 lumens CFLs that I received today in the mail. I took apart my light box and recreated it with two bulbs:


The soil is now fine and I am confident that my babies will pull through, it wasn't that bad of a dry out. The sprout actually seems to have grown a bit over the day:


And we also have a new sprout coming up. It was very pale and yellow when I noticed it's head popped up over the soil this morning, and I think it was very dry, but over the day it became increasingly more colored, from white/yellow to solid yellow, and then starting picking up a green tinge, so I hope to see it looking like the first sprout by tomorrow!




Well-Known Member
Glad to see someone's actually interested! I haven't been updating at all because I didn't think it mattered lol.

They're still vegging! Here's my latest pic:



Well-Known Member
FYI, all the seedlings I had previously died due to my stupidity. This is take two. Everything in FFOF soil, started out under 4 6500k CFLs, now under a 400W MH bulb. 250CFM outtake fan pulling through the air cooled hood and through the carbon filter


Well-Known Member
The plants furthest to the back are both THC bomb, the two middle ones are both Sensi Kush (one a sativa pheno and one indica). One of the plants in the front is THC Bomb and one is Sensi Kush


Well-Known Member
looking chunky happy plants............ive got some regular thc bomb seeds in my drawer..........crossed a thc bomb with bubblegum and called it get fem or reg thc bombs? cause theres a bit of a difference.


Well-Known Member
Oh I thought you meant the gender of the plants, but you're asking about the seeds. No, I got regular, not fem. I'll be buying some strain of fem seeds next time around. What kind of differences show between fem THC Bomb and regular?


Well-Known Member
reg is more sativa, slightly airy buds, very big buds, side branching............fem thc was shorter, quicker flowering, mostly 1 main cola and a more solid bud...........both a good smoke though...


Well-Known Member
i did 10 tems and 10 regs so seems like its regular pattern.............
Well you're definitely right about the reg being more sativa. Mine are all showing very sativa features (though they're staying pretty short, relatively speaking, compared to other sativa strains).

Here's the latest picture as of 5 minutes ago:


I'm worried the one far left might be male because it's growing tall so quickly :/

cary schellie

Active Member
the sensi was a freebie i think if u got em where i think. well good luck i just hope it does better then there last freebies, i wasted alot of time and money on crap, although I did real well with there early misty.:leaf: