Summertime Florida Gorilla Grow


Well-Known Member
well i started off with bagseed of some really good stuff. stuff i havent seen in years. held onto the seeds for months. then i started to grow them for 3 weeks. then i started 3 more. the first pic is older plants then pic two. i started off with two 5 gal buckets and added half native dirt and half sterile potting soil from walmart. started the seedlings off and gave them nutes at one month old. the nutes im using is a special custum blend of nutes used by golf courses. its roughly 3-3-2. at the end of this week i am adding superthrive to the mix



Well-Known Member
the two larger ones are at 2 ft tall right now. i topped them yesterday. tomorrow i will add more pics
I just started working the land for my gorilla grow. Its in a area that floods during the rainy season with very rich black soil. I raised a patch of land a little bit and made a L shape trench around it, Im hoping this will keep from drowning my plants but still get a steady amount of water.


Well-Known Member
I just started working the land for my gorilla grow. Its in a area that floods during the rainy season with very rich black soil. I raised a patch of land a little bit and made a L shape trench around it, Im hoping this will keep from drowning my plants but still get a steady amount of water.
i lost 5 last year from flood around the middle of august. what im doing this year is leaving the plants in the bucket and just burying the bucket so that way if water or security is an issue i can just yank the bucket up and move quick.
I was thinking about doing that but ill be moving a few miles away in a few months. I won't be able to check on them every day like i can now, Im worried if i can only go onces a week or so they may dry out.For now tho im leaving them in pots intell i know how high the water will get and let the seedlings grow more hardy.. I mostly grow indoors with my home made hydro systems, But im on probation right now and don't want to risk having my po show up and finding my shit


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about doing that but ill be moving a few miles away in a few months. I won't be able to check on them every day like i can now, Im worried if i can only go onces a week or so they may dry out.For now tho im leaving them in pots intell i know how high the water will get and let the seedlings grow more hardy.. I mostly grow indoors with my home made hydro systems, But im on probation right now and don't want to risk having my po show up and finding my shit
probation is shitty....i did it once. well one of the big plants was a male i ripped it up guessing the other big one will show in the next few days. since i planted them at the same time im thinking the second one my be female going by the saying that males grow quicker. so hopefully i got one big female. and if i can get 2 out of the other bucket ill be happy
thats what ive herd. I always get more males then females . My friend since he started growing has never had one male, but he has only had four of five plants.


Well-Known Member
nice! i see soem good bud comeing your way.
yeah i hope so. im hoping to top the three smaller ones today so its getting kind of exciting. hopefully the big one is showing today too. yesterday morning i thought i see some hairs comming out but i wont know till today


Well-Known Member
well this afternoon i am going to top the three smaller ones and give another dose of nutes. its been almost two weeks since i gave nutes but heres some pics


Well-Known Member
your going to translplant those three into seperate pots right?
i will wait for them to show sex and each female i get will get her own bucket.......
i was also thinking about giving superthrive today also. anyone had success with this?


Active Member
I'm curious--how do bud plants respond to the (I'm guessing) hot and humid outdoor weather in Florida? Have you gotten good results in the past?
Looking nice man..

People always say fl is shit for growing cuz of heat and how humid it is but really ive seen tons of amazing out door grow done. most of the time the plants will get huge since are growing season is longer and the humidity levels drop around the time of harvest tho it can still be pretty high. Im sure his grow will be very nice


Well-Known Member
well believe it or not florida is a good place to grow. alot of similarities to california. we only have 20 days tops where it gets over 100 degrees. to be honest i think florida compared to a northern state like michigan is a lot better because of the light. ive never heard of too much light but i have heard of it being too hot. this is my third grow outside and ive always had successful results except last year i got flooded. the only difference between this grow and my others is i started this one around april 1st with the larger one and about 2 weeks later with the smaller ones. before i was always starting in june or july so late in the season. im hoping i get 2 females out of the four plants. im pretty sure the big one is female but if i can get one or two of the small ones to be female i should be looking at about 10 oz at least and im hoping that will get me through winter. so depending on how this grow goes determines what i do next year. i used superthrive today when i topped the three smaller ones and i gave a splash to the bigger one so we will see how that works. once it starts budding im going to start giving the plants syrup (i dont have mollasses) and water with that. what i do is take two tablespoons of syrup and mix it in a 2 liter bottle of water and i water with that about every 15 days during flowering and ive had excellent results with density and yeild. this year i am also getting some orange extract and watering the plants with it 2 hours before harvest. this will be an experiment to hopefully absorb taste