First grow. CFL/T5 Kali Mist (pics)


Well-Known Member
Well hello fellow stoners.
I gave the whole grow journal a shot earlier when we first started growing but I had too many questions and not enough grow time. So I'm starting the journal over ina new thread and I'll try and bring you guys up to speed as fast as I can.

I'll have the old pictures tomorrow after school when I get them off my friend's camera. So for now all you have is todays pic in the reply below.

We started with 2 Kali Mist seeds. Germinated them in wet paper towels on the window seal. They were started on Thanksgiving night and sprouted some roots the following evening.
We are using those BuzzPlugz or whatever they are called and we started with 2 Daylight CFL's we purchesed at the hydro store. (A quick note about these lights, they were more expensive than the ones you find at home depot and wal-mart and stuff but their Lumens per watt are crazy compared to other CFL's.) I'll get the specs on those lights tomorrow as well.
We planted the seedlings in to 2 pots with miriclegrow(sp?) soil from homedepot. Each plant got 1 CFL and we watered them about every 1-2 days depending on how they needed it. We also kept the CFL's pretty close to the plants and we had hardly any stretching at all.
In fact, at first we were worried that our plants were too short. Especially since they are Kali Mist which is known to be a very tall plant.
So on New Years eve we finally broke down and bought a 4 bulb 4' T5 set up.
We also took about 4 clones from each plant. One of the donors turned out to be male so he was given to another friend as a house plant :D still a pretty plant even with the balls...
As for mama, now she sits in the Attic because she stunk up the upstairs and her clones finally are showing roots on about day 6 after the cloning.
We just put the clones in a little Bubbleponic system that we fabricated and we also threw in a new germinated seed from some reg just for fun and well... we have the space.
So tonight the roots were finally starting to stretch outside the mesh baskets and in to their drink :D We are using Dynagrow nutes in our bubble ponic system as well as in the water supply for the soil mom.
We've also been flowering the mother plant for about 4 days now. Pistils are starting to shoot out all over and the growth has really started to speed up.
It seems like she grows up 1.5inches then out then the next day up, then out, etc. etc.

I have some pics from tonight and I'll back track and get those older pics for you guys. I'll get a ruler too so I can get the actual height but right now I am guessing she is around 14inches now at 4 days into flower. Growing about 3 inches every 2 days. Do you think I need to top her soon? We have about 5 feet verticle space but that doesn't include the pot and the lights above, so if she gets around 4 feet I don't know that we can get and bigger without tying her up.

Also we didn't start the dynagrow nutes until about a week ago so all of the older pics will be just plain soil and water.


Well-Known Member
Feel free to leave comments and advice about our grow. And since taking those pics I reduced the size of the light affected area to a few inches out from the T-5's. So the CFL's are almost touching the white canvas material and all those lumens are lighting a 3'x4'x3' space.


Well-Known Member
Moto or DWR.

What are the cfl light holders called which can hold 2-3 cfl's cnt find em anywhere, from the uk


Well-Known Member
Moto or DWR.

What are the cfl light holders called which can hold 2-3 cfl's cnt find em anywhere, from the uk
well in the states you can buy socket splitters everywhere. Hardware stores, walmart, etc. etc. I'm sure a hardware store in the uk should carry them as well. I just used a 1 outlet 2 3 outlet splitter thing i bought at walmart(like $1.50) and then these outlet to light socket converter things from homedepot (about $2 each).


Well-Known Member
Looks like good internode spacing for a sativa, very good job so far. Those laves are quite fat as well, must have strong indica influence on it?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, we kept the cfl's really close to the plants and our T-5's are only about 1.5inches off the canopy as well.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so an update to where we are at now.
I need to get some AA's for my bro's camera, i'll do that when I get off work.
My girl has been flowering for 16days now. I've been having to move the lights about 1.5inches nightly. She also looked kind of lonely up there so we gave her some company.
Today we moved up her bubbleponic offspring. So now we have 3 clones up there with her under the T-5's.
We left the 4th clone in 24/0 so that we can eventually take more clones later.

I've been seeing preflowers since day 1 of flower and they have rapidly increased but I'm not seeing any more change other than she's getting huge and more pitils. What is the next thing to look for? Bud sites? Should I start switching the nutes to bloom nutes?


Well-Known Member
Update today:
Just got back from the hydro store, bought the following for our bubbleponic setup:
(already using) Dyna-Gro Grow
Dyna-Gro Bloom 3-12-6
Dyna-Gro Pro-TeKt 0-0-3
Plant Food with an Attitude - Super "B+" 0-2-1

So the new nutrient mix I'm going to try for the system is:
(Per Gallon)
2tsp Grow
1tsp Bloom
15ml Super B+

And using the Pro-TeKt 1/2tsp/gallon as a foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
does bloom formula help if your not flowering it? i didnt think they did much? until flowerinf anyway, Looks good tho, id say flower it when its not much bigger, but i duno how much space u got, but most sativa's ive seen stretch lots during flowering even tho that is a node beast!


Well-Known Member
We started flowering on january 5th, pistils everywhere. I mixed the nutes as:
1tsp/gal bloom
2tsp/gal grow

instead of 3 of grow, then I'm going to go 2-1 next week and probably stay there till flush.


Well-Known Member
Finally some updated pics for you guys: (1-24-08)


Clones in my homemade bubbleponic setup

Upskirt shot on the clones... for all you pervs :P

Mmmm no explanation needed... day 19 since 12/12



So how long do you guys think before I start seeing pronounced flowers?


Well-Known Member
Looks great but i think it's to late to "Top" if you already induced flowering 12/12. Same as clones you need to do all that good stuff when there in the Veg state. As for flowering she'll take off before you know it. Just be careful using all them nutes. You don't wanna burn her. Keep us posted and thanks for the CFL help.


harvest time

Well-Known Member
I think you should be ok on the nutes. Your plants look very healthy, especially the mother. I am really loving your CFL setup. It seems like it is working AMAZINGLY for you. Just from curiosity... How did you go about making your bubbleponic system? And did you get the air pump from walmart?


Well-Known Member
I think you should be ok on the nutes. Your plants look very healthy, especially the mother. I am really loving your CFL setup. It seems like it is working AMAZINGLY for you. Just from curiosity... How did you go about making your bubbleponic system? And did you get the air pump from walmart?
Yeah the air pump is the quiet one from walmart. I also bought the tubs from walmart. Just cut 6 holes in the lid to fit some net pots that I bought at hydro store. Fill em with hydroton and your rockwool rooted plant and you are good to go. I started them out by having the water level right at the bottom of the plugz that we used so that the plants could get water until the roots grew long enough. Now the water is lower so that the upper 1/3rd of the roots are dry.


Well-Known Member
Since the mother is so bushy, should I tie the fan leaves out of the way so that the budsites get more light, or just leave it how it is? What would you do to increase yield at this point?