The journal of ak-47:outdoor sog from clones


OUTDOOR AK-47 MOTHER AND CLONES JOURNAL. this will be a heavy hitter to bring the lone female ak-47 to a mother with baby clones. Hope to yeild in the ball park of a Pd 1/2.
For soils I will be using:
30%Fox Farm organic
5%Bat Guano
For nutes I will use
Grandmas Molasses
Alaskan Fish Emulsion (for Veg)
Compost Tea
Bat Guano
Horse Manure
and Flora Nova Bloom by Gen Hydro


This is a pic of the original mother, she is Ak-47xBig Bud. There unfortunately is no harvest pic due to camera fuckin up on me at the time .The next pics after these will be the the plant from re-cross gen with the AK-47 again and her clones. Hope to have fun this grow season!



Here is the Ak-47 cross back. The parents were AK-47xBig Bud mother and a Nirvana AK-47 father. Out of 7 seeds grown this was the only female that made it. The mother is in 2 1/2 weeks of flowering at 22" and just started 2 days ago on flowering the clones. You may notice that I clip the fan Leaves back to let light in. I only clip 2 leaves every two weeks intil the plant fills in with the trichrome covered fan leaves



Transplanted the mother into a 5 gallon pot, due to the plant getting root bound in a 2 1/2 gallon pot. It felt like performing heart surgery. Never transplant a flowering plant, unless you know exactly what you are doing. I have killed many plants in the past from doing just this. I will post pics of the mother later as well as the clones that have reached near 8 inches in height now and they just keep growing. I hope that the Big Bud genes will kick in to make heavy compact buds. At two weeks in flowering the mother has about a q of an ounce, so fingers crossed!