Nirvana: Blackjack


Nirvana Blackjack. Day 2 under 24/0 600w hps. Veg 2 weeks under 150w CF in 9 oz. solo cup. Slight nutrient burn due to leaving fertilized water out overnight.



Well-Known Member
Big ole fat leaves...."said in a forrest gump voice"

Looks kinda like your Dinafem Hash Plant :hump:


Blackjack is a cross between Jock Horror and Black Domina. Both are (to my recollection) like 90% indica. I have a feeling these leaves are gonna get HUGE. Thanks for stopping in :)

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
im checking my mail box every day my black jack should be here any day now confirmed on the 28th whoo hoo


im checking my mail box every day my black jack should be here any day now confirmed on the 28th whoo hoo
congrats brother. glad itll be in soon for you. nice having you for the grow show. hopefully this will give you an idea of what to expect :D but dont follow my lead on leaving nutrients out in water overnight. all plants have been burned, with white rhino doing the worst. oh well, theyll come back in a week or so.