first grow hydro


Well-Known Member
well here is my first grow 1 week in for 12 of these babys and a week and a half for one of them



Well-Known Member
that is the pics of my setup and the one that is not done is the flowering room with 2 400w hps
here is an update on my kids I put one in soil and outside , now its hydro v the sun I wonder who will win . does anyone have some input on one of these babys and why their leaves look the mickydees arch and shrivled . its eatind from the same rez thans riu. it is the first pic . there are two in the pic its the one on the left



New Member
They look good to me but you will want to get some covers over those pots. Just google sunleaf covers or you can make covers by taking a paper plate, cut it in a circle slightly bigger than the net pot, cut a 1" hole in the middle and then a slit from the outside edge to the hole. Slip it on the hydrotron and around the plant. It you don't over time you will get algea on the hydrotron and maybe onthe plant. The idea of the cover it to deny one of the key things that algea needs to grow . . . light! Otherwise you have a nice set up. Your controllers is excellent! Now "all" you have to do it learn, learn, learn! On the one with the leaf problem. Doesn't look serious at all. Maybe a little nute burn but nothing major. Some plants just are picky about their nutes and some aren't. Kind of like kids from the same parents. Either it will adjust or you will adjust. Not much in between that.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply and the info . I do have the sunleaf covers but was planing to put them on when I switch to flood and drain in thatsame system when the roots get astableshed a little more but I will try to cover them up today , hopfully it does'nt distort the flow of water . if it does'nt I'll keep them on
btw you can see one of the covers in the 5th pic in the corner


Well-Known Member
Btw love the triple meter looking into getting one of those two
Seen some on ebay for a ok price
I got mine on ebay for 92 dollers with shipping from a seller from austraila but I think he is a sub seller couse the postmark is from hong kong
thanks for the kind words keep stoping by will update every 2 days with pics


Well-Known Member
well here is an update of my bitches theyre lookin ok dispite the little tears on the leaves from trying to put the pot covers on . who gives a a fuck you live you learn good thing they were dank seeds and not the ones I payed a bill for well the system is now ebb and flow no longer drip



New Member
I really like your set up! Is it a name brand? If I ever expand I got room for that set up. Was always leary of drip (have hard tap water for now) but E&F makes sense to me. Just work with a timer, huh? How long on and off?


Well-Known Member
I flood 4 times a day during the 18 hour light cycle for a half hour and it doesnt have to be tha long 15 min is fine . no its not a name brand I bought the vinle fence post from home depot and cut out 3" holes on the top and two 1"holes on the bottom for for the flood and drain line , but when I had the drippers in I put both of the f/d lines as one drain line and connected the dripper ports to the pump . I took me 3 min to switch over . I had to do it that way couse there was no way they were going to be fed with out the roots hanging out the pots . I seen that setup on ebay for 200 bucks and I am not going to pay that much for some thing I can make . I cost me 45 dollers for parts and a little of my time and boom saved me 150 dollers . I wound up spending it on another 400w hps a little budgting goes a long way, peace.


New Member
I'll have to go to HD and figure out if I have the talent to do what you did. How did you seal both ends to hold the water? Do they have a fitted caps? Did you use your cutouts as the covers?


Well-Known Member
no they have caps for the fence posts and you glue them in with aquriiam coulk or however the fuck you spell that. it's not that hard I dont have talent and I did it . I am a car machanic not a plumber or an electrican, or a carpenter , it just takes a little sober time . couse when your baked you over analize and you fuck shit up that way. happy growing


New Member
Mechanic, Carpenter, etc. You're all good with your hands and figuring out shit. My brother teaches auto mechanics at the local Jr. College after a long career as an auto tech. Maybe I have that gene in my make-up somewhere if that rat bastard didn't take it all! LOL! Maybe if I can handle hydro in a 10 gal res then e&f will be no big deal. I love to experiment. Got lots of bag seeds to practice with. Thanks for the encouragement! I'll stick around and follow your work and learn.


Well-Known Member
I share what I was given anything I know I will share I am a new grower myself just did alot of recearch befor I started and I bought some seeds , 35 in all , fucked up 9 and I switched to the bag seeds and thats what I am growing now they came from some good dank bug and I wont let them get polenated s, so they will be more potent


New Member
With the channel system have you thought about how to remove the roots if you get a male. Can you reach from one pot to another?


Well-Known Member
With the channel system have you thought about how to remove the roots if you get a male. Can you reach from one pot to another?
ya my hand fits easly inside . + I am going to clone real early in life for sex to get rid of all the males well not get rid of I am going to throw it outside with another female to polinate that so I can have some more seeds for emergencys , and youre right the roots could probably clog drainage thats why I am cloning for sex early

