Poison Afghan Outdoor Journal


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

this grow started approx one month ago. I will be posting a new picture every month and giving a brief statement on the progress of the plant. I have germinating pics but ill post em later. I will be following the largest A/P plant i have, as to show you an optimal performance, however there is a chance that the plant might get swtiched upon sexing. So I'll get you all up to speed on the grow thus far.

ps: all feedback/comments are welcomed and appreciated!


Well-Known Member
The Poison Afghan Germinated @ 100%!! they were started out in 'seedling' pots before they were to be moved into big 20G pots. The seeds were tough and seemed to avoid a fungus that killed another strain like nothin.




Well-Known Member
The plant withstood some harsh winds from a couple storms we had overhere. The 'subject' is still in a 'potting' plant, as the ground may be too cold for a repot. overall she made some nice progress, some more nodes and still looking healthy. hasnt been too hot here so I wasnt expecting too much growth for this update. She's only about ....i think 6" if she was standing straight.



Well-Known Member
This is her at week three and she's doing well. I only took a top photo for this week but it gives you an idea of how healthy she is. There is some nodal growth beginning so i think we'll see her nice and bushy in the coming weeks...<- hey, just like my first sexual encounter :joint:

I've noticed that the P/A tend to be a little less tastey to all the little shitbugs that keep eating my other plants.




Well-Known Member
Well today I noticed that there has been some major growth since last week. the nodes are kicking up nicely, oddly enough for a mainly sativa, her branches are quite tightly together. I'm not sure how big she's going to get, but I'd say i got a shot at about 6+ft. Here you go folks, i even got a little scale for you to check out.



Well-Known Member
I've caught these little fuckers marauding in my grow. They hang out in the soil, but i think they're responsible for some of the little things that've been bothering my plants lately. I'm gonna have to get some stellar specialty product to kill em off, i was looking for mosquito dunks to kill any larvae, but i cant fucking find it anywhere. I need that shit, "gnatrol" to really get rid of them. I dont think my "pyrethrum" based spray will be enough, especially bc they're all in the soil. For some reason though, the Poison Afghan appears to be a little more resistant than the Monster Bud, but that could easily just be a fluke. Anyways here's some pics

Fading Green Leaves

Other shit

Those little bastards,



Well-Known Member
I was supposed to post this a couple of days ago but i didnt get around to it, it's kind of a bitch posting with all the pics and stuff lol. Anyhow here's the update for week 5 you can see some good growth going on this week. I dont know if their sex but i imagine ill be finding that one out not too far from now.

anyways here's some pics




Active Member
Those look like Fungus Gnat Larve. They only come to the surface when the soil is flooded? At home depot you can get a great Insectide that is safe to use at all stages of growth and flower. Its called Garden Safe Rose and Flower Insect spray. It took care of a serious infestation that could had serious consequences for my plants. This stuff kills every insect pest that eats marijuana including their larve. To get the larve I usually spray the soil really well, then flood it, and spray it again. This way when the larve comes up to escape drowing, they'll come into contact with the poison. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
The 7th/8th/(9th?) week of growing has been the time the plants decided to show their sex. The unfortunate thing is that i lost my 4 biggest plants :( . So Im still waiting for some of the plants to show their sex but for now the poison afghan that you/I will be following are somewhat smaller than the one i introduced to you all. For now, They appear to be about 4 feet tall, or somewhere in that area. Ill get some exact measurements for you all later, The Poison afghan does not seem to be as bushy as some strains that i've encountered, but I'm confident that it'll be a strong producer. Anyhow, here's some pictures.

One thing i've noticed about this strain is that it has HUGE fan leaves, even compared to other plants that are like 10 feet tall. By a long shot the largest fan leaves i've ever seen on a plant.





Active Member
I had spidermites on mine too. Put some cold water in a spray bottle,and spray the bugs off. if that doesnt work like it didnt for me,use a mild dose of insecticidal soap.


Active Member
you know what dont hurt your plants with bug killer, purchase some ladybugs and cut them lose in the afternoon. LS eat all those horrible little pests and dont damage youp plants.