First Grow (6x Grand Daddy Purple) 4'x4' tent


Well-Known Member
Hi all~
This is my first grow ever, been a long time smoker and finally decided that its time to grow my own!

Contents of the tent (Secret Jardin)
-6 grand daddy purple clones from a local shop.
-Super sun II reflector
-Carbon filter
-4" Inline fan
-6 five gallon buckets
-Fox Farms Ocean Forest
- 600watt Sun System Galaxy ballast
- 600watt Hortilux HPS bulb
- Timer (currently set to 18 hours on, 6 hours off)
- Thermometer / humidity meter

Still waiting on:
- 2x oscillating clip on fans
- Radiptest moisture meter

Attached are the pictures:
-one of interior of the tent (looks dark but actually lights the entire room up! Looks like one of those treasure chests u see in movies that emit a blinding glow when opened..)
-one of the six baby plants
-a closeup of one plant
-one of the tent in the room so you guys can see approx what size it is.

Couple questions though, hopefully someone will know the answers! ^^
-The clones I received were in rockwool, are there any special steps or precautions I need to take when transplanting them into dirt?
-Also, I am thinking of using a humidifier to boost the humidity inside, as it hovers around ~30% right now. Is there anything I should look out for in doing this?

Thanks for viewing! :D



Well-Known Member
-Raised reflector hood up about 5" (highest it can go without suspending carbon filter), hopefully will solve the issue of older leaves yellowing and dying.
-Changing the light schedule: darkness is now from 8AM to 4PM to hopefully combat heat issues (90F max in tent on some hot days), and help warm the room at night!
-Added humidifier to keep humidity above 40%. Hopefully fluctuations (40% - 60%) will not be a problem
-Added one 6" fan to top of tent, doesn't seem to reach the plants though. Perhaps will be more effective when plants grow taller


Well-Known Member
1. Before and after of one plant (started as the healthiest looking clone, now the weakest looking.

2. Close up of the currently healthiest looking biggest plant.

3. Before and after of all six plants.

4. 16 day graph of max/min temperatures and humidity. Temperatures rather high (perhaps the reason for the stunted growth?) , and my ultimate goal is to figure out with my AC how to get the temperature to 1) stay under 80F and 2) keep fluctuations within a 10 degree range.




Well-Known Member
#4 is doing exceptionally well, almost 3 times the height of #1 (even though #1 was the most healthy looking initially?)

-Switched the position of the two rows to see if perhaps the lighting of the first row caused the plants to do better (plants that were directly under light did not do too well - plants off to the side more are the strongest right now)

-Got rapitest moisture meter today, tested every pot and all were around 4/10 on the meter (right after i watered too!) I gave each pot 10oz again immediately after I checked the moisture, now they all read about 7/10. Maybe water has been a problem this whole time?

-Humidifier water wasn't mounted properly - when I checked humidity was 29% aaaaaah~


Well-Known Member
-great! friend came over and told me my plants were extremely underwatered (go figure. i should have known!). went CRAZY on the water today and now moisture meter readings are 8 to 9 out of 10, everywhere in the soil (not just close to the spot i watered now). hopefully will observe a dramatic improvement in growth rate now! :D
-temperatures have been extremely high today, at first i thought it was because both computers didn't suspend, but even after shutting one pc down temps still persist pretty high making me resort to the AC. also might be because I moved the hood down to about 2 feet away from the plants which is closer to the thermometer... relocated thermometer out of direct light so we'll see how temps are reading now.


Well-Known Member
-omfg SPIDER WEBS in #1. very limited and barely noticeable right now, only about less than 10 across the soil and along the edges of the dirt, couldn't find any on the plant, nor could i find the actual insects. going to get something to correct this situation first thing after work tomorrow. hopefully it is indeed spider mites. (or rather, hopefully I have made the correct diagnosis)


Well-Known Member
Damn im surprised no one has looked at this, Lookin really good man, that grow cam is crazy haha, good luck :leaf:


Well-Known Member
"Spider mites take about 2 weeks per generation at 70 F. (from egg to adult). At low temperatures below about 50'F. they become dormant, and at higher temperatures above 86 F., their life cycle is sped up to about double. They prefer lower humidity levels, so raising the humidity helps control them."
"In summer their life cycle is about seven to ten days, that is, hatchlings are laying eggs after a week or two."

-based on this, I am adjusting the AC thermostat from my normal power conservation temperatures to try to keep temperatures under 86F, and also turned the humidifier way up to keep humidity levels as high as possible (was set lower before so that I would only have to refill the reservoir once a day).

-Still have been unable to find the damned spiders themselves anywhere, nor have i been able to find the telltale yellow specks on the leaves. HOPEFLLY maybe just a random spider got in and made a web or something but who knows. Alternatively perhaps the conditions in the tent have not been ideal up until recently for them to begin rapidly multiplying (last 2 days have been quite hot - temps were much higher than they were before, plus i moved the lamp down a foot) Getting neem oil and safer insect killing soap tomorrow anyways as a precaution. Based on above citations, assuming my temp environment most closely mimics summer life cycle, these spiders can't be past their third generation as this is the 24th day of my grow.

-gave up on the webcam. temperatures in my room have been too out of hand lately so i have moved a minifridge to the living room, and now my two PCs are set to auto suspend after 20 minutes of inactivity, so can't leave it on to webcam anymore! initially the webcam was to compare before/afters to make sure the plants were actually growing, but now it is clear that they are so yay :)


Well-Known Member
-picked up some "BioNEEM", "Bug Assassin" and "Bugzyme" today. At the recommendation of the hydro shop guy, I will be rotating the use of these 3, with doses once every 3 days. I want to squash any possibility of pests ruining this grow.


Well-Known Member
-aaaaaaaaaaaaah one of the plants has a few curled up leaves near the bottom! This happened in the less-than-24 hours since i last checked. great...I hope it did not have anything to do with my generous application of Bug Assassin to all the plants. Strange though that this symptom would only present itself on one plant!

-The plant that I suspected of harboring spider mites also developed weird dark spots on some leaves which look like they will die :(

-every single plant also looks a little droopier than the previous day (I watered two days ago, and yesterday they were fine...) Suspecting that I really overdid it with the Bug Assassin.


Well-Known Member
-gave two of the plants the axe....
-#1: suspected spider mites (observed webs on the dirt, but never actually saw the mites or webs on the plant). Applied Bug Assassin (perhaps too generous dosage for such a young plant), and plant died over the course of 5 days.

-#2 -- same as plant #1

Down to four pretty healthy looking babies... pictures as soon as I get my camera..


Well-Known Member
Man you have a great set up! I hope you update us more, I want to follow your progress and learn from you.


Well-Known Member
-picture updates. about 70 days in. not sure why they are so yellowish =[[ at least they are growing....



Active Member
Vent in an out of tent thru light , throw a seprate fan on your filter that doesnt vent....mabey ..??


Well-Known Member
I envy you tent. So easy to use . Neat portable..kool..
the tent is definitely great, i would highly recommend it to anyone who has the space for it. its not QUITE what i was looking for because i retardedly under estimated the dimensions (Even though i looked at them before i bought it) It is extremely portable too, it comes in a case that is quite compact, although I have not had to pack it back into the case yet...but i'm sure i can get it to fit again :)

i purchased another inline fan, but it is meant to be used inside houses (like in the ventilation system) so i have no idea how to hook it up as it has no plug :[[ if having a dedicated intake for the reflector hood will make that much difference i'm gonna have to try that!