nute burn, so flushed but run off is 7.1?


Well-Known Member
Soil grow

Its for sure nute burn, so flushed with 3gallons per 3 gallon pot, run off is pH 7.1?

The water I flushed with, I ph'd to 6.0 before running it thru...

Should I be worried? What steps to do to lower the soil pH a tiny bit?

I am using fox farms happy frog

Its a scrog, so I cannot replant


Well-Known Member
It's best to flush with 3X the pot a 3 gallon pot should be flushed with 9 gallons of water. Keep flushing, until the exit water is close to the pH of what goes in.


Well-Known Member
Once you start, it's BEST to continue but I doubt it makes much difference at this point. It's always best to water/flush in the morning to reduce chances of mold from too much moisture in the pots/air. After the flush, reduce fertilizer rates until plants show you they need more.


Well-Known Member
My humidity is 25% so not worried about air moisture. ( wish it was higher)

I'm preping some water now for a second flush


Well-Known Member
If after you flush your ph is still high and its really important to you sprinkle something on the top that is acidic like granulated sulfer or sphagnum peat but your not far off from just dandy so id say fek it and just flusher clean. Then taker easy on the nute gas peddle. :):):)