look at all the


Well-Known Member
Nah, some of us right wingers worked intelligently for 19 years. Now we are free to work whenever we damn well please for our own companies and post to our heart's content. Is today a workday? Shit, I rarely know the date most days.
so in other words..you're unemployed:lol:


New Member
Oh and they are all very wealthy and spend their leisure time here
Even if what you say is true and i know it isn't for most of us.

At least they're not online begging and demanding for government to fix it for them!
Perhaps there are some broke and unemployed conservatives on this forum, but they have something you lazy progs will never have, pride.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You are so rich and independantly wealthy you are trying to get subsidys for your health insurance
CheezyO the clan man...

Subsidy's? Nobody can get subsidy's in Oregon yet, nothing is working. But I did get a new policy today that starts Jan 1st. So for now I am no longer needing to look for HC...


Well-Known Member
How about everyone just post their pictures, names, addresses and phone numbers... Shit, this is only the interwebz :dunce:
I'm not asking that. Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. Or why.

I'm just asking he post a picture of himself before he goes off ridiculing others about their size and appearance. If you can't man up and post a picture of yourself, as I see it, you have no place talking about others.


New Member
I'm not asking that. Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. Or why.

I'm just asking he post a picture of himself before he goes off ridiculing others about their size and appearance. If you can't man up and post a picture of yourself, as I see it, you have no place talking about others.
You can find a shitload out about someone from a picture. Do you understand there are programs you can buy that are based on the same facial recognition engines as developed by the NSA?

If you don't believe that remember nearly 50% of the US technical intelligence gathering capabilities are outsourced so private contractors will seek concurrent revenue sources, both public and private.


pull yourself up by the bootstraps and quit waiting for government handouts and largesse, you welfare rat.

the government has never created a single job.
You are correct , they don't create jobs. Except goverment jobs. Their specialty is making them disappear. Yes I am talking about your beloved , thrill up your leg big "O"admin. I have a great job and I am grateful for it. And for the boot comment : I would if I had two, but had to give one to some libby commie like you.


Well-Known Member
You are correct , they don't create jobs. Except goverment jobs. Their specialty is making them disappear. Yes I am talking about your beloved , thrill up your leg big "O"admin. I have a great job and I am grateful for it. And for the boot comment : I would if I had two, but had to give one to some libby commie like you.
tell that to all the farmers in the san joaquin valley or everyone downstream of the hoover dam.

and you didn't give up one boot, you found one.


Well-Known Member
CheezyO the clan man... Subsidy's? Nobody can get subsidy's in Oregon yet, nothing is working. But I did get a new policy today that starts Jan 1st. So for now I am no longer needing to look for HC...
You have insurance. You still have to get the healthcare. This may prove not as easy as one would expect.


Well-Known Member
So you work in a laundromat?
I don't call it work. I own 2 laundromats and a dry-cleaners. Sometimes I have to sit around if employee calls off/time off. I also receive a nice check from my 22 years in the USAF. Do you need a job ? Looking to get rid of a worker who seemingly does not want to work.


Well-Known Member
I don't call it work. I own 2 laundromats and a dry-cleaners. Sometimes I have to sit around if employee calls off/time off. I also receive a nice check from my 22 years in the USAF. Do you need a job ? Looking to get rid of a worker who seemingly does not want to work.
I got a nice job already. Haven't been in a laundromat in years, but seem to remember workers there didn't make shit.