cops pounding on front door with a search warrant


On Monday morning at around 9 am about six southern CA cops from the narcotics unit knocked on the front door. I saw them right before they knocked out the upstairs bedroom window when I heard two men walking and talking and a picture being snapped and looked down. It was quite an ordeal and in the end they left without doing anything after looking at both my roommates and my rec. I had 25 plants on the rooftop garden and they were all in flower. They knew my name (when I panicked one cop saw me through an open downstairs window by the garage and called me by name, lifted his arm to the window showing his gun, saying that I must open the door and that they had a search warrant. Later when I asked how they knew all my info (I was actually staying at this place temporarily), one guy mentioned the "investigation". I am still paranoid as hell, they were evasive with all of my questions and it was even strange when they were up on the roof and said that "you're clear". I am not exactly sure what that means in depth and am wondering if they will come back after harvest to see if I have too much. Does anyone have any input or advice?


Well-Known Member
On Monday morning at around 9 am about six southern CA cops from the narcotics unit knocked on the front door. I saw them right before they knocked out the upstairs bedroom window when I heard two men walking and talking and a picture being snapped and looked down. It was quite an ordeal and in the end they left without doing anything after looking at both my roommates and my rec. I had 25 plants on the rooftop garden and they were all in flower. They knew my name (when I panicked one cop saw me through an open downstairs window by the garage and called me by name, lifted his arm to the window showing his gun, saying that I must open the door and that they had a search warrant. Later when I asked how they knew all my info (I was actually staying at this place temporarily), one guy mentioned the "investigation". I am still paranoid as hell, they were evasive with all of my questions and it was even strange when they were up on the roof and said that "you're clear". I am not exactly sure what that means in depth and am wondering if they will come back after harvest to see if I have too much. Does anyone have any input or advice?
Are you legal? Any other drug issues?


Active Member
As mentioned an attorney would be wise. There could be many reasons why they "knocked".

Whats wierd is you say they had a search warrant but didnt mention if they conducted a search.

Obviously L.E. is trying to build some sort of case. Dont be paranoid but rather aware and cognizant of whats happening and whats being said.
What part of Socal?


I have a copy of the warrant and they came in and questioned us in the living room then three of the guys went and searched the yard and the roof looking for plants. They didn't search everything but were at the house for at least an hour and they did take notes from what little was said. They looked at our recommendations. When I asked if they had any advice they just said "try to keep them out of view of your neighbors". I know that they have been watching me because I had noticed suspicious vehicles and a helicopter flew right over me when I was in my "garden". I felt that it was extremely close and I stared right up into it and figured that I may as well let them know that I saw them if it was the cops and that it probably would force the issue to a head since I had felt like I was possibly being watched.


Well I figure the cops already know all about me now. I passed their inspection I "guess" for now but I am really unsure what they are doing. I requested a copy of the police report by mail. Hopefully that will give me more insight. I am really surprised that they would even bother with me since I heard that anything less than 100 plants is not worth their time.


Well-Known Member
Well I figure the cops already know all about me now. I passed their inspection I "guess" for now but I am really unsure what they are doing. I requested a copy of the police report by mail. Hopefully that will give me more insight. I am really surprised that they would even bother with me since I heard that anything less than 100 plants is not worth their time.
Are you in an urban area? Yeah bro, if your neighbors call the cops on you, the police have to show up to put on a show for 'em, so next time they call the cops on you, the cops will say you're compliant with the law and there's no reason for them to go out there again.


yeah, I'm not only in an urban area but an uptight guard gated community. You really can't see the plants unless they saw me trimming buds a few weeks ago outside and downstairs. Maybe you can see the tops of a couple of plants with binoculars from one or two neighbor upstairs windows. When I was climbing the stairs to the roof one cop was coming down and joked nothing up here but a bunch of weeds. Then as I was almost to the top another one said "man... that's a lot of weed! When I then asked if it was too much the cop writing things down kinda coughed and replied "no you're good". When I asked "am I in compliance? " he just repeated the very same thing.


Well-Known Member
On Monday morning at around 9 am about six southern CA cops from the narcotics unit knocked on the front door. I saw them right before they knocked out the upstairs bedroom window when I heard two men walking and talking and a picture being snapped and looked down. It was quite an ordeal and in the end they left without doing anything after looking at both my roommates and my rec. I had 25 plants on the rooftop garden and they were all in flower. They knew my name (when I panicked one cop saw me through an open downstairs window by the garage and called me by name, lifted his arm to the window showing his gun, saying that I must open the door and that they had a search warrant. Later when I asked how they knew all my info (I was actually staying at this place temporarily), one guy mentioned the "investigation". I am still paranoid as hell, they were evasive with all of my questions and it was even strange when they were up on the roof and said that "you're clear". I am not exactly sure what that means in depth and am wondering if they will come back after harvest to see if I have too much. Does anyone have any input or advice?
..they are looking for something else, obviously..neighbors gave you up and probably told the cops that you had other shit there..meth lab?..especially is the neighbors complained of "strange smells"..IMO


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some neighbors don't like it and they came to check it out and turn there findings into the prosecutors office to see if they can bring up any charges on you. Advice hide the plants from sight and clean sweep of anything and everything that they can use against you.


Well-Known Member
Well I figure the cops already know all about me now. I passed their inspection I "guess" for now but I am really unsure what they are doing. I requested a copy of the police report by mail. Hopefully that will give me more insight. I am really surprised that they would even bother with me since I heard that anything less than 100 plants is not worth their time.
Sounds like you heard wrong. I would pack it up. You're just going to have problems w/ your neighbors calling over and over.


Well-Known Member
I would say you are fine. If there was an issue they would of taken everything with you and your roommates . This happens all the time. Stay in compliance and out of sight. Obviously a neighbor called, you were checked out and left alone. Now the same neighbor can complain all they want.


Well-Known Member
Transfer most of the plants to another location. If they come back and ask what happened to the plants....tell you harvested them and made edibles and ate them.