Found some weed growing outside so i sayd why not?

If a plant is growing on public property then isn't it technically fair game?

Now, I'm not saying that I my self would take somebody else's plant if it was on public property (if it was mature enough id definitely come back and take a clone!) but come on, you guys are whining way too much over this.


Well-Known Member
Highlowazupkush I hope you go to steal someone's hard work one day and cop a large rock to the side of the head.
While you are wondering if your skull broke or not, save a thought also for what you would of done if you caught someone stealing something off you :finger:


Well-Known Member
So much anger.

You should not be angry at him. You should also not expect your plant to magically stay safe from greedy hands if you plant it in a public place.
I'm not angry at all. I just have no respect for low life rippers. If I catch someone touching my plants they are in for a world of hurt.


Well-Known Member
So i stole it and put it in a pot , they were growing outside in some place with alot of sand , got the roots out carefully.
Will they grow after i removed them from the earth?
Here's some pics

Nice...... I hope they die on you.... Karma is a bitch:finger:


Active Member
No. Why would I 'get along' with a thief?
You shouldn't. I was being a smarta$$ about his over-angry response to someone saying they hoped he'd get caught stealing. Can't believe he called for people to send the guy some seeds. Maybe if I steal someone's plant he'll send me some of his good seeds to grow!


Well-Known Member
If a plant is growing on public property then isn't it technically fair game?

Now, I'm not saying that I my self would take somebody else's plant if it was on public property (if it was mature enough id definitely come back and take a clone!) but come on, you guys are whining way too much over this.
if your defending his actions, I would assume yes you would do it yourself.


Well-Known Member
So i stole it and put it in a pot , they were growing outside in some place with alot of sand , got the roots out carefully.
Will they grow after i removed them from the earth?
Here's some pics
Man them plants aren't lookin good at all u might wanna reconsider growing them
Can't believe he called for people to send the guy some seeds. Maybe if I steal someone's plant he'll send me some of his good seeds to grow!

Clearly I am a little wiser than you are, perhaps that also means I am a little older than you too! But age doesn't matter... Not as much as wisdom does anyway! So listen up.

You asked: "why should anyone send the guy some seeds?" why not? he clearly needs them.
Don't you think it's better that he actually gets some real weed seeds and learns the difficulties and responsibilities of being a weed gardener? rather than going around and digging up plain weeds.
Maybe if he had his own plant he wouldn't have had the need to dig up random weeds which he mistook for Herb.

Another thing you guys might like to remember. People are smart, but they're not necessarily born that way. People need to LEARN things in order to be smart. Taking something that doesn't necessarily belong to anyone (your self included) is just something people do, Its natural! And until people learn better or until they are stopped (or w/e), they will just continue to take things - therefore to get angry over theft isn't always the best response, ESPECIALLY in THIS case. (Probably most times, anger is imo the right response, but maybe sometimes it is not. Like maybe if some guy thought he found a MJ weed plant and dug it up and took it home and everything, its not worth getting all psycho about it, you know, considering the fact he found some old weed)

You have to gauge the situation, don't just act like a robot and start having a hissy fit on the internet every time your "theft detection system" detects a robbery.
Its perfectly normal to take things that aren't yours. (I'm not saying its good! no no, I'm just saying that it happens all of the time)
Your governments do it all the time, and I bet that at least half of you are devout patriots who believe the terrorists live on the other side of the border. In fact governments have been doing it for ever. (not that i'm saying its a good thing. I am only pointing out the fact that humans have a natural tendency to take what is not theirs)


Well-Known Member
Listen, if you want to sympathize with rippers then that's on you. And, yeah if someone messes with the plants that I put my time and effort into growing, I dislike it and I don't have any problem expressing my disapproval for such actions. I cant for the life of me figure out what you think is so angry about this...your replys and comments are far angrier than most I've seen in a while.


Active Member
HighLow, the only one that I've seen actually having a "hissy fit" here is you. You're the one that has been using vocabulary of a "reasonably smart" person and cursing everyone and calling names over this. I'm just a "noob" around here, so don't really want to stir the pot, but I find your positions a bit perplexing personally. You seemingly take a nonchalant attitude about theft, and how everyone should give the guy a break and help him out so he wouldn't need to steal. But then, the great, understanding and compassionate person you seem to be, goes off and starts verbally attacking everyone for giving the kid a hard time. Kinda confuses me, maybe if/when I'm as wise as you, I can coordinate more than one personality at a time. Maybe you can be my mentor. I'm not the humanitarian that you seem to be. For my mind, if someone was stealing food for themselves or family, maybe I could be the compassionate one, but I'm just not much more evolved than that yet. Also, maybe you could teach me how to "go off" irrationally on people in an online forum as well. Hopefully I can expand my verbal arsenal to include some of the great profane expletives you have graced us with. I humbly look forward to your tutelage kind sir.
Listen, if you want to sympathize with rippers then that's on you. And, yeah if someone messes with the plants that I put my time and effort into growing, I dislike it and I don't have any problem expressing my disapproval for such actions. I cant for the life of me figure out what you think is so angry about this...your replys and comments are far angrier than most I've seen in a while.
I got angry at the guy cuzz he's a fucking dick and called me a thief with so much rage in his post for no good reason + lack of sleep.

@ need4240grow

My hissy fit? It was directed at the other person who was having a hissy fit at me. it was not directed at everyone.
I only cursed at one person! not everyone. Maybe I was using curse words before, that doesn't mean I was cursing AT people.

Nonchalant attitude to theft you say? I don't have a nonchalant attitude to theft, I have a nonchalant attitude towards this thread.
You know? THIS ONE?

Considering the above, Yes I do think everyone should give him a break and quit beating him up. It's not worth getting upset over it.
Everybody steals! That's why we have police. It's better to teach him some good imo rather than show him how good we are at getting angry at him. All he will probably learn is to avoid telling people here about his robberies.

Don't be confused. What have we learnt so far? My Nonchalant attitude is NOT directed at "theft", it is directed at this THREAD. (for all we know this thread was a troll thread)
Everybody steals (maybe not 100% of people, but the point is that most people in their lives have taken something that didn't belong to them, whether its something small or big, important or not)
Therefore my kindness and compassion emerged because everyone was getting angry at some guy for taking a measly little plant that wasn't even a mj plant. I hope this isn't confusing you and that you no longer view my stance as irrational.

Btw I think you might wanna go see a doctor about that multiple personality problem.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
HighLow, the only one that I've seen actually having a "hissy fit" here is you. You're the one that has been using vocabulary of a "reasonably smart" person and cursing everyone and calling names over this. I'm just a "noob" around here, so don't really want to stir the pot, but I find your positions a bit perplexing personally. You seemingly take a nonchalant attitude about theft, and how everyone should give the guy a break and help him out so he wouldn't need to steal. But then, the great, understanding and compassionate person you seem to be, goes off and starts verbally attacking everyone for giving the kid a hard time. Kinda confuses me, maybe if/when I'm as wise as you, I can coordinate more than one personality at a time. Maybe you can be my mentor. I'm not the humanitarian that you seem to be. For my mind, if someone was stealing food for themselves or family, maybe I could be the compassionate one, but I'm just not much more evolved than that yet. Also, maybe you could teach me how to "go off" irrationally on people in an online forum as well. Hopefully I can expand my verbal arsenal to include some of the great profane expletives you have graced us with. I humbly look forward to your tutelage kind sir.
agreed. thinks i just founfd my new foot heading,

"maybe you could teach me how to "go off" irrationally on people in an online forum as well. Hopefully I can expand my verbal arsenal to include some of the great profane expletives you have graced us with. I humbly look forward to your tutelage kind sir. "

well played new2420grow


Well-Known Member
After a little while, you will start to see a little pattern emerging on this site. Ludicrous/unbelievable or simply hilarious posts by members with low/no post counts. They are commonly known as 'trolls'.