Would Mike Tyson in his prime beat Bruce Lee in his prime?UFC cage style


Well-Known Member
Mike although powerful and definitely not one to fool around with, is basically a one trick pony {especially in the early years}, Bruce on the other hand was a master at his craft and had numerous ways of beating you.

You would need to set parameters of the fight... boxing or mixed, but even after all that I would still give the edge to Bruce.



Active Member
In a street fight Bruce Lee would win hands down. I think Bruce Lee would have tyson on the ground before he knew what hit him. Tyson can take a hit due to shear mass but Lee has the speed and ability to use his whole body as a weapon. Tyson wouldn't stand a chance.


Well-Known Member
Bruce was also a quarter German and Ipman was forced officially not teach him because Bruce was not pure blood.


Well-Known Member
Hand fighting to the death and UFC is not the same thing at all. A trained killer ninja or Bruce Lee is who you would want in a street fight, not mike tyson or a cage fighter.


Well-Known Member
Tyson was 120kg , Bruce lee about 75kg. I know who my money is on. One was heavy weight champion of world the other made B grade movies. Whaaaaaaaaaaa !!!


Well-Known Member
They're making a new Ipman film directed my Wong Kar Wai with Tony Leung as the title character, should be badass.



Well-Known Member
One thing about Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun do is that he effectively used his own technique system to adapt to any style of fighting he may have been up against.And to my recollection he never lost a fight.


Well-Known Member
Tyson was 120kg , Bruce lee about 75kg. I know who my money is on. One was heavy weight champion of world the other made B grade movies. Whaaaaaaaaaaa !!!
Tyson admitted to getting raped in prison. No one could ever rape Bruce Lee. Bruce recovered from a broken back. Enter the Dragon is like the best movie ever, you suck!


Well-Known Member
I'd go with mike.. there's a certain point where size, power and pure insanity just outweigh variety and technique. One good punch and bruce would be out cold. But it's a poor comparison really, apples to oranges

Edit: anyone remember when wesley snipes tried to be all tough and call out joe rogan for a fight? Joe surprisingly accepted and then snipes backed out just before it was set to go down lol. Would love to see that fight.

Sorry for going off topic ;)