Teacher used the "N word" and was fired...

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Active Member
You guys think these conversations get heated on here try having the same conversation in the flesh with 3 different races present. Watching mexicans and black people argue about race gets damn near homocidal.


Active Member
Most agreed with AC. When I posed the questions about one race being "better" at something than another it was fine until i said "white people are better at *blank* than this race. That is when the room segregated but we got through it.
It's a shame how that will happen see my previous post.


Well-Known Member
You guys think these conversations get heated on here try having the same conversation in the flesh with 3 different races present. Watching mexicans and black people argue about race gets damn near homocidal.
I encounter more bigotry in Mexico than I did in the US.


Well-Known Member
Still waiting... but instead you come back with privilege once again another word used to slam white people. Your hate is showing.
You never mentioned a form of bigotry that bothers you which is not against white people. You may think you did, but you did not.

I hate bigots, particularly privileged bigots.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
If you acknowledge that race exists does that make you racist? Had this debate with some friends a while ago.
"acknowledge that race exists" doesn't require a system of judgement and classification, so no it does not, pretty esay one, the sky is blue if i hate the color blue do i hate the sky . .. . this is elementary stuff man


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You sure about that? Have you been out in the real world lately?
Yes, I have been to Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Spain, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, Belize, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay and Canada in the last 10 years.


Ursus marijanus
Most agreed with AC. When I posed the questions about one race being "better" at something than another it was fine until i said "white people are better at *blank* than this race. That is when the room segregated but we got through it.
Oh. That went somewhere I did not expect. Obviously, race exists as a concept ... but it looks like the convo went to not just differences, but questions of better/worse. cn

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
a privileged opinion is one formed without consideration or objective thinking, you are the subject matter of your own opinion so you are biased . . . . . . thats what he is saying,

its not a very nice way to argue as it discredits what you say inherently due to your own bias as you or your creed or mentaity are apart of your own opinoin

its also a easy way to prove bias which in this case seems evident, in your people who hate whties and palistianes are bad but others forms of bigotry like hateing those who hate on whites(white kid beat AC up comment) and or palistianes comment . . . . .

but i digress i think people are jsut bigots and racism is a lowest common denominator way to define and classify someone as less than and nothing more

a bigot is a bigot . . .. thats it, if you hate someone for their choices or creed or any other arbitrary reason other then personal interaction based on who they represent, you might be a bigot and a racist . . . .racism to me is more inbreed ignorant bigotry then a real defined choices, theys daddy was that way or their friends are that way, what ever follow the leader mentality that burned that negativity into thier minds, it was a need to be accepted, aka ignorance imho

hot day at the UP
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