Whats more dangerous?


Well-Known Member
So I was sitting here thinking about how many people go about getting some smoke and the pros/cons of purchasing/growing. If you grow it there is no chance of you getting spotted at a dealers house but you have the inherent issue of manufacturing. What do you folks think, is it more dangerous to grow your own or go buy it "on the streets?"


Well-Known Member
I would say buying it is more dangerous, you can do a small grow for personal use without anybody knowing if you aren't blabbing to all your friends about your grow 400 watt hid lite will not use enough power to throw up any flags and you can grow a couple good sized plants


Well-Known Member
Depends on how reputable the dealer is, whether or not the police already know about him, how stealthy your grow would be. My brain's telling me buying it would be less dangerous as far as the law goes. If you're in a hard ass state growing weed is like cooking dope...


Well-Known Member
Yeah Bum, a possession charge is considerably less than cultivation. These are all very good points, I thought it would be some good food for thought.


Active Member
If your grow is legal the choice is easy. But befor I got my card I was a purchaser. Less trouble if you get caught.


New Member
driving around with weed in the car isnt good... If you get pulled over and you act nervous and they end up searching the car.. they are gonna impound that shit and take you to jail if they find the weed. Sometimes you get lucky and they keep your stash and let you go.. Growing a small amount in the privacy of my closet is alot less risky IMO.


Active Member
the biggest thing for me is the quality and cost. I can't afford to smoke what I can grow!! Almost forgot I think growing is more risky. I had a cop look in my car saw a triple chambered bubbler and just took it, and told me to call for a ride (because I was drunk.) If he saw plants whole new ball park.


Well-Known Member
If you are simply asking which is easier to get busted, well hands down buying. Transporting is the biggest issue of all, getting to and from with bag in your car.

If you are growing and follow the three simple rules then the chances of getting busted are so low its almost impossible.

Of course, IF you do, there are harder charges for growing.

Don't tell.
Don't smell.
Don't sell.


Well-Known Member
The penalties for growing are alot worse than getting caught with a bag of weed but it's easier to hide a small grow than to buy most dealers have heavy traffic to there place and eventually someone gets suspicious if you grow 2-3 plants you aren't smelling up the neighborhood and don't brag about your grow and you don't sell any nobody will ever know you get busted growing when you get careless

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
For the average person who lives in their own home or apartment growing has almost no cons.

The biggest threat is word of mouth. If you tell nobody there is 99% of the secret.

If you rent or lease the second biggest issue is maintenance or inspections. Almost no landlords do inspections, or if they do it's not on a annual basis and more like every 5 years or so or when a tenant moves out. But with good tenants who pay their rent on time with no complaints filed rarely are they ever bothered with any kind of inspection. Maintenance is more consistent in four season states, low rent housing and larger complexes. In northern states almost all legit landlords have furnace inspections annually. The real threat in any structure is fires and storm damage which can lead to people coming into your home whether you rent or not.

Another threat is smell. But this is so easily dealt with it shouldn't even be an issue but for many who don't prepare or refuse to think marijuana flowering smell doesn't travel or isn't strong enough to attract bad attention, they usually end up in jail.

The biggest threat talked about is the least important. Electrical usage. Unless your electric bill suddenly increases by 10 fold, no worries. In a basic apartment a simple 1,000-3,000 watt grow system is safe, in a small-med home 5-6,000 watts, a large home maybe 10k. It just isn't a legit concern for most as most are not operating large scale grow ops. In most cases one does not have to explain a rise in energy use, in most cases one can bump their usage by 4-5 times without being flagged or questioned. Many times the energy company is just concerned with malfunctioning equipment or theft. I use to turn off my gas in the summer months when I lived in the city and almost every year they would send me a notice saying they want to send a tech out because my normal usage changed dramatically. In reality I just shut the damn gas off to furnace and fireplace, so the change was only maybe 10-20 bucks a month if that, but they are not use to people completely shutting off their gas so they always sent someone out and he never came in but asked me to run my heater for 5 minutes and he'd check the outside meter, come back and tell me everything is ok. I asked him why they keep sending people out, he said it's all about the equipment, they thought I was using more gas then the meter said and wanted to verify. He said most of his work was pretty mundane and meaningless. During that same period I was using about 350 bucks a month in electricity alone, about 3x the amount I used the previous 2 years when I was not growing, not a peep from them. So unless you are already being investigated by police for growing, or by the energy company for stealing, there is almost no threat in energy usage unless it is very extreme.

Other then nosy neighbors and FLIR, both of which can be combated fairly easily, that's about all I can think of.

Oh ya, ordering grow supplies from companies who list what is in the box or their name on the outside of box. I had a buddy who once ordered a bunch of perlite, vermiculite and some soils and UPS left it on his doorstep at his duplex. A bunch of boxes with the large print of GREENHOUSE GROWER SUPPLY, or something of that nature, sat at his front door all day in a fairly active residential area with plenty of nosy neighbors. He was paranoid for months after.

Ordering seeds is about the very last threat for one to worry about, 99% of seed orders make it to their destination. And of the 1% that don't maybe only half of them are actually taken by Customs, most are stolen or lost.

As for buying weed, or having to drive with it in your auto, there is always a threat of being busted. Always a threat of being ripped off, maybe hurt, even killed. Don't forget the threat of bad weed, or just having to go through the production of grabbing a sac when you run out. Who knows. Being most states are never going to have legal, most of us will never get to experience that dull but calm feeling of not doing something wrong, and growing your own is really the only way go. But most don't, and that's just fine to.
dangerous is a weird word...smarter: grow it in my opinion...you can control most factors involved including security. But getting caught purchasing a small amount is nothing compared to getting caught with a garden.


Well-Known Member
The cops arent looking at the guy buying an 1/8 here and there, they may pick u up and try to get u to rat out your sources, but they arent after u, theyre after the growers and sellers. I dnt think alot of us pursued growing because its more dangerous to buy, but rather, it gets to damn expensive.


Well-Known Member
...As for buying weed, or having to drive with it in your auto, there is always a threat of being busted. Always a threat of being ripped off, maybe hurt, even killed. Don't forget the threat of bad weed, or just having to go through the production of grabbing a sac when you run out. Who knows. Being most states are never going to have legal, most of us will never get to experience that dull but calm feeling of not doing something wrong, and growing your own is really the only way go. But most don't, and that's just fine to.
another big reason i prefer to grow my own, dealers are a hassle. i like to be able to crack a jar and when i please. always having it there and not have to run around and find a bag


Well-Known Member
IMHO, growing is the way to go. I used to buy and can say it led to some very uncomfortable situations. The final straw on giving up buying from dealers was when the police started waiting down the road from the dealer at night. They would pull us out of the car and literally go through our pockets and rob us. One time they even stole a keg of beer from our vehicle. We always took pride in the fact that we would retaliate against the particular officers but all we were really doing was further risking our freedom. Dumb....

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I don't like buying from dealers any more because in my area there are a lot of shady people. They will sell to you then gang aka jump you and take there sht back or just jump you from the start. Also my aunt bought some lace weed before it had coke in it. You can't trust dealers man. You never know what's going on in there head. When you grow you at least know that it's gonna be some good Clean Green...


Active Member
IMHO, growing is the way to go. I used to buy and can say it led to some very uncomfortable situations. The final straw on giving up buying from dealers was when the police started waiting down the road from the dealer at night. They would pull us out of the car and literally go through our pockets and rob us. One time they even stole a keg of beer from our vehicle. We always took pride in the fact that we would retaliate against the particular officers but all we were really doing was further risking our freedom. Dumb....
Welcome to my hood :) fucking pigs robbin us to, untill they got caught stealing coke from the evidence locker :) bye bye fuckers.


Active Member
I don't like buying from dealers any more because in my area there are a lot of shady people. They will sell to you then gang aka jump you and take there sht back or just jump you from the start. Also my aunt bought some lace weed before it had coke in it. You can't trust dealers man. You never know what's going on in there head. When you grow you at least know that it's gonna be some good Clean Green...
I have heard this story so many times..... do you know how much more expensive coke is than weed ? Its 5 times more expensive who would sell u a more expensive product for weed ? Doesn't make sence. And who the hell would mistake cocaine on weed for trichs... ? Just sayin lol

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I have heard this story so many times..... do you know how much more expensive coke is than weed ? Its 5 times more expensive who would sell u a more expensive product for weed ? Doesn't make sence. And who the hell would mistake cocaine on weed for trichs... ? Just sayin lol
You must not be street smart... They do it to hook you to their product so you can come to them to buy.