I think i just got personally attacked....


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give it another seconds thought. Actually, I think posting this thread was unnecessary. just clearly an asshole. yea, don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give it another seconds thought. Actually, I think posting this thread was unnecessary. just clearly an asshole. yea, don't sweat it.
eh well you know Im a girl, so i was kind of... shocked? I dunno! anyways, I just thought it was rather random... that out of no where he had all that to say just about my avatar. 0_o i didnt realize i instilled such rage in people. I should use that to my advantage more often.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
not exactly sure why, but whatever. i thought it was weird and rude.


You were and it was! The post was totally uncalled for... I threw in my 2 cents in reply to that loser who is probably just upset because you are actually wearing clothes in your picture!

Don't sweat it girl.... your avatar is none of their business... and besides... YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!!! (in a totally non-lesbian way :D)


Well-Known Member
maybe he's sexually frustrated! :-\ must be hard to get laid if you treat the ladies that way!
Better to sit there and look like an ass........then to speak (or type in this case) and prove you're one......small mind....smaller opinion

Probably a 1 handed typer.......................


Well-Known Member
I have noticed a post by you on another thread and have to say, you didn't come across particularly positively to me. It seems to me that if you are ready and willing to be negative about others, you can't then adopt an attitude of being shocked if others have negative comments about you. Ultimately by posting on a public forum you invite opinion - good and bad- and have to be willing to take that. Ivery much hope that you take it all in good stead and continue to show RIU that girl growers can go head to head with any male.


Well-Known Member
i think it could have been due to trying to look down your top, and in trying was looking
down his computer scren lening forward just that bit more to see and hit his head on his scren,which piss him off.


Well-Known Member
I love that word, and I love how the Brits say it even more. :D :lol:
twat is in the brits dictionary..

they say it every day, every thirty seconds..hell every 2 seconds

twat this..twat that..twat you with a whiffleball bat.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed a post by you on another thread and have to say, you didn't come across particularly positively to me. It seems to me that if you are ready and willing to be negative about others, you can't then adopt an attitude of being shocked if others have negative comments about you. Ultimately by posting on a public forum you invite opinion - good and bad- and have to be willing to take that. Ivery much hope that you take it all in good stead and continue to show RIU that girl growers can go head to head with any male.

well... ill be the first to admit that Im not always the nicest. but I thought it was rather funny, rude and amusing that he posted. It was just random. it would have made more sense on a thread where i was being outspoken as opposed to a thread where i said one sentence pertaining to the subject at hand. Im not hurt. it is a public forum. people will say what they will say, but i thought it was worth posting about because of the randomness of it.