Any strains that give you an opiod like high?


I will be doing my next grow after this one, back story is that I do this for my brother who has chronic pain, he would like to get off his lortabs, but he does admit he likes the way they make him feel. However, I am not a fan of synthetic opiods mixed with acetaminophen, which is proven to be harmful to the liver, and since that is what processes these meds, you see the point.
Anyway, he tokes (I don't) but I am much more fortunate than him money wise, so I do this to help him. If any of you could point me in the right strain direction, i would appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know this awell. I'm in the same boat. Havent found anything yet. Only strains that came close for me so far are blueberry and GDP.


Well-Known Member
Dunno about strains but I know eating cannabis gives me a better effect than a percocet. Takes a lot more, which is why I started growing, hoping to put that shake to good use in the kitchen :)

Also if you're in a medical state sprinkle some hash on whatever you're smoking for a little oomph.


Well-Known Member
How many ways do we need to spell it for you? There are many noobs to fuck with in the noobie section. Go there. You have yet to help here.