Another stupid question.


I love you guys, so helpful.
I was wondering is a 1000 Watt HPS too much for just a few plants?
I can get this killer deal on a light, ballast, cooling unit (of a 1000W HPS) for a little over what I would pay for my 150 Watt HPS ballast, no cooler etc. But I need to know if I go with the 1000 Watt HPS if it will kill, lets say a single one. And then lets also say 3 plants. Also how big of a grow area should I have with a 1000?


Well-Known Member
if its properly ventilated, it should work just fine, it will cover about a 7x7 area


Thanks guys. Think I could push 4x7? Properly center, im assuming or I wont purchase it. Thanks again desr and thcg


bud bootlegger
i think it's way too much .. it really depends on your grow area really, but personally i'm not a fan of 1k's.. i'd much rather run 2 6oo's over one 1k setup any day of the week, but that's just me.. :D


Well-Known Member
im assuming you meant fry.. ventilation is the answer to your question..and if you think its too much, just get a 600w, thats what i did.


My friend only has 1000s for sale. I'm getting a setup with vent @ 125-150$$ and yes I meant fry, burn, etc. I think I want the 1000 setup just because thats good compard to hydro stores


Well-Known Member
well shit, take what you can get..if your friend only has 1k's it looks like youre getting a is kinda overkill for your space..but shit if thats all i couldve gotten i wouldve gotten it too.


Well-Known Member
If you can get it at a good price, get it and try it. If you feel it's too much, sell or trade it for one more fitted to your needs and come out ahead on the deal.


Lmao seriously what I was thinking but wanted to get some other stoners views who've grow more so then me. Thanks desr and Chucky, glad this site isn't like most forums full of d*ks and tight a$$ holes
I'll post up in this thread when I buy it and set it up. I'm trying to get pictures of my babies up but can't figure out how to in mobile view :(


Well-Known Member
Buy it and use it. I have 2 400-watt HPS and a single 1000 watt HPS. I use the 1000 full time. The 400's do smaller gigs.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you control the heat and 1000 on even one plant is fine. I would veg my plant for a month or two though so you can use up as much of the 5x5 footprint as possible.


Thanks again every for your input, like to see more then just a few replies of course I imagine you guys are the same exact way :D
One of my seedlings, progressing a little faster than the others : indoor cfl.jpg getting its 5th set of leaves in. Not hitting with nutes till all have 5~6 hoever. (Others got their 3rd set going, started a little later so thats why probably.) This is growing off a 23W CFL 2700 Kelvin (Soft Whites), and honestly don't have enough of them to keep them growing good for awhile..., thought those were the ones for veg. Also I'm using a random 24" Lights Of America fixture 17W 4200 Kelvin <-- Tell me if I need to replace this with a 6500K or if this will work fine for another week or so. I've done a lot of reading of course sense starting my indoor setup, but am on such a low budget. Critique is always excepted.
BTW I plan on upgrading my light(s) to a HPS ballast after a month or so, probably with the use of a few CFL's to fill in dark spots, if I've got the room.


Well-Known Member
you can grow with 2700k..but youd get much better results with blue spectrum (6500k)for veg and save the red (2700k)for flowering..


What about my 4200K Tube, will that help them grow or should I just front the extra ten bucks for the 6500?

Edit: Yes I didn't research at all before I went out, I knew about 6500K's being for veg, and 2700K's for budding. I didn't research which CFL would give me 6500 (Daylight, I know now) and then 2700 (Soft white) I looked up the day after I purchased, silly me... I hate waiting for money to come in and having to make do, ALSO can anyone tell me if that seedling looks good for 1.5 weeks old? I know my out-doors ones didn't look that good that early but they weren't on 24 lights.


Well-Known Member
light is light, add it to the light you have..but keep in mind the 4200k is similar to moonlight while 6500k is like daylight with the sun out...ill see if i can find a color temp chart..


Is the 1000 w ballast dimmable?
I did not ask my friend, I will tomorrow. (Good tip, but why would I want it to be dimmable if you don't mind?)

And thanks a ton Desr. Moonlight doesn't help plants grow does it rofl..? And second off if 6500 is like daylight, and 4200 is more like moonlight, 2700 is more like?


So does the seedling look good or average for 1.5 weeks? My other ones are growing a bit slower, might be my medium though, all are a bit different.