Romney: I will fight medical marijuana tooth and nail


Well-Known Member
we're only talking about a very specific, blameless subset of illegals.
I wasn't when we started. I never mentioned Mexicans until a couple of posts ago.

To set the record straight, I am against ALL illegals. European, Asian, Central American and even Canadian.
It's not my fault the vast majority happen to be Mexican.
I don't harbor any more ill will against illegal Mexicans than I do against illegal Swedes.


Well-Known Member
cognitive dissonance. it's a bitch.
What the fuck are you two talking about? Trying to bring deceased family into a conversation you have no answer to? You guys are quick to point fingers at a problem but cannot come up with a better answer. Putting your cowardly feminism aside whats the answer?


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you two talking about? Trying to bring deceased family into a conversation you have no answer to? You guys are quick to point fingers at a problem but cannot come up with a better answer. Putting your cowardly feminism aside whats the answer?
keep trying to dodge the question, socky mcsockdouche.

so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?


Well-Known Member
employers tell officials who they need to do the work that they can't find americans to do, temporary work visas are then granted for immigrants who want to come to work, easy pathway to citizenship as long as they play nice in the sand box.

now answer mine:

so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
So will that keep illegals out? I mean thats like saying I want rainbows to solve it, what do we do to people that break the law?


Well-Known Member
So will that keep illegals out? I mean thats like saying I want rainbows to solve it, what do we do to people that break the law?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well??


Well-Known Member
As I expected, you don't want to debate just be a troll.
you're too much of a pussy to answer the question so you want to start a different debate. it's a question, just answer it you cowardly pussy.

so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?


Well-Known Member
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well??
UB, what about kids who only have one parent and they get sent to jail. The kid might have to go to foster parents. Why should the kid get punished for their parents bad deeds. Should we give the parents amnesty?


Well-Known Member
you're too much of a pussy to answer the question so you want to start a different debate. it's a question, just answer it you cowardly pussy.

so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
Was it his car or was it stolen?


Well-Known Member
cowardly pussy still can't answer the question.
What question? I already said if you gave children under the age of 18 amnesty how do we fix it? We both know that the "play nice" thing won't work because we have been over lenient and it still doesn't work.


King Tut
'I would not legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, and the reasons are straightforward: As I talk to people in my state and at the federal government level about marijuana and its role in society, they are convinced that the entry way into a drug culture for our young people is marijuana. Marijuana is the starter drug....The idea of medical marijuana is designed to get marijuana out in the public marketplace and ultimately lead to the legalization of marijuana overall. And in my view, that's the wrong way to go. I know that other people have differing views. If you'd like to get someone who is in favor of marijuana, I know there are some on the Democratic side of the aisle who will be happy to get in your campaign. But I'm opposed to it, and if you elect me president, you're not going to see legalized marijuana. I'm going to fight it tooth and nail.'
Yeah, fuck him and Obama both.


Well-Known Member
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well??
so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?
What question?
are you actually retarded? i'm getting the feeling that you are, and that will make me feel like shit if i've been making sport of an actually retarded person.


Well-Known Member
are you actually retarded? i'm getting the feeling that you are, and that will make me feel like shit if i've been making sport of an actually retarded person.
On the last quote why did you delete the rest of it? Because it proves the point?


Well-Known Member
Its always the Paulbots in denial about Obama being BY FAR the most liberal of any sitting president on cannabis since long before prohibition was ever considered. It's only so they can push their Koch endorsed POS supply-side trickle-down ass hole candidate who they believe is holy and beyond reproach. They tout these big numbers of arrests and leave out the fact that nobody is actually doing any time over these petty crimes and the only arrests are of non state compliant and multimillion dollar commercial grows, dispensaries and so forth. They also leave out that more progress has been made in the last four years against prohibition (one third of the country) with openly operating dispensaries and reputable doctors signing prescriptions, than at anytime since ever. So yes, more arrests, because more activity.

Be state compliant and don't run a massive commercial cooperative and you will be fine, just like Obama says.

It is still illegal and the president can't change the law, he can only enforce it, or in this case not so much--see Holder memo.


Well-Known Member
On the last quote why did you delete the rest of it? Because it proves the point?

answer the question, sock puppet. yes or no.

  • so when your dad is driving you to install a "greese" trap and he gets pulled over and ticketed for speeding, should the cop hand you a speeding ticket as well?


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
All liberals, progressives and treadmill salesmen need to co-sign an illegal. If that illegal fucks up, the co-signer gets deported. Another illegal sympathizer must then co-sign that illegal, even if it means taking on two or more.