The Democrats "Ron Paul Moment"


New Member
The Democrats "Ron Paul Moment"

At the RNC we watched John Baener read off the Teleprompter "The aye's have it" completely ignoring the delgates in a scripted vote. At the DNC we saw the same thing last night, delegates being ignored, a scripted event in which the people have no choice. This has been going for a long time likely, it is only now with new technology (cameras everywhere and the internet) that we witness the true fraud of the two party system.

Ben Swann was on The Jerry Doyle Show today talking about the "Ron Paul Moment" at the DNC. Hard to believe (yet not so hard to believe) that we would see an almost identical example of how the "votes" are scripted and pre-determined.

Jerry and Ben also talk about how FOX News is trying to make an issue of what happened at the DNC while completely ignoring how the SAME IDENTICAL THING happened at the RNC. Ridiculous!



New Member
here it is side by side, democrat vs rnc scripted "voting" side by side

Witness the criminal cartels known as the Democrats and Republicans for yourself:



Well-Known Member
Political corruption is nothing new. Ron Paul is probably the only guy in congress who isn't bought. Hence why he has yet to be the nominee and probably never will.


New Member
Political corruption is nothing new. Rob Paul is probably the only guy in congress who isn't bought. Hence why he has yet to be the nominee and probably never will.
yea you got that right, its just now that its in plain view will it still be ignored and denied? I don't think it can for long, here is some music btw:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
and anarchist will froth at the mouth throw bombs at baby carriages and shoot Theodore Roosevelt in the chest for giving a speech in favor of freedom.

nationalists can paint with a broad brush too.

but then youre not REALLY an anarchist. you just swallowed the lie that anarchism is a political theory, rather than Grand Theft Auto, Streets of Mogadishu.

on the issue at hand, i've said it many times, both parties are just professional wrestling, they strut and fret, and throw each other about for a few minutes to an hour, then all run off to a steakhouse and sit down together to celebrate another fine performance of the theater of the absurd.


Well-Known Member
more like nascar then professional wrestling. i am watching for the fiery wreck that will inevitably happen.

just give me a christine o'donnell or mccain suspending his campaign or bob dole falling off a podium and i'm as happy as a clam.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
more like nascar then professional wrestling. i am watching for the fiery wreck that will inevitably happen.

just give me a christine o'donnell or mccain suspending his campaign or bob dole falling off a podium and i'm as happy as a clam.
because democrats have it all sewn up right?
nancy pelosi is a deep thinker and a public servant,
diane feinstien didnt get rich passing fat government contracts to her husband's companies
john kerry (who served in vietnam) never lied about incursions into cambodia and firefights that never happened, and atrocities he never witnessed.
and ted kennedy didnt kill mary jo kopeckne in his sunken car while he called his political handlers instead of the fire dept, an ambulance or the cops who might have saved her.
hillary clinton didnt hide subpeonaed documents in the white house linen closet
craig livingstone didnt walk off with over 500 FBI files with no questions aked and no prison time for his theft
bill clinton never lied before congress
al gore really was right, there was No Controlling Legal Authority to prevent him taking chinese money for his campaign.
barack obama a never claimed to be an indonesian in his publisher's bio (that yes he wrote himself)
BHO is a constitutional scholar despite his belief that the supreme court overturning a law would be "unprecedented"
BHO didnt lie about the contents of his obamacare versions 1-8 and then try to force it through before even nancy pelosi could read it
Harry reid really does know a guy who knows a guy who KNOWS that mitt romney didnt pay no taxes for ten years

yep them republicans is whats wrong with washington. we should just give the democrats control of everything.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
more like nascar then professional wrestling. i am watching for the fiery wreck that will inevitably happen.

just give me a christine o'donnell or mccain suspending his campaign or bob dole falling off a podium and i'm as happy as a clam.
Hemingway, you made a boo boo. The word is, "than," not "then."

"I'm a liberal, therefore, I speak first, then I think later."

"I'm a liberal, therefore, I speak first, rather than thinking later."

I'm shocked your kindergarten teacher didn't notice you were high the day they went over the difference between those two words.

You need to tell your DSA USA grammar nazi leader to brush up more with you.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Hemingway, you made a boo boo. The word is, "than," not "then."

"I'm a liberal, therefore, I speak first, then I think later."

"I'm a liberal, therefore, I speak first, rather than thinking later."

I'm shocked your kindergarten teacher didn't notice you were high the day they went over the difference between those two words.

You need to tell your DSA USA grammar nazi leader to brush up more with you.
Some can dish it out but then can't take it.
Some can give it better than​ they can take it.


Well-Known Member
Some can dish it out but then can't take it.
Some can give it better than​ they can take it.
some people smoke brown schwag and then have to pay a hooker to suck their dick.

i guess an STD and a headache is better than nothing.