What kind of problem/ Def, is this?



I am thinking it maybe a problem with low humidity cause my humidity was reading around 16 to 20%, temps are in the high 80's. It is in a hempy bucket vegging for about 2 weeks now. Also i am using cfls and the lights are about 3.5 to 4 inches above plant. Any help much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
imo, yr right on the money w yr diagnosis of low humidity. i have also experienced this same problem with low humidity. i added a humidifier ($20 walmart) and the problem gradually got better. dnt use the cool mist vaporizer. it will only raise humidity about 5%. but u also need to control the heat, because this is also what is causing yr problem. try to keep the temp below 80, 85 max. prefferably 65-75 F. when this happened to me, it was very hard to diagnose because for 1, low humidity is kinda rare, and nobody on here knew what was causing it at the time so i had to experiment w different fixes and it took a few weeks for the symptoms to go away. but the good thing was that growth and development didnt seem to be affected. good luck.


Well-Known Member
If that much perlite is in your soil , (as it appears on the surface) then that's pretty much a hydro medium ,
i'm guessing your ph is around 6.8 - 7.2 , it will need to be around 5.8 - 6.0 ,
or a high Ph will lock your plant , and will struggle to take nutes....


Well-Known Member
That plant has nute absorption problems. What's up with your PH, what are you feeding it, how often, etc
sorry chronic but i must respectfully disagree. leaf fringes curling in this fasion is usually related to water/humidity problems. imo the leaves and stems are nice and green all the way thru. nutrient levels imo seem fine.


Well-Known Member
sorry chronic but i must respectfully disagree. leaf fringes curling in this fasion is usually related to water/humidity problems. imo the leaves and stems are nice and green all the way thru. nutrient levels imo seem fine.
Well i disagree with you and agree with Chronic so ner ner ;)

look again.


This is a hempy bucket(hydro) my ph that i feed them at is between 5.8-6.0 lucas formula using flora series GH. This is my third grow second hempy grow. On my second grow which was a dwc grow i didnt have these issues i guess cause the water evapping from the res was keeping it high enough. But my last hempy grow i had this problem. Right now all i am doing is filling up a 2 liter bottle with warm water with a dish towel in it and a fan blowing on the end to raise humidity up but it isnt rising by to much and i have to refill it like every 2 days.


Well-Known Member
Well i disagree with you and agree with Chronic so ner ner ;)

look again.
im not tryin to argue im trying to help. if im wrong im wrong. wouldnt be the 1st time. what makes u think its a def? what nutrient def causes leaf fringes to curl up? the leaves are green all the way thru. theres in not 1 def that causes these symptoms. if there is i would like to know. I have personally dealt with this same issue. and it was humudity. when leaf fringes curl its related to water or humidity.


im not tryin to argue im trying to help. if im wrong im wrong. wouldnt be the 1st time. what makes u think its a def? what nutrient def causes leaf fringes to curl up? the leaves are green all the way thru. theres in not 1 def that causes these symptoms. if there is i would like to know. I have personally dealt with this same issue. and it was humudity. when leaf fringes curl its related to water or humidity.
Yep, i was leaning more towards the humidity problem over a def. cause i know they are not being over fertilized. and the only obvious things that are not optimal are the temps and the low humidity that i am getting. Do you think that putting a bag over them to act as a humidity dome will help the situation until the plant gets more mature and can really get all the water and moisture it needs from the root system. cause i spray the plant with water(plain) to help but the problem hasn't gone away yet.


Well-Known Member
personally i would not put any kind of dome over them because there will be little to no air circulation/co2 replentishment, which will cause the plant to concentrate on root production and not plant growth. if u do experiment with this idea maybe do it for a short period or maybe u could put some kinda dome over them at night because they dnt need co2 at night. what i would suggest is buying a humidifier ($20) at walmart (not the cool mist humidifier. they suck). if u are unable to do this, then at least put an open bucket of water in yr grow room or hang wet towels in the room and re wet them when they dry out. this will only raise yr rh by about 5%, 10% max. yr goal is to put moisture into the air. good luck


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with humidity issues. Also, I would move your cfl's a little closer. I like mine to be no closer than an inch away but no further than 3 inches from the CFL's. Lightly misting your plants lightly with water might give it some quick help however do it when the lights are about to go off because misting the plants under the light will cause burn marks (water droplets magnify the light causing intense heat). The leaves will open back up from their taco shape once the plant starts to recover. Good Luck. Also I've heard of people putting a large bucket of water in their room by the fan it is supposed to help with humidity
what type of air circulation other then the fan that is blowing over the towel you are using?

how strong is the fan blowing on that side of the plant with the curled leaves?

I'd almost say it looks like high temps, the low humidity may just be accelerating the issue.
Could be the amount of wind applyed to the leaves causing them to dry out.
Are the leaves brittle or are they still fleshy?


New Member
its not the plant is the grower its not enough book reading defeicennency read some books then start again


Well-Known Member
a stack of clay pots, with a wet towel in top pot. add water as necessary. and mist a bit. one fella's 2 cents


Well-Known Member
im not tryin to argue im trying to help. if im wrong im wrong. wouldnt be the 1st time. what makes u think its a def? what nutrient def causes leaf fringes to curl up? the leaves are green all the way thru. theres in not 1 def that causes these symptoms. if there is i would like to know. I have personally dealt with this same issue. and it was humudity. when leaf fringes curl its related to water or humidity.
Im with you on the no argue bit , only i had this issue myself and the problem was Ph to high ,
a bit ago i changed medium from soil to hydro rockwool , needed my ph at 5.8 and it was 7.something due to a broken ph stick/metre ,
i had the curl and the wispy growth that looked just like that ,
problem is for example , some symptoms show the same def, ie high ph and a Boron def will show the same symptoms ,
i could go on , Peace umbre,
again i agee we are here to help the op ;)


I would have to agree with humidity issues. Also, I would move your cfl's a little closer. I like mine to be no closer than an inch away but no further than 3 inches from the CFL's. Lightly misting your plants lightly with water might give it some quick help however do it when the lights are about to go off because misting the plants under the light will cause burn marks (water droplets magnify the light causing intense heat). The leaves will open back up from their taco shape once the plant starts to recover. Good Luck. Also I've heard of people putting a large bucket of water in their room by the fan it is supposed to help with humidity
I have a 2 litre bottle of water in the box with a small 4 inch fan blowing on the end of the towel, it wicks the water from the bottle to raise humidity, my plants are close enought to the lights, about 3 inches