I have a couple questions though, and yes, this time I am actually hoping for aanswers because I don't know and this is your thread and I'm interested.
What do Nebraskan citizens have to say about this? I would think they have a bigger say than Harper or Obama.
Why shouldn't I believe that Harper is trying to give the GOP something to work with? Why should I not believe that he is simply trying to help American Neocons defeat Obama by giving them political ammo? It may sound crazy to you, because I think you are seeking anti-Obama arguments, but humor it, you did start the debate.
I assume this whole thing is based on Gingrich's comments and I would just shoot it down closed-mindedly as BS from a BSer, but an even bigger BSer is involved in this story with Harper being quoted. That begs the question, Why would a Neoconservative member of the British Royal Family, ardent Bush Ally and staunch opponent of Canada's Medical MJ sell oil to the Chinese? I think he is bluffing just to make some anti-Obama news which I don't mind if it helps Ron, but the GOP hates Ron. I resist the political maneuverings of those who I think would persecute me.