1st stealth grow

so i have a small fish tank stand i'm currently using but it has to many light leeks. so i am moving to a sealed pc style grow box an i was wondering how to vent the box and build a diy carbon filter so my house doesn't smell. i'm going to use dwc and sog i have 2600k cfl's for flowering and 6700k for veg. any comments or helpful impute is appreciated. IMG_0001.jpgIMG_0002.jpgIMG_0003.jpg these are whats going it the new boxIMG_0004.jpg


Active Member
How big is your box? Looks pretty damn small, having a carbon filter on that is gonna look super out of place. From your pictures, I dont see any intake or exhaust ventilation, your gonna want some fans inside, set up for intake in there and too move the arir around and make those seedlings stems strong....Interested to know what your plans are...

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
you need an exhaust system in there. your original box was good you can easily seal off light leaks with duct tape or electrical type. i used to use a combination of both. if you only keep two plants i would think your plants will smell that bad, nothing that a scented candle or dryer sheets couldn't fix. a carbon filter even a diy one i will take up a lot of room.
thank you i think i might go with the ez Walmart carbon filter will keep the thread updated with pics
sorry i wasn't more specific, first thread its mini stealth grow two plants its H 23"x W 10"x D 19" its bigger then a PC case. i siliconed and painted it so its sealed i'm adding intake and exhaust today
air will be forced through the bottom also cooling DWC reservoir and all heat will be sucked out the top corner, where i'm thinking of adding a tube with activated charcoal so the air would get sucked through it hopefully helping with the smell problem IMG_0012.jpgIMG_0008.jpgIMG_0010.jpgIMG_0013.jpgIMG_0009.jpgIMG_0006.jpgIMG_0011.jpgIMG_0007.jpgIMG_0005.jpg
no comment's i'm new to this i would like any impute that can help me have a successful grow if you need more pics close up or any spec's just let me know


Active Member
If you wanna do a super jimmy rig filter thats small enough to fit that size fan, its possible, but impracticle for your size box. Or, you can send your exhaust air out a window, into a closet or attic using flexible ducting. Your not gonna have to worry about it for awhile though, so take your time deciding what you really want to do to prevent smell. Good luck

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
you want more lights. two cfls wont support your plants throughout flowering. take a look at my thread to see how i did it. i use these light socket to plug fittings, then i put a Y adapter in which gives you two bulbs per socket. id use three but you could get away with two and the use a extension cord of some sort to get another set closer to your plants. or if you build your own setup to where it could be adjustable like you have it. but in short you need more lights. light leaks may be an issue with your fan something you need to consider before flowering. id suggest putting a 90 degree pvc elbow pointing down to help eliminate light, i plan on doing this after i paint the pipes black.

other than that your box looks good. how loud is that fan at the top?

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
that thing looks awesome! small and stealthy... hmm skunky needs to go find himself one of these :eyesmoke:

edit wow $200.00 for one unit bit outa my range for one light right now :roll:


Active Member
for your odor control you should look into ona pro gel.. also that bulb your using doesnt look too offical! Check out this bad boy http://greenbookpages.com/tube/kessil-led-grow-light-purple/
hydroguru, just saw you comment and have heard about ona pro gel before, had a quick look on google shopping and sound something that sounded like it might suit my pc grow:
Originally I was going to use:
Which do you (or anyone reading for that matter) think would be most appropriate for it? And if I did use it, would having it inside the grow box effect the crop? Thanks
all the fans are almost silent there pc fans i have three so far intake exhaust and one blowing on the plants i want to add two more lights on the walls just trying to figure out the best way to do it. all fans 24/7 except intake i use passive when lights are off so it doesn't get to cold

here's some pics of the exhaust with some cardboard to block the light leak. i also put some pics of the roots(only 12 days old) and the cabinet closed looks like a table i also started lst on the plant that was growing to fast.



Active Member
FreshWave or Ona gel will work. it impossible tfind ona gel in my area so i justbought fresh wave apparrently its very good

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
sometimes lower quality pc fans can hum and be pretty loud, ive never seen the blower looking one you have at the top so i was curious
i added more lights 24 watt instead of 13 also i put the plants in there own dwc buckets. and started nutes and lst. i also made a ghetto hood out of foil to help with all the light escaping up. tell me what u think