too bushy?


Well-Known Member
it is a 15 Gl pot, it looks tiny, until you really look. i was thinking closer to 2 Lb dry. wet guessing is tricky. they always look like more is there, until it is dry.


Well-Known Member
it is a 15 Gl pot, it looks tiny, until you really look. i was thinking closer to 2 Lb dry. wet guessing is tricky. they always look like more is there, until it is dry.
that is my dream. im exited about the Blue Satellite. but i also have some hawaiian purple kush. i dont know how that one is gonna grow but is not short and bushy like the others. maybe find a guerilla spot for it. i am a short walk from a costal nature preserve. any experience monkeying around in the wild?


Well-Known Member
i saw your thread on sub ground watering. my stepdad ran PVC down about 3 ft
on his, and my moms plants, for deeper watering. i do know that the more your roots have to look for water, the bigger the root system gets. so, if you didnt use the deep ground watering system every time, it might help at 1st, and later, in flowering, it might make it a deeper watering, so, more time between watering. if in pots, dont worry about it. if outdoors, just dig down, break up soil, if good soil dont worry about it. if compacted soil, add some filler, (perlite, forest humus, potting mix) and if you like, so 1 with sub-pipe, 1 without, measure the diff.


Well-Known Member
any experience monkeying around in the wild

i had 200 acres of gold claims in trinity county, in cali, when i was 16 thru 18. i didnt keep up on assay work, and taxes on it, so i forfeited them. life got too full with college. but me and my partner use to do about 50 a year on them, 3 years in a row. we started about 120, ended up with around 50. if it isnt your land, where you can keep people off legally, i wouldnt be able to help you keep them safe, or how to make trips to water, without drawing attention. we use to pull up water lead on gold dredge, and hook water hose to it, drag it up stream, and use it to water. we worked the stream every day or so, so seeing us up and down the stream with our dredge/water hose, was a common site. on a preserve, i wouldnt be able to help you out much. i would love some of those Hawaiian seed. i had a old strain of Hawaiian from friends, but istopped growing for a few years, and my seed stock got lost.


Well-Known Member
great soil. im gonna experiment with it. i can alway discontinue use. are there any vegg nutes recommended especially for outdoors?


Active Member
Hawaiian is da bomb. I read some where in this forum that topping decrease over all hieght but allows all the branches to catch up n fill out. Sounds contrary to that giant bush pic. Im tuned in. Throw up some pics later to see how it turned out for ya.


Well-Known Member
its actually a great story. a friend lost a bag back in the 80's has since stopped seed saving so he donated 50 seeds to the cause. only one germmed. it came out with misshappen and unevenly growing leaves. very wierd. two leaves actually grew together as one.


Well-Known Member
if it is male, or female, collect pollen (if male) and freeze it in a plastic bag, use a Qtip to pollinate a few lower branches for next years seeds. you want to keep the genetics. if female, try to save a male of a different strain, and do same to it. i wouldnt say to do this, but if it is last seed of the strain, do it.


Well-Known Member
for sure. how should i isolate it if it turns out male? keeping in mind that i really enjoy my new greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
just pull the male as soon as you collect. trim most of the branches off it, b4 they dump pollen. and use a plastic bread bag, to cover the branch you are saving to collect from. tie off bag over branch, and when it dumps its pollen, collect it, put it in a film container, and keep it in room temp, if only using this year, or you can freeze left overs, for next year, to back breed it, to stabilize strain.


Well-Known Member
and how should i pick my female? i wish i had more selection as far as strains go. i am a major sativa junkie. but my current collection is sparse. what strains do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
if your gona kick it have it about 1/2 or 1/3 the size that it's gona be after fowering

(ie , 1 foot plant can grow up to 3 feet tall when done flowering)

and if you want your girls to be a little less bushy in the middle take some cloes off of it and it will get bushy still but keep on taking a few off when the same branch looks like you can take clones off of it again till you get it to the right hight


Well-Known Member
and how should i pick my female? i wish i had more selection as far as strains go. i am a major sativa junkie. but my current collection is sparse. what strains do you recommend?
to bad you don't live near me cuz I might have traded you clone of my strain to you for 1 or 2 or what ever


Well-Known Member
the thickest dense growing female, that started to flower the earliest. it is a fine line in breeding. take the 1st female to flower, for early flowering traits. the thickest flowering, for those traits. it depends on what you are wanting next year. if you dont mind waiting for late Oct, early Nov, and weather isnt a prob, go with densest female.


Well-Known Member
i might have to go with clones outdoors this year. i am in the middle of buying 5 acres, but still waiting on preloan paperwork. it is taking longer then i wished, so i might not close on it till late june, at this rate.


Well-Known Member
Ownzord, pics up soon.

NOTE2ALL:this is my first grow and what i appreciate most is the way it slows me down; the patience it gives me, gotta grow one day at a time...sure the bud is good, but the bud is always good.


Well-Known Member
i might have to go with clones outdoors this year. i am in the middle of buying 5 acres, but still waiting on preloan paperwork. it is taking longer then i wished, so i might not close on it till late june, at this rate.
I think doing both indoor and out door growing is giving a person the best of both worlds because out side you can use the seasons to do most of the work and indoor you can have plants all year round and have clone sready when ever


Well-Known Member
Ownzord, pics up soon.

NOTE2ALL:this is my first grow and what i appreciate most is the way it slows me down; the patience it gives me, gotta grow one day at a time...sure the bud is good, but the bud is always good.
this is my first grow to but a bit of stuff I learned on my own like not to long ago I'm gona have to redo my air intake system because my fans are in reverce and I just found that having them blowing air forwords has a faster air speed then the other way around, about a foot to 3 feet away from the fan that's in reverce has the same wind movent showin on the plants


Well-Known Member
the thickest dense growing female, that started to flower the earliest. it is a fine line in breeding. take the 1st female to flower, for early flowering traits. the thickest flowering, for those traits. it depends on what you are wanting next year. if you dont mind waiting for late Oct, early Nov, and weather isnt a prob, go with densest female.
i am actually partial to fluffy stains. any strain/ growing recomendations?


Well-Known Member
i am actually partial to fluffy stains. any strain/ growing recomendations?
well to tell you the truth you should try all strains to see what you like the most and keep the best ones you perfer right now I have MillionDollar strain but if I got skunk and I like it the same amount as my Strain then I'll keep both of them, but if I got one that doesn't pass my tests then its not gona stay