Question: male or female? new to growing


what's that called in the middle of the stipule and the side branch.. i thought that's the calyx. can someone explain in detail


Well-Known Member
no way of telling yet. Some people take a couple clones from each plant their growing, root them, then stick them in a seperate room with only 12/12 lighting inducing flowering. Remembering which clones were tooken from which plant, you will be able to tell within 2-3 weeks the sex of the clones and if any clones are males, chuck them out and chuck out any plants that those male clones came from. Hope that helps, happy toking.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
From what you've shown we can't tell the sex yet. You'll need to observe this plant when you stick it into flower or follow the cloning method referenced below. And check the newbie section of this site as well as a good old fashion google search if ur just looking to tell sex, all your questions will be answered there.


i only veg the plant for 2 weeks and it has been 3 weeks under the 12/12 light cycle. why is that its taking too long for my baby to show sex


Active Member
To early to tell?
I'm going to stick my my neck out and say it Looks like a girl to me :leaf:
Ditto. First Couple of pics look to be female preflowers. As for switching before plant maturity, alot of people do it, and that will allow it to go right to producing flowers when it reaches maturity.


To early to tell?
I'm going to stick my my neck out and say it Looks like a girl to me :leaf:
that's what im thinking. i research about sexing and found some female preflower images similar to mine. that's why im asking some experienced grower to clarify if this is really a female. please let it be a girl. this is my first grow and im so excited. woohooo haha


Well-Known Member
that's what im thinking. i research about sexing and found some female preflower images similar to mine. that's why im asking some experienced grower to clarify if this is really a female. please let it be a girl. this is my first grow and im so excited. woohooo haha
keep up the good work mataks happy growing :leaf:


Active Member
ok just make sure you babies don't look like this, this is a male i found in my crop 2 days ago, also if your plants do look like this you need to chuck them out right away unless its fem seeds you want.
