How About An English Mod?


Well-Known Member
it's so embarrasing! and that is why I hate football/soccer - keeping it international ;) Apart from the fact it's a shit game played by overpaid wankers and then watched by even bigger wankers!

It's all about the Rugby for me.

here not all english like football, or shitty Rugby either.


The Gardener
is he your friend? SHOOTOKILL???[/qu

Yea i no gordan brown is haha i wasent talkin about him lmao no need to wet your pants crazy balls ....... had is a small word with a big meaning ?????

I live in the uk :confused: lmao

Look you not getting the MOD job no stop brown noising like tony blair looking power your not getting it lmao

now dont be rude to me any more u had no reason to in the 1st place :mrgreen:

Ya also cant call bush a wanker if tony blair did the exact same thing but his reason was just and attempt to make brittian great again by doing a bit of brown noising haha
So looks like you stuck your foot in your gob but insulting the yanks an im not even a yank you crazy lil fooker haha

keep er light