Promises kept By Obama


New Member

Extend child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes

Will extend aspects of the Bush tax cuts such as child credit expansions and changes to marriage bonuses and penalties.

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Create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes

"Will create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to identify and invest in the most compelling advanced manufacturing strategies. The Fund will have a peer-review selection and award process based on the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund, a state-level initiative that has awarded over $125 million to Michigan businesses with the most innovative proposals to create new products and new jobs in the state."

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Increase minority access to capital

"Strengthen Small Business Administration programs that provide capital to minority-owned businesses, support outreach programs that help minority business owners apply for loans, and work to encourage the growth and capacity of minority firms."

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Require economic justification for tax changes

Adopt the economic substance doctrine, a policy that states that tax changes must have significant economic justification, as a federal law.

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Implement "Women Owned Business" contracting program

"Will implement the Women Owned Business contracting program that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, but has yet to be implemented by the Bush Administration." The program seeks to get more women-owned businesses to compete for federal contracts.

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Change standards for determining broadband access

Will direct the Federal Communications Commission to "provide an accurate map of broadband availability using a true definition of broadband instead of the current 200 kbs standard and an assessment of obstacles to fuller broadband penetration."

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Create a consumer-friendly credit card rating system

"The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will assess the degree to which credit cards meet consumer-friendly standards … (such as) the underwriting standards used to issue the card, the card's interest rate spread between the introductory rate and the maximum rate allowed, and transaction fees. ... Credit card companies will be required to display the rating on all application and contract materials, enabling consumers to quickly understand all of the major provisions of a credit card without having to rely exclusively on fine print in lengthy documents."

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Establish a credit card bill of rights

The credit card bill of rights would "ban unilateral changes ... apply interest rate increases only to future debt ... prohibit interest on fees ... prohibit 'universal defaults' (whereby a credit card raises its rates because the consumer was late paying a different creditor ... require prompt and fair crediting of cardholder payments."

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Expand loan programs for small businesses

Expand "the Small Business Administration's loan and micro-loan programs which provide start-up and long-term financing that small firms cannot receive through normal channels."

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Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes

Extend the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)

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Extend and index the 2007 Alternative Minimum Tax patch

Extend and index the temporary fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax that was passed in 2007

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Close the "doughnut hole" in Medicare prescription drug plan

"Barack Obama wants to close the 'doughnut hole' in the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program that limits benefits for seniors with more than $2,250 but less than $5,100 in annual drug costs. Approximately 4 million seniors hit the doughnut hole in 2006, paying full price for drugs while also paying drug plan premiums."

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Expand the Senior Corps volunteer program

Expand "the Senior Corps program, which connects individuals over the age of 55 to local volunteer opportunities, and work to provide additional security, including assistance with retirement and family-related costs, to seniors who participate in public service."

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Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions

Require insurance companies "to cover pre-existing conditions so all Americans, regardless of their health status or history, can get comprehensive benefits at fair and stable premiums."

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Give tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums

"Income-based sliding scale tax credits will be provided for people and families who need it."

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Require large employers to contribute to a national health plan

"Large employers that do not offer meaningful coverage or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan. Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement."

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Require children to have health insurance coverage

"Require that all children have health care coverage. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will expand the number of options for young adults to get coverage by allowing young people up to age 25 to continue coverage through their parents' plans."

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Expand eligibility for Medicaid

"Expand eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs and ensure that these programs continue to serve their critical safety net function."

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Expand eligibility for State Children's Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)

"Expand eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs and ensure that these programs continue to serve their critical safety net function."

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Require health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care

"Require health plans to disclose the percentage of premiums that actually goes to paying for patient care as opposed to administrative costs."

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New Member
Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information

"Establish an independent institute to guide reviews and research on comparative effectiveness to provide accurate and objective information."

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In non-competitive markets, force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care

In markets where the insurance business is not competitive, "force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care instead of keeping exorbitant amounts for profits and administration."

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Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans

"Eliminate the excessive subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans and pay them the same amount it would cost to treat the same patients under regular Medicare."

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Expand funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners

"Expand funding—including loan repayment, adequate reimbursement, grants for training curricula, and infrastructure support to improve working conditions— to ensure a strong workforce that will champion prevention and public health activities."

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Increase funding to expand community based prevention programs

"Increase funding to expand community based preventive interventions to help Americans make better choices to improve their health."

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Reinstate executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years.

"Obama will reinstate Executive Order No. 13173 which President Clinton issued just before he left office. Executive Order No. 13173 failed to achieve its mandate of hiring an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years. Obama will issue this executive order early in his first term and designate a senior White House official to assure that all federal departments and agencies meet the mandate."

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Create a best practices list for private businesses in accommodating workers with disabilities

"As president, Barack Obama will direct his Secretary of Labor, the Labor Department's Office of Disability Employment Policy, and its Job Accommodation Network to bring together employers, employer associations, human resources professionals, disability advocates, service providers, and the labor movement to identify, promote, and disseminate best practices in accommodating workers with disabilities."

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Launch educational initiative for employers on tax benefits of hiring employees with disabilities

"The tax code already contains several provisions designed to encourage employers to hire employees with disabilities, including the Disabled Access Tax Credit, a Tax Deduction for Architectural and Transportation Barrier Removal, and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Yet, very few employers actually take advantage of these credits. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will launch an aggressive effort to educate employers about these tax benefits so that more employers use them to hire greater numbers of employees with disabilities."

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Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals

Increase "the VA budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals."

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Fully fund the Veterans Administration

Fully fund "the VA so it has all the resources it needs to serve the veterans who need it, when they need it."

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Assure that the Veterans Administration budget is prepared as 'must-pass' legislation

"Obama will meet early in the budgeting process each year with congressional leaders and the nation's leading Veterans' Service Organizations (VSOs) to ensure the VA budget is always given 'must-pass' status."

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Expand the Veterans Administration's number of "centers of excellence" in specialty care

Expand the number of "centers of excellence for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), PTSD, vision impairment, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, aging, women's health and other specialized rehabilitative care."

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Expand housing vouchers program for homeless veterans

"Expand proven homeless veteran housing vouchers to assist those already on the streets."

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Appoint a special adviser to the president on violence against women

"This advisor will ensure that his agenda is coordinated across federal agencies and fully addresses prevention, programs, and the legal aspects of gender based violence."

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Fully fund the Violence Against Women Act

Provide "funds to help communities, nonprofit organizations and police combat domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking."

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Direct military leaders to end war in Iraq

On "my first day in office, I would give the military a new mission: ending this war".

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Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq

"Barack Obama will work with military commanders on the ground in Iraq and in consultation with the Iraqi government to end the war safely and responsibly within 16 months."

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No permanent bases in Iraq

"The U.S. will not maintain permanent bases in Iraq."

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Send two additional brigades to Afghanistan

"As Obama removes our combat brigades from Iraq, he will send at least two additional brigades to Afghanistan, where the Taliban is resurgent. He will also provide our armed forces with the reset capability that they need. He will replace essential equipment, and he will ensure that our men and women in uniform get the care and support they have earned."

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Create a military families advisory board

"Consisting of experts and family representatives from each service, it would help identify and develop actionable policies to ease the burden on spouses and families. The board would provide an institutionalized conduit (presently missing) for the evolving concerns of military families to be brought to the attention of senior policymakers and the public."

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New Member
End the "Stop-loss" program of forcing troops to stay in service beyond their expected commitments

Restore the Deployment Policies Under Which the Reserve and Guard Enlisted: America should recommit to the broken promises made to the men and women who serve in the Guard and Reserves. An Obama administration will: • Limit lengthy deployments to one year for every six years • Restore the 24-month limit on cumulative deployment time • End the "Stop-Loss" program of forcing troops to stay in service beyond their expected commitments.

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Strengthen and expand military exchange programs with other countries

Existing U.S. programs of military to military exchanges, joint training, education, and human rights programs must be reoriented from their current Cold War standards to reflect new strategic priorities and ethical standards. Relationships that reassure potential future competitors both of America's goodwill and its strength may help dissuade emerging powers from becoming threats. An Obama administration will also prioritize the strengthening training and working relationships with the next generation of military leaders in allied states in the Muslim and wider developing world, in order to build professionalism and respect for rights and democracy, as well as open and sustain unofficial channels of communication and influence.

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Make greater investment in advanced military air technology

"We must adapt and make tradeoffs among systems originally designed for the Cold War and those required for current and future challenges. We need greater investment in advanced technology ranging from the revolutionary, like unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic warfare capabilities, to systems like the C-17 cargo and KC-X air refueling aircraft—which may not be glamorous to politicians, but are the backbone of our future ability to extend global power."

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End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war

"End the abuse of the supplemental budgets, where much of the money has been lost, by creating system of oversight for war funds as stringent as in the regular budget."

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Make U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional on anti-terror efforts

"As president, Barack Obama would condition U.S. military aid to Pakistan on their making progress to close down the training camps, evict foreign fighters, and prevent the Taliban from using Pakistan as a base to strike inside of Afghanistan. ... Obama also will increase aid to Pakistan for development and secular education to counter extremists."

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Open "America Houses" in Islamic cities around the globe

"Modeled on the successful program the United States launched in Germany following World War II, America Houses would offer state-of-the-art English-language training programs, discussions, and a wide selection of current periodicals, newspapers, and literature. They would offer free Internet access and moderated programs that promote direct exchange with Americans through the use of modern information technology."

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Give a speech at a major Islamic forum in the first 100 days of his administration

"Obama will personally lead diplomacy efforts beginning with a speech at a major Islamic forum in the first 100 days of his administration. He will make clear that we are not at war with Islam, that we will stand with those who are willing to stand up for their future, and that we need their
effort to defeat the prophets of hate and violence."

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Allocate Homeland Security funding according to risk

"Direct our precious homeland security dollars according to risk, not as a form of general revenue sharing."

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Create a real National Infrastructure Protection Plan

"The federal government's National Asset Database, which is supposed to guide homeland security priorities, lists 77,069 potential U.S. targets including petting zoos and popcorn factories. Experts say this database is relatively useless for any level of homeland security planning. Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security will develop a meaningful critical infrastructure protection plan across the nation and will work with the private sector to ensure that all real targets are prepared for disasters both natural and man-made."

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Increase funding for local emergency planning

"Obama is committed not only to rolling back the funding cuts that have affected first responders, but also to increasing federal resources and logistic support to local emergency planning efforts."

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Seek verifiable reductions in nuclear stockpiles

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will seek deep, verifiable reductions in all U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons — whether deployed or non-deployed, whether strategic or non-strategic — and work with other nuclear powers to reduce global stockpiles dramatically by the end of an Obama presidency."

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Extend monitoring and verification provisions of the START I Treaty

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will work to secure Russia's agreement to extend essential monitoring and verification provisions of the START I Treaty before it expires in December 2009."

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Stand down nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty

Obama will "immediately stand down all nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty and urge Russia to do the same."

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Organize successful Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in 2010

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will work with our allies and other countries to achieve a successful outcome in 2010 that strengthens the NPT. The initiatives Barack Obama and Joe Biden pledge to undertake to enhance nuclear security and further U.S. commitments under the treaty will contribute greatly to that effort."

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Appoint a White House Coordinator for Nuclear Security

Obama "will appoint a deputy national security advisor to be in charge of coordinating all U.S. programs aimed at reducing the risk of nuclear terrorism and weapons proliferation. This person will work closely with him, the national security adviser, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, and senior officials of the relevant cabinet departments, and will have budgetary oversight over all programs related to nuclear security."

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Expand federal bioforensics program for tracking biological weapons

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will expand the U.S. government's bioforensics program for tracking the source of any biological weapon so that the U.S. will be able to rapidly identify any adversary who uses a biological weapon and respond surely and swiftly."

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Initiate a grant and training program for law enforcement to deter cyber crime

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will also initiate a grant and training program to provide federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies the tools they need to detect and prosecute cyber crime."

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Improve relations with Turkey, and its relations with Iraqi Kurds

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will lead a diplomatic effort to bring together Turkish and Iraqi Kurdish leaders and negotiate a comprehensive agreement that deals with the PKK threat, guarantees Turkey's territorial integrity, and facilitates badly needed Turkish investment in and trade with the Kurds of northern Iraq. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will support the promotion of democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression in Turkey and support its efforts to join the European Union."

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Launch an international Add Value to Agriculture Initiative (AVTA)

"In order to increase the incomes of subsistence producers, decrease the pressure on shrinking arable lands, and minimize the vulnerability of commodity exports to global price shocks, an Obama administration will launch the AVTA Initiative. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to spurring research and innovation aimed at bringing about a Green Revolution for Africa, by partnering with land grant institutions, private philanthropies and business to support agricultural processing through increased investment in research and development for improved seeds,
irrigation methods, and affordable and safe fertilizers."

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Create a rapid response fund for emerging democracies

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will introduce a new Rapid Response Fund – a seed fund that will provide a shot of adrenaline to young democracies and post-conflict societies, through foreign aid, debt relief, technical assistance and investment packages that show the people of newly hopeful countries that democracy and peace deliver, and the United States stands by them."

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New Member
Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba

"Cuban American connections to family in Cuba are not only a basic right in humanitarian terms, but also our best tool for helping to foster the beginnings of grassroots democracy on the island. Accordingly, as president, Obama will grant Cuban Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send remittances to the island."

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Restore funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program

"The (Bush) administration has consistently proposed to cut or eliminate funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program, which funds anti-drug and anti-gang task forces across the country. …Since 2000, this program has been cut more than 83 percent. ... As president, Obama will restore funding."

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Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas

"As president, Barack Obama will establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas. This partnership will increase research and development in clean coal technology, the next generation of sustainable biofuels and in wind, solar and nuclear energy. The partnership will also look for ways for nations to coordinate to transport green energy across national borders. It will help Latin American and Caribbean nations become more energy independent and promote sustainable growth for the region. The partnership also will create additional markets for American biofuels and American-made green energy technology."

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Expand the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will expand the highly-successful Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers. The Nurse-Family Partnership provides home visits by trained registered nurses to low-income expectant mothers and their families. The trained nurses use proven methods to help improve the mental and physical health of the family by providing counseling on substance abuse, creating and achieving personal goals, and effective methods of nurturing children."

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Release presidential records

"Will nullify the Bush attempts to make the timely release of presidential records more difficult."

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Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.

"Will issue an executive order asking all new hires at the agencies to sign a form affirming that no political appointee offered them the job solely on the basis of political affiliation or contribution."

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Provide affordable, high-quality child care

"Will provide affordable and high-quality child care to ease the burden on working families."

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Reform No Child Left Behind

"Will reform NCLB, which starts by funding the law. Obama and Biden believe teachers should not be forced to spend the academic year preparing students to fill in bubbles on standardized tests. He will improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college and the workplace and improve student learning in a timely, individualized manner. Obama and Biden will also improve NCLB's accountability system so that we are supporting schools that need improvement, rather than punishing them."

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Recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession

"Will recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession and will support efforts to help these teachers learn from professionals in the field. They will also work to ensure that all children have access to a strong science curriculum at all grade levels."

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Reduce subsidies to private student lenders and protect student borrowers

Will "eliminate wasteful subsidies to private student lenders, which will save nearly $6 billion dollars per year, and invest the savings in additional student aid."

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Encourage water-conservation efforts in the West

Will "support federal policies to encourage voluntary water banks, wastewater treatment, and other market-based conservation measures" to address the water shortage in western states.

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Increase funding for national parks and forests

"Will repair the damage done to our national parks by inadequate funding and emphasize the protection and restoration of our National Forests."

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Increase funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund

Will support "increased funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which supports land acquisition and maintenance of parks" and "will lead efforts to acquire and conserve new parks and public lands, focusing on ecosystems such as the Great Plains and Eastern forests which do not yet have the protection they deserve."

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Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient

"Will encourage the use of methane digesters that are being used to produce power from animal waste; and will expand USDA projects that focus on energy efficiency and conservation."

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Expand Pell grants for low-income students

"Will continue to work to ensure that the maximum Pell Grant award is increased for low-income students. Specifically, he will ensure that the award keeps pace with the rising cost of college inflation."

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Create a community college partnership program

"Will create a Community College Partnership Program to strengthen community colleges by providing grants to a) conduct more thorough analysis of the types of skills and technical education that are in high demand from students and local industry; b) implement new associate of arts degree programs that cater to emerging industry and technical career demands; and c) reward those institutions that graduate more students and also increase their numbers of transfer students to four-year institutions."

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Pursue a wildfire management plan

"Will aggressively pursue an effective fire prevention, mitigation and land and forest management plan that decreases the fire risks that many communities are now
facing. When wildfire threatens lives and property, an Obama-Biden Administration will increase the federal government's commitment to field the most professional, well-trained, and well-coordinated wildfire fighting force in the world. Unlike the Bush Administration, they will not finance these efforts by raiding the budgets relied upon by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to provide public access to, and manage, the more than 430 million acres of public lands that they oversee. Barack Obama will work with Governors, Congress and local officials on a bipartisan basis to develop and enact reliable, dedicated funding sources to fight the most catastrophic fires so that public lands may continue to be managed for public access, fish, wildlife, recreation, forestry and other multiple uses."

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Remove more brush, small trees and vegetation that fuel wildfires

"Will place a high priority on implementing cooperative projects to remove brush, small trees and other overgrown vegetation that serve as fuel for wildfires. Barack Obama will focus the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management's efforts on working with local communities on hazardous fuels projects to make communities safer and forests healthier."

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More controlled burns to reduce wildfires

"Will use controlled burns and prescribed natural fire to reduce such fuels in close coordination with those communities that are most at risk. Thousands of jobs will be created by working with communities to thin unnaturally crowded forests close to homes. And by coordinating fuel reduction efforts with biomass energy projects, communities will have the potential to
generate new sources of low cost energy. Resources will be focused where they will do the most good: in the wildland-urban interface, and not in fighting fires or on logging projects in remote, backcountry areas."

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Expand access to places to hunt and fish

Will "support the Open Fields Incentives legislation that provides incentives to farmers and ranchers who voluntarily open their land to hunting, fishing and other wildlife-related activities."

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New Member
Work toward deploying a global climate change research and monitoring system

"Will lean forward to deploy a global climate change research and monitoring system that will work for decades to come. The recommendations in the recent National Research Council decadal survey on Earth observations from space will guide his priorities in this regard."

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Enhance earth mapping

"Will continue support for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission, which allows study of the earth's land surfaces and provides valuable data for agricultural, educational, scientific, and government use."

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Appoint an assistant to the president for science and technology policy

"Will appoint an Assistant to the President for Science and Technology Policy who will report directly to the president, and be deeply involved in establishing research priorities that reflect the nation's needs based on the best available advice from experts around the country."

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Support commercial access to space

"Will stimulate the commercial use of space and private sector utilization of the International Space Station. He will establish new processes and procurement goals to promote the use of government facilities."

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Establish school programs to highlight space and science achievements

Through NASA, "will develop K-12 education activities to translate the successes of our civil space programs, particularly our nation's scientific discoveries, our technology developments, and space exploration activities, into instructional programs for our children."

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Strengthen the levees in New Orleans

"Will ensure that New Orleans has a levee and pumping system to protect the city against a 100-year storm by 2011, with the ultimate goal of protecting the entire city from a Category 5 storm."

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Establish special crime programs for the New Orleans area

"Will finish rebuilding the region's criminal justice system so that we do not have to rely on the National Guard to patrol city streets..Will establish a special "COPS for Katrina" program to allow communities impacted by the storm to hire and retain new officers and community prosecutors, develop community-based crime fighting strategies, and rebuild their lost infrastructure... Will strengthen Drug Enforcement Administration efforts to stop the reestablishment of drug gangs across the region...Will help local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies come together to establish an integrated regional crime control partnership so that each police chief and sheriff doesn't have to face these crime problems alone."

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Rebuild schools in New Orleans

"Will help communities in the Gulf make necessary school infrastructure investments so all kids from all backgrounds have safe and supportive environments to learn."

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Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps

"Will expand and fund AmeriCorps from 75,000 slots today to 250,000 and they will focus this expansion on addressing the great challenges facing the nation." These additional slots will enable AmeriCorps to establish five new Corps: Classroom Corps to help teachers and students, with a priority placed on high-need and underserved schools; Health Corps to improve public health information and outreach to areas with inadequate health systems such as rural areas and inner cities; Clean Energy Corps to promote energy independence through efforts like weatherization, renewable energy projects and educational outreach; Veterans Corps to help keep America's sacred trust with its veterans; and Homeland Security Corps to help communities plan, prepare for and respond to emergencies.

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Create a Social Investment Fund Network

"Will create a Social Investment Fund Network. This will be a government-supported nonprofit corporation, similar to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, that will use federal seed money to leverage private sector funding to improve local innovation, test the impact of new ideas and expand successful programs to scale. The fund will operate through a network of funds that will be rooted in the private sector at the community level, with local decision-making informed by a shared network of best practices. For example, a successful nonprofit organization could apply for funding to study ways to improve or expand the organization to other locations. Or an angel investor could work with the fund to identify high-quality nonprofits that should be expanded to other locations and invest in that expansion. The network of funds would bring experts skilled at analyzing data, picking winners, measuring results, and building capacity to work."

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Bolster the military's ability to speak different languages

"Will bolster our military's ability to speak different languages, navigate different cultures, and coordinate complex missions with our civilian agencies."

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Appoint the nation's first Chief Technology Officer

"Will appoint the nation's first Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to ensure that our government and all its agencies have the right infrastructure, policies and services for the 21st century. The CTO will ensure the safety of our networks and will lead an interagency effort, working with chief technology and chief information officers of each of the federal agencies, to ensure that they use best-in-class technologies and share best practices."

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Provide grants to early-career researchers

"Will provide new research grants to the most outstanding early-career researchers in the country."

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Protect American intellectual property abroad

"Will work to ensure intellectual property is protected in foreign markets, and promote greater cooperation on international standards that allow our technologies to compete everywhere."

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Increase efforts to reduce unintended pregnancy

"Obama will work to reduce unintended pregnancy by guaranteeing equity in contraceptive coverage, providing sex education and offering rape victims accurate information about emergency contraception."

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Work to overturn Ledbetter vs. Goodyear

"Obama will work to overturn the Supreme Court's recent ruling that curtails racial minorities' and women's ability to challenge pay discrimination."

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Stop the development of new nuclear weapons

"He will stop the development of new nuclear weapons; work with Russia to take U.S. and Russian ballistic missiles off hair-trigger alert; seek dramatic reductions in U.S. and Russian stockpiles of nuclear weapons and material; and set a goal to expand the U.S.-Russian ban on intermediate-range missiles so that the agreement is global."

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Create a national declassification center

"He will institute a national declassification center to make declassification secure but routine, efficient and cost-effective."

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Appoint an American Indian policy adviser

"I'll appoint an American Indian policy adviser to my senior White House staff to work with tribes. I'll host an annual summit at the White House with tribal leaders to come up with an agenda that works for tribal communities."

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Create new financial regulations

"I'll put in place the common-sense regulations and rules of the road I've been calling for since March -- rules that will keep our market free, fair, and honest; rules that will restore accountability and responsibility in our corporate boardrooms."

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New Member
Increase funding for land-grant colleges

"Obama will increase research and educational funding for land-grant colleges."

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Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees

"Barack Obama will issue an executive order banning registered lobbyists or lobbying firms from giving gifts in any amount or any form to executive branch employees."

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Sign a "universal" health care bill

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president ... ."

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Create new criminal penalties for mortgage fraud

"We will crack down on mortgage professionals found guilty of fraud by increasing enforcement and creating new criminal penalties."

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Require 10 percent renewable energy by 2012

Will "require 10 Percent of electricity to come from renewable sources by 2012. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will establish a 10 percent federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to require that 10 percent of electricity consumed in the U.S. is derived from clean, sustainable energy sources, like solar, wind and geothermal by 2012."

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Release oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve

"Will swap oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to cut prices . . . a limited, responsible swap of light oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for heavy crude oil to help bring down prices at the pump."

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Raise fuel economy standards

"Will increase fuel economy standards 4 percent per year ... ."

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Invest in all types of alternative energy

"We'll invest in research and development of every form of alternative energy - solar, wind, biofuels."

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Enact tax credit for consumers for plug-in hybrid cars

"We will leverage private sector funding to bring these cars directly to American consumers. We'll give consumers a $7,000 tax credit to buy these vehicles."

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Ask people and businesses to conserve electricity

"Will call on businesses, government and the American people to meet the goal of reducing our demand for electricity 15 percent by the end of the next decade."

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Require more energy-efficient appliances

"The current Department of Energy has missed 34 deadlines for setting updated appliance efficiency standards, which has cost American consumers millions of dollars in unrealized energy savings. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will overhaul this process for appliances and provide more resources to his Department of Energy so it implements regular updates for efficiency standards. They will also work with Congress to ensure that it continues to play a key role in improving our national efficiency codes."

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Create a 'Green Vet Initiative' to promote environmental jobs for veterans

"Will ensure that more of our veterans can enter the new energy economy. They will create a new 'Green Vet Initiative' that will have two missions: first it will offer counseling and job placement to help veterans gain the skills to enter this rapidly growing field; second, it will work with industry partners to create career pathways and educational programs."

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Create job training programs for clean technologies

"Will increase funding for federal workforce training programs and direct these programs to incorporate green technologies training, such as advanced manufacturing and weatherization training, into their efforts to help Americans find and retain stable, high-paying jobs . . . will also create an energy-focused youth jobs program to invest in disconnected and disadvantaged youth. This program will provide youth participants with energy efficiency and environmental service opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of homes and buildings in their communities, while also providing them with practical skills and experience in important career fields of expected high-growth employment. Participants will not only be able to use their training to find new jobs, but also build skills that will help them move up the career ladder over time."

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Require states to provide incentives for utilities to reduce energy consumption

"Will 'flip' incentives to utility companies by: requiring states to conduct proceedings to implement incentive changes; and offering them targeted technical assistance. These measures will benefit utilities for improving energy efficiency, rather than just from supporting higher energy consumption. This 'regulatory equity' starts with the decoupling of profits from increased energy usage, which will incentivize utilities to partner with consumers and the federal and state governments to reduce monthly energy bills for families and businesses. The federal government under an Obama administration will play an important and positive role in flipping the profit model for the utility sector so that shareholder profit is based on reliability and performance as opposed to total production."

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Support high-speed rail

Will "Support development of high-speed rail networks across the country. Providing passengers with safe high-speed rail will have significant environmental and metropolitan planning advantages and help diversify our nation's transportation infrastructure. Our domestic rail freight capacity must also be strengthened because our demand for rail transportation has never been greater, leaving many key transportation hubs stretched to capacity. Obama and Biden are committed to renewing the federal government's commitment to high speed rail so that our nation's transportation infrastructure continues to support, and not hinder, our nation's long-term economic growth."

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Support airline service in small towns

Will support "the continuation of the Small Community Air Service Development Program that helps small and mid-sized communities attract new air service, which is critical to local economic development. Obama and Biden will work to improve the effectiveness of these programs and increase the availability of rail transportation options for residents of rural communities."

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Invest in public transportation

"Will re-commit federal resources to public mass transportation projects across the country. Obama and Biden will work with state and local governments across the country on efforts to create new, effective public transportation systems and modernize our aging urban public transit infrastructure."

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Equalize tax breaks for driving and public transit

"The federal tax code rewards driving to work by allowing employers to provide parking benefits of $205 per month tax free to their employees. The tax code provides employers with commuting benefits for transit, carpooling or vanpooling capped at $105 per month. This gives drivers a nearly 2:1 advantage over transit users. Obama and Biden will reform the tax code to make benefits for driving and public transit or ridesharing equal."

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Consider "smart growth" in transportation funding

"Will re-evaluate the transportation funding process to ensure that smart growth considerations are taken into account."

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Will seek more accommodations of bicycles and pedestrians

Will "ensure that more Metropolitan Planning Organizations create policies to incentivize greater bicycle and pedestrian usage of roads and sidewalks."

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New Member
Help states and localities address sprawl

"Will work to provide states and local governments with the resources they need to address sprawl and create more livable communities."

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Share enviromental technology with other countries

"We'll establish a program for the Department of Energy and our laboratories to share technology with countries across the region."

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Double federal spending for research on clean fuels

Will "double science and research funding for clean energy projects including those that make use of our biomass, solar and wind resources."

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Provide grants to encourage energy-efficient building codes

"Will create a competitive grant program to award those states and localities that take the first steps in implementing new building codes that prioritize energy efficiency, and provide a federal match for those states with leading-edge public benefits funds that support energy efficiency retrofits of existing buildings."

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Increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency

"That's why I am committed to pursuing greater funding for the EPA so that its
responsibilities are carried out. Clean water, land and air, and ensuring the health and safety of
our citizens, especially children, will be high priorities in an Obama Administration."

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Get his daughters a puppy

"The pledge is (Sasha and Malia) will get their dog, win or lose."

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Appoint at least one Republican to the cabinet

Interview with Steve Kroft of "60 Minutes": Question: "Will there be Republicans in the Cabinet?" Obama: "Yes." Question: "More than one?" Obama: "You're not getting any more out of me."

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Fully fund federal contribution to the preservation of the Everglades

"As President, I will make protecting Florida's water resources a priority. My Administration will live up to the federal government's promise to be a 50-50 partner with Florida in restoring the Everglades – which won't just save jobs, but create new ones."

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Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009

Will provide "temporary business tax incentives through 2009. The February 2008 stimulus bill increased maximum Section 179 expenses to $250,000 but this expires in December 2008. This provision will encourage all firms to pursue investment in the coming months, but will particularly benefit small firms which generally have smaller amounts of annual property purchases and so choose to expense the cost of their acquired property."

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Extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on these benefits

"Obama and Biden believe Congress should immediately extend unemployment insurance for an additional 13 weeks to help families that are being hit hardest by this downturn. In addition, they believe we should temporarily suspend taxes on unemployment insurance benefits as a way of giving more relief to families."

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Support network neutrality on the Internet

"Support the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet."

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Reverse restrictions on stem cell research

"I believe that the restrictions that President Bush has placed on funding of human embryonic stem cell research have handcuffed our scientists and hindered our ability to compete with other nations. As president, I will lift the current administration’s ban on federal funding of research on embryonic stem cell lines created after August 9, 2001 through executive order ... .."

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Reproductive health care will be "at the heart" of health care reform.

"In my mind, reproductive care is essential care. It is basic care, so it is at the center and at the heart of the plan that I propose. Essentially what we're doing is, we’re going to set up a public plan that all persons and all women can access if they don’t have health insurance. It will be a plan that will provide all essential services, including reproductive services, as well as mental health services and disease management services, because part of our interest is to make sure that we’re putting more money into preventive care."

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We will kill bin Laden

“What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants. And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out. We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”

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Not to mention, most everything he said he would do, he has tried to do, he's had to deal with record breaking fillibusters, having a majority has not been enough for Obama, the Republicans have demanded a Super Majority, and Scott Brown ended that shortly after Obama took office. The Republicans have clearly been the party of no, they no what works, and they've blocked everything they can block. I find it funny that over half the House Republicans say the stimulus was useless, at the sametime over half have written the White House or Cabinet members asking for stimulus funds, including Ron Paul who said stimulus funds would create good paying jobs for NASA, a big employer in his home state. I could go on, but either folks already know this, or their identity will not allow facts to penetrate their bubble brain!


New Member
Not to mention, most everything he said he would do, he has tried to do, he's had to deal with record breaking fillibusters, having a majority has not been enough for Obama, the Republicans have demanded a Super Majority, and Scott Brown ended that shortly after Obama took office. The Republicans have clearly been the party of no, they no what works, and they've blocked everything they can block. I find it funny that over half the House Republicans say the stimulus was useless, at the sametime over half have written the White House or Cabinet members asking for stimulus funds, including Ron Paul who said stimulus funds would create good paying jobs for NASA, a big employer in his home state. I could go on, but either folks already know this, or their identity will not allow facts to penetrate their bubble brain!
What Super majority?
The One Counting Joe "i kissed bush" Lieberman?

And Ron Paul the 33 year Career politician is also the Pork King of Texas when it comes to receiving and asking for Federal Money


Well-Known Member
I was expecting to find a blank page...
Politifact said:
Promise Kept 151, or 30 percent
Compromise 46, or 9 percent
In the Works 189, or 37 percent
Stalled 68, or 13 percent
Promise Broken 52, or 10 percent
Not Yet Rated 2, or 0.3 percent

We think it’s reasonable to give Obama credit for accomplishing the promises rated Promise Kept or Compromise. Together, those account for 39 percent of all promises.

At the same time, we think it’s fair to say the president hasn’t accomplished those rated Stalled or Promise Broken. Together, those account for 23 percent of all promises.

But to reach 60 percent, the White House needs to include a lot of promises rated In the Works in its count of what's been "done." And that’s a problem.

We rate promises In the Works if the administration or its allies in Congress have taken steps to implement the promise but haven’t done enough to move it to either Promise Kept or Promise Broken. Generally speaking, we have had a low threshold for moving promises from Not Yet Rated to In the Works. For instance, if a House Member introduced a bill to enact the promise, we might move it to In the Works -- long before the bill was even considered by the House -- much less passed by Congress and signed by the president. Our threshold for moving a promise to Kept, Broken or Compromise is much more stringent.
October 25th, 2011

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What does it matter if Obama kept all his promises? I'm against abortion, so it doesn't matter if he triumphs with partial birth abortions available for all. He got 52% of the vote. What about those other 48%? They don't count in our system. How many fewer votes would he have gotten if a fair vote system was in place which allowed partial candidates? If the winner got say 42% instead, the other candidates would have 58% of the say. So Obama would have to sway in that case atleast one other person. The same would happen in all other elective positions too. People tend to vote for who has a chance to win. If all candidates had a chance for partial power, the two party system would finally lose its strangle hold on the American people.


Well-Known Member
So according to Political fact he has tried to get 9 out of 10 of his promises
Not bad
How do you do?
Yeah.... tried reallllllllllly hard.

We rate promises In the Works if the administration or its allies in Congress have taken steps to implement the promise but haven’t done enough to move it to either Promise Kept or Promise Broken. Generally speaking, we have had a low threshold for moving promises from Not Yet Rated to In the Works. For instance, if a House Member introduced a bill to enact the promise, we might move it to In the Works -- long before the bill was even considered by the House -- much less passed by Congress and signed by the president.
The ones he hasn't completed are the ones he has full power to take care of himself. The one that is most important to me that even had me thinking optimistically about him in 2008: Ending the wars. Heh...

Sad thing is he would get counted as a promise kept for Obamacare, but the promise neglected to be remembered is his promise that there wouldn't need to be a mandate. Whoops!

I don't care what promises he did keep. He went on national TV and told every American that the very first thing he would do as president is end the wars. He said take it to the bank. He committed fraud, don't kid yourself by thinking it's anything short of that. And people on this forum wonder why Citi execs don't go to jail when they do the same thing. There's two perfect phrases that represent this: Lead by example, and attitude reflects leadership.



New Member
Looks Like we are Out of Iraq
Looks Like Stan will end Next year

Hey We rushed into the China SHop
We didnt even fix the damage we Caused
Count yourself Lucky Mccain didnt get in or we Would be Jumping into Iran about now