Racial attacks in Wisconsin.


Well-Known Member
Not the kind of racism you think.


Charlie Ventura

Active Member
This is happening on a more frequent basis now. I saw on Youtube where some guys with rifles shot up a bus full of passengers. One of these times, these people are going to run into a guy or two who are carrying concealed ... and won't they be surprised?

Remember the story about that guy in the NY subway who was about to be beaten to a pulp and robbed by five teenagers? They told him to give them all his money, and he said: "I have five, one for each of you." Then he proceeded to pull out his S&W, five-shot.38 snubby and let them have it. Yes, and the city decided to prosecute not the bad guys, but the shooter. He finally got off with, I think a year, for illegally possessing a handgun.

Political correctness sucks!


Well-Known Member
the police are not saying whether or not this is racially motivated.

a bit premature, ND. (<----that's what she said!)

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
the police are not saying whether or not this is racially motivated.

a bit premature, ND. (<----that's what she said!)
A bit premature? :lol: You can bet if it were a bunch of White kids beating up Black people the liberal media would be going bonkers. But, Black on White crime? Naw, no way that could be a hate crime.


Well-Known Member
the police are not saying whether or not this is racially motivated.

a bit premature, ND. (<----that's what she said!)

yeah? says who?

Witnesses&#8217; accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.
Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.
&#8220;It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,&#8221; said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ. He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis.
&#8220;They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever.&#8221;
&#8220;It was 100% racial,&#8221; claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.
&#8220;I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn&#8217;t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us. They just kept walking right past their car. They were looking in everybody&#8217;s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black. Guarantee it.&#8221;
Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.
&#8220;That rated right up there with it. When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, &#8216;There&#8217;s not enough cops to handle this.&#8217; There&#8217;s no way. It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road. They were knocking people off their motorcycles.&#8221;
Another witness, who asked to remain anonymous, said, &#8220;it was like a scene you needed the National Guard to control.&#8221;
Source: TMJ 4


Charlie Ventura

Active Member
It makes me kind of wonder how they got organized for this. I mean this amount of people all meeting in the same place hell bent on beating the crap out of a certain race of people had to be organized in some fashion. Facebook maybe?


Well-Known Member
I keep looking all over the internet for someone to post a cell phone video of this at least...not one video on the net to show this riot of all black teens beating the hell out of white people...I would think we would have one video at least in this day and age....What do they not have smart phones in Wisconsin...?? I will hold judgement until more info comes out..


A bit premature? :lol: You can bet if it were a bunch of White kids beating up Black people the liberal media would be going bonkers. But, Black on White crime? Naw, no way that could be a hate crime.
What violent crime doesn't contain hate within it? Not including the mental


Well-Known Member
could someone please post a video of this..I have to see what went on..so far nothing but he say she say...hell just one cell phone pic or vid would make me see WTF went on at this state fair


Well-Known Member
Originally there were quite a few reports saying the mob was racially motivated. The story which isn't getting enough air time is of black teenagers fighting among themselves, getting kicked out of the fair and then fighting with the first people they saw. I cannot relocate the article but did find one of the related videos.

the last 20 seconds, at the 1:50 mark. You can hear the answers clearly but not the questions
Wisconsin State Fair Police Chief Thomas Struebing "no reports of racially motivated fights in our jurisdiction"
you think you guys got problems in the US, check out the latest from the uk. all started off with a black guy who got shot and died, guy was carrying a firearm and a known criminal. the area is predominantly black, they all went on a mad one against the police, who in my opinion do a fantastic job controlling these inbred kids who have no respect for law and order and only want to be gangsters and rappers.




Well-Known Member
i got knocked out at summerfest when i was like 17, by some big black dude for no reason.. its the same shit happening at state fair...these black people decide to go and attack other races.this just happened last thursday. good thing i didnt go.

EDIT:and now since the attacks on opening day of state fair, if youre under 18 and not with a parent/legal guardian you cant get in past 5. good.
i just dont understand what is going on with the blacks in the uk and us.

there is a lot of other ethnic groups who arrived in the uk a very long time after the jamaicans and carribbeans. in the little time other ethnic groups have been here they have surpassed black people in the field of medicine (asians dominate this sector) business (south east asians dominate this sector) property ownership (everyone seems to own their property except blacks who spend more on their cars then their goverment owned homes)

black people make up the majority of the prison population, compared to the percentage of black people in the uk. it seems like every black guy spends at least one part of their life in prison. black guys just impregnate white girls and leave them to it (absent fathers in the black community is very very hgh)

black kids dont have no role models (absent fathers) so they look to rap stars for guidance. all these inbred bastards talk about is guns, murder, whores, bitches, no wonder their off key kids do what they doing.

i personally steer clear of black people in all my life activities. call me racist or whatever, i dont hate them, i just dont see how they will better my life if i had any interaction with that group or how they contribute to uk society except through music and athletics/sports.



Well-Known Member
i just dont understand what is going on with the blacks in the uk and us.

there is a lot of other ethnic groups who arrived in the uk a very long time after the jamaicans and carribbeans. in the little time other ethnic groups have been here they have surpassed black people in the field of medicine (asians dominate this sector) business (south east asians dominate this sector) property ownership (everyone seems to own their property except blacks who spend more on their cars then their goverment owned homes)

black people make up the majority of the prison population, compared to the percentage of black people in the uk. it seems like every black guy spends at least one part of their life in prison. black guys just impregnate white girls and leave them to it (absent fathers in the black community is very very hgh)

black kids dont have no role models (absent fathers) so they look to rap stars for guidance. all these inbred bastards talk about is guns, murder, whores, bitches, no wonder their off key kids do what they doing.

i personally steer clear of black people in all my life activities. call me racist or whatever, i dont hate them, i just dont see how they will better my life if i had any interaction with that group or how they contribute to uk society except through music and athletics/sports.

yes I would suggest that you just stay in the house...order everything that you need online..get a job online...If you ever come out you stand a chance of letting the "evil black guys" get you..