Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!


Well-Known Member
robbie thats awesome to hear your chopping it tonight! i can't wait to see what it looks like once you get done manicuring it. this drying period is gonna take forever for you!! haha


Well-Known Member
robbie thats awesome to hear your chopping it tonight! i can't wait to see what it looks like once you get done manicuring it. this drying period is gonna take forever for you!! haha
I know Im stolked dude! To be honest with you previous samples have only tken 4 or 5 days to dry. Curing is the key with getting it to taste right, smoke right, and......high right? But seriously potency and the final product is all about they drying and curing.....stay tuned! :joint:


Well-Known Member
At harvest-time all you have to do is cut the plant as low as possible and hang the whole thing upside down to dry on a line. The room you use to dry should be the about the same size you grew in (if not the same room). The humidity should remain a constant 50-60%. Too high and buds will mold, too low and they dry too fast and taste bad. Temperature should be around 65-68 degrees, wherever possible. Make sure the room is dark, as light degrades THC.


Im gonna trim it tomorrow, will take pics and then cut the branches off in another 2 and let it dry like that for another 4 days then cure......This sample is D_A_N_K :joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Thats tomorrow morning. I will take pics. Im gonna let the bud get needed moisture for good curing.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wheeww! So I DEF underestimated the time and difficulty of cutting/manicuring. I would DEF suggest making sure you have a really good pair of pruning sheers cutting. I did thank god but I can only imagine if they weren't good. IT got SO sticky I had to wipe the blades down after each branch. It took me a little under an hour to really trim it down to what was truly smokable. I wanted to make sure I did a really good job. I got it cut down tight to the bud!



Well-Known Member
There are more "nuggets" I forgot to snap shots on because I cant hang dry them, and minus the 3 branches I sampled with the woman and friends. I got SMASHED of lower branch samples I cant WAIT to have fully cured and dried product.

I estimate Friday when I get home I will put them into mason jars.


Well-Known Member
I have a fan on low right now running a very faint breeze over the,, in darkness, at about 74*. Humidity is good right now not too dry. Sound good?


Well-Known Member
lookin nice... what kinda high we lookin at? mainly indica or sativa? looks really good homie, hit us up with wet weight and dry weight and dimensions when you get the chance, wanna see how one of my plants does to that :D


Well-Known Member
Looks good Robbie, nice and frosty.

Doesn't look like it'll be much weight tho.. But shyt- your own home grown, nothing beats that. =)


Well-Known Member
Very buzzy, mostly head, mild body high, Wont make u slow, but you can still fall into a daze listening to music or watching a movie. Perfect blend of a upper and downer high, somewhere in the middle. But again this is lower branch non cured weed. I can only imagine what the real final product will be like since curing improves potency, flavor, and smooth smoke.

Ill post info about yield too later before going into mason jars.


Well-Known Member
Looks good Robbie, nice and frosty.

Doesn't look like it'll be much weight tho.. But shyt- your own home grown, nothing beats that. =)
Ehhh I know. My guess would be between an ounce to two ounces. Thats still a lot for me and would last me plenty long. So Im def happy, thanks for all your help Milf! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ehhh I know. My guess would be between an ounce to two ounces. Thats still a lot for me and would last me plenty long. So Im def happy, thanks for all your help Milf! :mrgreen:
NP man- you've learned so much. :blsmoke: Many successful harvests in your future.

I'm going with one mason jar, about an ounce. Maybe a tad less. Cfl buds arent as dense and heavy as hps or outdoor bud. And it's still wet..

Looks good tho- should be a QuALitY smoke- and thats better than a ton of dirt weed. :mrgreen: Congrats again. Gonna smoke another bowl in your honor my friend. Congrats! :blsmoke: