Males - don't kill them, plant them behind your local police department


Well-Known Member
At least that's what I'm going to do. Sure beats killing them. Can't think of a better idea, but if anyone else has one I want to hear it.


Well-Known Member
I haven't done it yet. But I will. Ohhhhh I will.

I only have seedlings right now but the males will for sure go right behind the police department. Or fire department, which is closer. I'll sneak em in at night.


Active Member
Go for it! Overgrow the government!! I wanted to put a male in front of my neighbors door who has complained twice now about the smell of pot. My better judgement told me not to though.... bongsmilie

^^and alwaystoken12 - ...pprrreeety sure you cannot make brownies out of male plants.


Active Member
Go for it! Overgrow the government!! I wanted to put a male in front of my neighbors door who has complained twice now about the smell of pot. My better judgement told me not to though.... bongsmilie

^^and alwaystoken12 - ...pprrreeety sure you cannot make brownies out of male plants.
you can absolutely extract thc from males - what you do with it is up to you


Active Member
and how would you benefit from this? is this worth going to jail...
plus ...i don't think your mother would be happy with


Well-Known Member
At least that's what I'm going to do. Sure beats killing them. Can't think of a better idea, but if anyone else has one I want to hear it.
I'm sorry but I would rather kill the males and enjoy the females than risk my ass going to jail over male plants. I say if you are gonna risk getting your ass thrown in the clink why do it over the males, do it for the girls. I wouldn't think the majority of growers on this forum would take a plant and run up and down the street in there neighborhood in the middle of the day in fear of getting busted, so I just can't understand why someone would plant male seedlings on police property, that will show them! Just to have them cut down by Manuel, Omar, and Paco the city lawn workers. Sorry man just not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha very funny man, not sure i'd risk it though, one friend of mine told me that he took his males and pollinated his annoying ass neighbors plants at night haahah, what ever you do don't get caught because your girls will go to waste :(


Well-Known Member
Something like this woulda seemed like a great idea when i was 15 years old,maybe.

For the op,what do you think the police will do to you if they catch you ? Just chalk it up to kids having fun,i think not.

If you got popped which is a damm good chance ,after they taser & night stick the shit out of you they'd make an example out of you,jail,news media & the whole bit,i dont know weather you've been through the system as an adult where you had to pay your cash for your mistakes,if you have you would know that a stunt like that would end up costing you $10,000 or better in fines,drug classes,victim awareness class,madd class ect,yep great plan .

And then whats the reason to fuck with the firemen ?
these guys work their balls off doing dangerous shit protecting you & you think its cool to fuck around with them because of YOUR ideals,speechless.

Oh ,the kid who's "friend" pollinated his neighbors crop,you should get a new friend,one who isnt a dick head.


Well-Known Member
shag you're a fucking idiot. and by the way if you decide to plant males behind a police hq with cameras all over the place, you deserve to go to jail for being the biggest dumb fuck of all time!


New Member
And this years Darwin Award winner is. Gotta be one of the dumbest things I have heard here in awhile. You will make some guy a nice girlfriend in jail.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha thi is a very funny fourm, and he is a dick but the year before his neighbor ripped 2 plants off of him, revenge is revenge