6 Weeks(ish) Plant, Need Experienced Eyes


After some epic fail with some seedlings last year, I decided to go for a simple soil grow with bagseed. I have no idea what strain it is. I've attached pics, but excuse the shitty iPhone photography.

She's (hopefully) about 13" tall atm and I've stuck her in a south(ish) facing window, hence the odd leaning. We've had some pretty decent weather in the UK recently so she's done OK. Growth seems to be in spits and spurts. There's no off-colouring (I think) so far.

I've used non-descript 'grow bag' soil and I'm about to start adding nutes. The nutes are meant to be for hydroponic, but from what I gather, that's not a problem. Using half strength from what the bottle suggests for post seedling, so 1ml/ltr from each of the bottles.

1. I have a close up pic, is this any indication of sex or is it too early to tell?

2. I'm not after a huge yield, and my patience is, well, meh. How soon can I force flowering? (I have a 400w HPS and closet ready for this. Fuck waiting for September.)

3. Can anyone tell the strain from just her appearance?

*excuse the long post, trying not to miss any details.



Well-Known Member
Nope, i dont know what strain it is, but it looks indica'ish.

Also, how far do you have the lights from the plant?

also, you might want to transplant to a bigger pot, 5 gallon pot is highly recommended.

And you can already make the switch to 12/12 and by that pic, i would say it is a female.


Well-Known Member
well you cant tell if its a male or female till you switch to flower mode and you will be looking for 2 white hairs when the time comes for it to flower. theres no telling what kind of strain it is from bagseed it is a hybrid mix between indica and sativa. you also need to put it in a larger pot so it doesnt get rootbound. if you have it inside you need to get some cfls on it and a fan or you need to put it outside and soak up some sun. you can flower it now but if i were you i would wait another month at least


Well-Known Member
I don't see how you can say thats a female oly.

There is nothing in those pictures that show signs of anything, the nodes havnt even shifted yet.

@chunk, boy that things stretched......the only light you've had it under is light from a window? You can sure tell. Lst that thing, tie it down, or put it under your hps now, on 18/6. You could force flower now if you want, I'd wait till its vegged more and shows signs of sex on its own.

No one will be able to tell you what strain it is, just assume 60/40 mix.
You can switch to 12/12 but i would up size that growing pot if you can(8weeks of flower is gunna take up some root space), i have seen HPS put on plants that size and with-in less than a week you'll know the sex and 8 weeks later you'll have goodness, it looks female but i have seen those top spikes turn into pollen sacs, possibly hermaphadited but it happens under stress sometimes, It looks healthy and happy i would go for the 12/12 setup as soon as you can.


Well-Known Member
sometimes u can actually tell if its a male before flower..u wanted the experienced eye to answer so here it is..males are tall and skinny so u should be worried cuz its looking tall and skinny..male plants dont focus on getting bushy they focus on getting tall..in order to pollinate females they have to be taller cuz when they release pollen it falls/flows downwards and outward. Male=tall/skinny Female=short/bushy


Well-Known Member
Im going off of my own personal experience LOG. All the plants that i have grown from bagseeds always show those same hairs on the first pic and end up being female plants for me. So i am sorry if what i said has come off as "bad info" as i am basing my answer off anectodal information.

I don't see how you can say thats a female oly.

There is nothing in those pictures that show signs of anything, the nodes havnt even shifted yet.

@chunk, boy that things stretched......the only light you've had it under is light from a window? You can sure tell. Lst that thing, tie it down, or put it under your hps now, on 18/6. You could force flower now if you want, I'd wait till its vegged more and shows signs of sex on its own.

No one will be able to tell you what strain it is, just assume 60/40 mix.


Well-Known Member
I always take someone with over 1k in posts more seriously then others, but I'm gonna conradict the hell out of you statement.


THAT is a male, after 40 days HE was no taller then 12" and was ALL bush and NO stretch.

This could be strain dependent....but I just pointing out that males arnt always tall and lanky


Well-Known Member
Im going off of my own personal experience LOG. All the plants that i have grown from bagseeds always show those same hairs on the first pic and end up being female plants for me. So i am sorry if what i said has come off as "bad info" as i am basing my answer off anectodal information.
those are not hairs in the first picture, they are new shoots coming out of the nodes


Well-Known Member
i said SOMETIMES but i should of said MOST OF THE TIME cuz males will be the tallest plants of the bunch..kinda hard to tell with one plant in the picture


Well-Known Member
well you cant tell if its a male or female till you switch to flower mode
this is also incorrect. Both males and females with show you sex in VEG. People just dont give them enough time to show as they are always so anxious to get buds. EVERY plant I've ever grown has show sex from seed 40-50 days in veg.....look for nodal shifting, then signs of sex will come next


Well-Known Member
DUDE, sorry for not having a masters in growing marijuana and going off MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES!!!! Which is what i said after you accuse me of being stupid...

And i dont need to see your plants to know how males are... Come on, plants are like humans, there are short and tall males correct, and then you have these tall people who look like dudes from the back, but they turn around and bam, there they are, two huge ol' tits starring at you.

So, dude, get a life.

those are not hairs in the first picture, they are new shoots coming out of the nodes


Well-Known Member
DUDE, you are contradicting your own advice!!! Now you are the one with no cred!!

this is also incorrect. Both males and females with show you sex in VEG. People just dont give them enough time to show as they are always so anxious to get buds. EVERY plant I've ever grown has show sex from seed 40-50 days in veg.....look for nodal shifting, then signs of sex will come next


Well-Known Member
u can also stress your plant enough to make it a male..so that explains why your short bushy plant is a male more then likely.


Well-Known Member
DUDE, sorry for not having a masters in growing marijuana and going off MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES!!!! Which is what i said after you accuse me of being stupid...

And i dont need to see your plants to know how males are... Come on, plants are like humans, there are short and tall males correct, and then you have these tall people who look like dudes from the back, but they turn around and bam, there they are, two huge ol' tits starring at you.

So, dude, get a life.
wow, no reason to get so defensive. I never accused you of being stupid lmao that's ludicrous.

I'm simply pointing out that there are ZERO signs of sex in either of those pictures. There is zero node shift, no balls no caylaxes, no pistols. So no one here knows if thats a male or female, until 1. he flowers them or 2. veg's them longer so the plant can show itself.

And I got an amazing life.....thanks though.


Well-Known Member
u can also stress your plant enough to make it a male..so that explains why your short bushy plant is a male more then likely.
I didnt stress a thing, the female looked EXACTLY the same, just slightly more squat and bushy. I wasnt saying you completely incorrect, chill. I was just pointing out that what you said isnt ALWAYS true.

@oly, your a joke.....show me where I contradicted myself. Cause that quote sure isnt proving anything, and I've re read this whole thread, I dont contradict myself once.


Well-Known Member
ALSO......if you re read his post cali, he has had them in a window for light......seems to explain the tall and lankyness.


Well-Known Member
i read it..just giving him tips to tell if its a male or not..u have this argumentative attitude about you whats up with that?? its all good though.. its just the RIU vibe so i dont blame u


Well-Known Member
nah cali, the only one I'll be argumentative with is oly, cause hes being an ass, and putting words in my mouth (or fingers whatever)

You on the other hand I'm just trying to have a simple discussion with over the likeliness of male or female based on the info given. I'm not doubting your advise, I know what you say is mainly true. I've grown out males that where much taller then my females of the same strain. I'm just showing that sometimes ( maybe rarely) it isn't true. The picture wasn't intended for op, it was intended for you, to help me prove my point.

As we all know RIU is picture oriented

This may not be your style....but. If I was to have said the same thing WITHOUT posting pictures. I'm sure I'd have someone, if not multiple people saying "prove it, wheres the pictures?"....just trying to save the trouble.