A Letter from Ernest


Well-Known Member
Fellow Roll it uppers..

As you know I am posting as myself. This is quite controversial. It also creates an odd situation for social cohesion in an previously all anonymous forum.

Where there is friction is in the connection between people.

I simply cannot know who you are or what you are about from an alias.

I believe in a progressive effort towards legalizing cannabis.

I welcome you replies..

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
ernst my friend, your still marching. good for you. i hope your efforts are being noted. i still stand on keeping it medical. i think the situation we have here in california is doing ok for the most of us. good luck with your book tour. i heard its a good read.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Fellow Roll it uppers..

As you know I am posting as myself. This is quite controversial.
No one gives a shit except you. You are not special because you post your picture on an internet forum.

People here have damn good reason for not posting their names/pictures. They don't want to be arrested. That is a perfectly good reason.

Even the people who have 100% legal medical grows are breaking federal law. Even if they aren't worried about that, people don't want every anonymous person with internet access to know their identity because they don't like getting robbed.

Telling the entire world you grow is just a bad idea in most cases. If someone robs you, there is very little you can do about it. The cops won't help you, they are more likely to try and bust you if you report it.

I have people I've been friends with for years that have no idea I grow. That information is given out on a need to know basis. Why the fuck would I want the entire world to have that information?

Criticizing 99.99% of people on this board for not doing something incredibly stupid, it's going to help anything. There is only risk, no benefit. Go ahead with your nonsense about hiding behind "a digital burka" all you want. That changes nothing. Showing your face/name doesn't benefit anyone. No one cares.


Well-Known Member
No one gives a shit except you. You are not special because you post your picture on an internet forum.

People here have damn good reason for not posting their names/pictures. They don't want to be arrested. That is a perfectly good reason.

Even the people who have 100% legal medical grows are breaking federal law. Even if they aren't worried about that, people don't want every anonymous person with internet access to know their identity because they don't like getting robbed.

Telling the entire world you grow is just a bad idea in most cases. If someone robs you, there is very little you can do about it. The cops won't help you, they are more likely to try and bust you if you report it.

I have people I've been friends with for years that have no idea I grow. That information is given out on a need to know basis. Why the fuck would I want the entire world to have that information?

Criticizing 99.99% of people on this board for not doing something incredibly stupid, it's going to help anything. There is only risk, no benefit. Go ahead with your nonsense about hiding behind "a digital burka" all you want. That changes nothing. Showing your face/name doesn't benefit anyone. No one cares.

Is it? Are you sure? You do understand I face arrest like anyone else?

Now except that I risk more than you.


I am still a bad man?

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Dude you need a life!!!!Grow some weed and you wont have so much time for useless shit.Ive been busted in october and I would never post my pic.Im faceing up to 30 years


Well-Known Member
I failed to see who that was aimed at.. My name is Ernst if you are directing that at me Therapy..

You all must understand Dan Kone need to build a case that is why they wrote a page.

Fuck em..

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Is it? Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure. You're the only one who gives a shit.

Hard to make a broad generalization about so many people, most I've never even talked to. But in this case yes, I'm 100% certain.

You do understand I face arrest like anyone else?
So because you're dumb, you want everyone to follow you off a cliff like lemmings? lol

When you get arrested or robbed, don't be surprised.

Now except that I risk more than you.

I have no problem with risk as long as the reward warrants that risk. However risking for no reward isn't bravery, it's stupidity.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I failed to see who that was aimed at.. My name is Ernst if you are directing that at me Therapy..

You all must understand Dan Kone need to build a case that is why they wrote a page.

Fuck em..
Therapy, yes, good idea. Seek some.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sure. You're the only one who gives a shit.

Hard to make a broad generalization about so many people, most I've never even talked to. But in this case yes, I'm 100% certain.

So because you're dumb, you want everyone to follow you off a cliff like lemmings? lol

When you get arrested or robbed, don't be surprised.

I have no problem with risk as long as the reward warrants that risk. However risking for no reward isn't bravery, it's stupidity.

There are those who make liberty possible and we call them patriots. You call them assholes.

Those that risk for you are worthless I take it.. You are such a man..


Well-Known Member
hello just wanted to say bumpty bump bump bump :)

This is funny.. I use to be concerned now I see there isn't one person here that I need fear.


This is an extension of many years of posting pictures, threads, teaching others about organic soil and showing off some nice plants.
It's a challenge to get into the stream and effect change which I already see.

In a way this is necessary since I need to understand the mechanics of how our young people are being programmed about Cannabis and Cannabis politics.
From what I can see our future voters are being trained to be afraid and ineffectual.
We are the role models. Looks hopeless doesn't it..

Anyway thanks for the bump.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I thought maybe I could find friends first but you prove you are no friend ever..
You're right. I'm no friend ever.

If you want to make friends a good start would be to stop being an evil little spammer and stop insulting and/or lying about everyone who disagrees with you. You insult people for simply replying to your posts. That's not a good way to make friends.


King Tut
Most friends don't really care for having venom spit at them Ernst. Just my humble observations.

OH! Hi Daddy Dan!


Well-Known Member
I am off to bed now..

The Gentile rain is tapping on the roof and the air is fresh.

Good night all!