TGA By Others


Active Member
Querkle, pics from Feb. 28. I think the plant was at day 53 or so. This plant is the mother with an Agent O male, I just sprouted a couple of their seeds. Also just put a large clone of this in 12/12.
dude your leaving my jaw watering, thats an impressive cross +Rep for sure man you deserve it!


Well-Known Member
TGA seedlings, and some Querkle x Agent O. that I mixed.
Also a shot of a "pollen chamber" with a branch of Agent Orange in there pluggin' away. It's my second AO male out of 2, this one smells a little like orange peel so I'm hoping for some good results. I got the first dust from it yesterday and hit the 3D.
For more on the pollen chamber see pg. 29 in my sig. thread (Variety of singles..)


Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Thanks Sub, bcuz we both know these are OFFICIAL despite the unfortunate business separation you now have with them !!
Hoping for that much talked about Watermelon pheno outta this pack !! lol


Well-Known Member
Breedbay is on my banned List dude your supporting seriously bad people who don't actually have my gear anymore. Wonder why DNA or any other serious players aren't there?
How is it possible you think he has real gear 11 months after we stop suppling his store?
Sorry to tell you you absolutely do not have real TGA gear if you got em from Breedbay.
They will say its left over stock but we have been gone from there for over a year now. He even replaces orders with the old TGA gear he keeps finding in "The Vault" His vaults a plano tackle box sitting on a desk so be warned
it's not possible for him to have genuine TGA genetics because hes not getting them from me.
Basically your helping the guy who ripped me off the most in my life!
I don't speak about this often a verbal war solves nothing so I have pretty much let karma run things but he is a master scammer who has slowly destroyed something amazing we once built.
TGA was the guys big payday and hes still milking it for all hes worth.
He traveling abroad this week I understand while we actually bust our ass in the gardens that create TGA genetics.



Well-Known Member
well, nice plants firstoff, but Im very relieved iv never used breedbay as well! lol

thanks for the thread, and thanks sub for enlightening us of this treachery!

chef c

Well-Known Member
everyone sleepin?? 1 qrazy train at 56, 1 querkle at 69 haha, sorry, on top of a teenager box.. i like the contrast. the qt is more tw this time, awesome. the querkle is grape candy. And since i havent seen a pink lady from start to finish, so here is my first pheno of three. day 13, im gonna name her stretch. peas and carrots.
twq 019.jpgtwq 017.jpg


Well-Known Member
Getting things back on track

Some resin workers

Jilly bean


Space Madness - Chernobyl x The Flav

My helpers - bug partol



chef c

Well-Known Member
t, how long have u been running your "space madness"? and i still dont know how tha hell those lil guys dont get stuck like a tyrannasaur in a tar pit??????? anyway heres some qt and budder or wax or whatever u wanna call it that i made from the trim. The hash (there we go) is sooooo good. jimmy hindrix on a warm stary night in bayou. just awesome.waxy 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
Stop Torturing me Dude! hehehehe
Chef I didn't forget you well ok I keep forgetting you but its just cause I am busy as hell.
Lets try and catch up.



Active Member
o my goodness. my mouth is drooling like a waterfall!! qt is one of the few tga's i dont have but everyone on here does and im jealous!! but we can fix that in a hurry!!. i cant wait for my glass tube an 5x filter butane comes in the mail (THANKS SUBCOOL AGAIN FOR THE VAST WEALTH OF INFO YOU HAVE BESTOWED UPON US)- how to pig wax on youtube. chef did you make it with glass tube or something else??

chef c

Well-Known Member
Greenavenger- Yes, it is a glass tube that i got from a spot in Denver. Here it is. You can see that its about 15" i guess, I fill it like three quarters of the way (so far ive fit 15-31g of trim in it), I dont think it really matters how tight you pack it... when the butane runs clear your done...I got mine for like 35 even so now you got a price to work with too.. ps thats my lucky seed poping ziplock container thing... now your all on the inner circle :eyesmoke:


Active Member
nice thanks for info got mine from extraction experts. i cant wait for the look on ppl's faces when i bring out the pig wax. i can hear them now "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT??? ive already had to explain how i get such fresh bad ass bubble-"uhhh i know a guy that knows a guy from california!!!!" when you hear that in this state it usually means that person is growing or knows someone close that is!!!! thas why everyone in this state is like" it came from cali"!!!


Well-Known Member
t, how long have u been running your "space madness"? and i still dont know how tha hell those lil guys dont get stuck like a tyrannasaur in a tar pit??????? anyway heres some qt and budder or wax or whatever u wanna call it that i made from the trim. The hash (there we go) is sooooo good. jimmy hindrix on a warm stary night in bayou. just awesome.View attachment 1572458

I got some seeds earlier this year from my cross & I think this is the second plant I have flowered, you can really see the Chernobyl in her structure

Great job on the wax I think that maybe the next item to make

Keep up the great work



Active Member

I got some seeds earlier this year from my cross & I think this is the second plant I have flowered, you can really see the Chernobyl in her structure

Great job on the wax I think that maybe the next item to make

Keep up the great work

i agree, chef c and you tcurtiss have some amazing shots, that space madness is one im sure is a wonderful and interesting strain! in addation to chef c with the amazing qrazy train bud pic, and the hash..... omg, this has got me soooooo stoked for my own qt melt! Much Respect To You Both! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Do you see now why I named it what I named it?
I take a lot of hits for that I even have fans that grow it and call it a code word or something.
That looks like something that would be found growing in the Red Forest in Russia in the fall out zone to me.
They used Hemp to clean up the bad areas i read so I thought it was fitting
regardless that looks like some industrial strength meds if ya ask me
