To Grind or not to Grind?


Well-Known Member
The kief from the grinder works wonder when making some BHO.

Had my space case for almost 6 years now, still looks and works great!


Well-Known Member

grind with a normal cheap plastic one that ive had for over 3 years. couldnt bare to get rid of it, its been through alot with me, and still works like a charm.

thats basically mine above with the magnet and shizz. dont see the point in this other stuff. your always gonna loose a certain amout, its inevitable.



Grinding to me is like when someone swirls or aerates a wine... its part of the process for best smell, tastes, etc. I don't think you lose enough of anything to notice a deference in the high. I personally dont use a grinder with a kief catch though just b/c I feel more kief is lost in cracks and crevasses than in just a simple single stage/compartment grinder


Active Member
I Have been smokeing 30 years and just got my first grinder 6 months ago "Man how the hell have i survied '' it is the only way to go for smoking quality smoke ,it has the kief screen and i just use that for a special treat sometimes but it does not waste weed it all burns pretty even ..

kush fario

Well-Known Member
grinders are the way to go i think coffee grinders are the best a second to any hand grinder kief catcher or not crytals get stuck and fall off everywhere look closely to where a dry bud has been sitting and sometimes little trics fall off it just happens there are millions on crystals on a plant if you only lose a hundred or so you will not notice a thing i grind for a better burn and to conserve in my vape peace :weed:


Well-Known Member
I do believe grinders make pot more potent...cause they grind a nug into a uniform consistancy that allows an easier burn or vape....


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a grinder, youre not a stoner. Grind your weed, its so much better. Save the kief for a rainy day when youre outta bud. Good god you noobs. :P


Well-Known Member
Grinding to me is like when someone swirls or aerates a wine... its part of the process for best smell, tastes, etc. I don't think you lose enough of anything to notice a deference in the high. I personally dont use a grinder with a kief catch though just b/c I feel more kief is lost in cracks and crevasses than in just a simple single stage/compartment grinder
The scent from a freshly ground nug as you open the grinder will smack you in the face. Its like shaking a can of soda.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Dang, hope if you guys are tearing it up with your fingers your at least washing them first. Grinder with a screen and a pollen box is a necessity for a real smoker. Tearing it up with your hands makes about as much sense as storing fresh bud in a paper envelope.


Well-Known Member
I mean weve all had to break up some weed with our fingers from time to time. But im reading this thread, coffee grinder? really? get a damn weed grinder. Like 5 bucks at the kangaroo mart, they work. Ive had mine for 8 years.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I mean weve all had to break up some weed with our fingers from time to time. But im reading this thread, coffee grinder? really? get a damn weed grinder. Like 5 bucks at the kangaroo mart, they work. Ive had mine for 8 years.
I've heard good things about ten dollar coffee grinders. I could only see a coffee grinder being necessary for grinding a bunch of weed at once.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
I've always broken mine up with my hands- we have a grinder but I always forget it's there, and I can barely roll a doobie even with the little machine.
*I fail* :(
But on the other hand, that's one more piece of paraphernalia you have on you if you run into John Q. Law. We have a specific "throwaway" pipe we use when travelling or driving.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
lol a throw away pipe for years i have used a grinder went through probably 10 of the dam things plastic one broke teath broke kief catcher got a hole it one lol bad luck i use a coffe gringer because its fast and gives me waay waaaaay more kief than a tradition gringer 2g and i have enuff kief for a hole day! grings it perfectly aswell andd last night i weighed a .5 and another .5 grinded on and smoked the other as a bud i have to say i think i got higher from the grinded up shit. and it was the same bud! more surface area or something if you let your grinded herb dry to much it will become extreamly harsh so grind and smoke imediatly. for best results


Well-Known Member
Yea I guess if your grinding up a bunch of weed, use a coffee grinder. But otherwise, get a 4 piece stainless steel grinder with a kief catcher. It wont break, you just might have to rip a corny decal off the top.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
id say wood i dont like the plastic ones but the teeth in wood ones have a tendancy of breaking if you are a fairly carefull person go with plastic its cheap fairly strong and you can watch the herb get grinded which is fun.