F@*&#! bombed .. whats YOUR favorite or MUST eat thing while baked!!!


New Member
Ripping fgkn Ak47 eirhgt now and eating bowls and blowsl of Lucky Charms .. I must eat lucky charms while baked. What do YOU must have or WANT while baked?


Well-Known Member
im the same way except i got Fruity Peebles. my favorite daytime stoner food is Generals Chicken. oh my god, thats the best food ever in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Anything is good while your high! Thats the beauty of it. I had these nutty bars or some shit, ate them for the first time high and was like wow these are the best thing ive ever had. Ate them sober the next day and they tasted like shit. Tried them again high...fucking delicious.


Well-Known Member
Freshly made pancakes or waffles :] add some chocolate chips to the batter and you can eat it as is drink with some milk of course :D


Active Member
CHewy Sweet Tarts or Beef Jerky. With some really cold juice or a bad ass smoothie. Life ceral or coco crispies. Oh im addicted to white castle and would tear up a chili cheese burrito right about now.


New Member
Chocolate yes!!! Brownies and vanilla icecream is up there too.. I be like 40lbs lighter if I didn't smoke at night.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I don't have a MUST have when baked because i'm baked so frequently that I would have no variation in my diet. Anything is good while high though. Sandwich, cereal, steak, pizza, pizza rolls, mexican, candy, etc.


Don't know if you get them in the USA but crumpets dripping in butter are amazing:


And a cup of tea to cure cotton mouth!