Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Big P

Well-Known Member
OOOh no, here we elected a president with a grade 6 education.... Education is for da white man.

we'll trade barack obama for that guy, I doubt he could do worse & atleast he knows how to dance. I bet obama dances like a white guy :D


New Member
:hump: He dances like a lesbian, but since he is a male...Well, he ain't dancing like a straight guy. I am a white guy who can't dance but I can pull off more manly moves than he did.
I have never seen a brother with no rhythm until now.
He can burn one into the plate though![not]


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm still not sure if I'm the one that after the first couple years, just fucking fell in love with G.W. Bush. :D He was the most hilariously all-american president ever. :D He just tried as hard as he could and it was terrible. :D

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I tried to keep this a secret, but somehow the
news leaked out about it, so I thought I had
better tell everyone.

Dear Family and Friends ,
Most of you know I went in for a surgical
procedure for a Butt Lift. I didn't have the
most pleasant experience. I should've left
well enough alone.
I wanted to show you how it turned out. I
hope this keeps YOU from having this done.
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE . . . don't get a
Butt Lift. You will most certainly regret it !!!
. a1.jpg


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
No way that gorgeous woman in the avatar has transformed into that! What kind of surgical mishap could cause such an unfortunate outcome! :(

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Elvis, When he was really "The King" - Martina McBride was digitally dropped in to this track in 2008...Best close-up of Elvis I've ever seen!!!!

You Gotta Watch This!This is Modern-Tech at its finest. Very appropriate for this coming"Christmas"

Check it out! ... Click on link below.


Amazing, simply amazing how good this is, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Winter Woman-I don't really appreciate Elvis, but I know some people do.

Elvis - Born January 08, 1935. Died August 16, 1977

Martina - Born July29, 1966 -

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
That was a good digital drop. I never understood the Elvis thing nor the Beatles, probably due to my age.
Elvis was the #1 seller for Christmas albums but I just heard today that Manhiem Steamrollers has just beat him to the number two spot.