Is Cali Still Flooded?


Well-Known Member
Have seen high quality outdoors going for 800 to 1600 all over the place..... but people aren't really getting anything because nothing is really moving, unless its for free and just to smoke, I see A LOT of that moving. I know people that paid 34 last year are picking up for 16 this year, for TOP quality outdoor..... getting anything short of top shelf for basically free (25 a zip). Yep, the market is flooded.....


Active Member
cali is always flooded with bud competion is hard seems like dispensaries try to give you less and less donations 4 meds


cali is still flooded with b grade grown by rookies who sell it for whatever they are told.
there is good bud around, but so much dog shits in the market its funny.
its a buyers market, but unless they actually know what good dank is, they are going to drop on some low dollar crap.
if you got good weed to get rid of, its going to be a roll of the dice.
good luck.


thanks bro. we got to network out here. the game is changin all the time. i flipped out the first time i bought starts from a stranger on the net. funny times.


Active Member
grow your relationship. it's all about bag appeal the first time, after that its about quality and repeat buyers. 37 is tops for something rare or un-effing-believably good. i like to have mine lab tested before I go to vend.
Would u care to explain?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure what he means is he takes them to a lab that tests the thc content, cbn, and cbd and what not. I seen those tests before.


Do you have to people or there labs that anyone can go to...thanks Dr.GH for the input
Harborside in oakland has a lab, and i havent talked to him in a while, but one of those guys is an old partner of a partner. i heard he started one on pacific ave in stockton.


Well-Known Member
i got a lab, .....

..... i call it my bong. bongsmilie

you can have lab results waved at you all day. you have to smoke it to truly know though. if pot were simply a number on paper there would only need to be 1 strain. what about flavor, effect, length of high, intensity, taste, ........? so many different factors to consider other then THC content. measuring THC is like measuring your dick. you're bound to exaggerate a little. ;)

Matt Rize

Would u care to explain?
Yes. Steep Hill Lab in Oakland CA. They test anyone's samples.
I'm pretty sure what he means is he takes them to a lab that tests the thc content, cbn, and cbd and what not. I seen those tests before.
You are correct.
Do you have to people or there labs that anyone can go to...thanks Dr.GH for the input
Anyone, go to their website.
Harborside in oakland has a lab, and i havent talked to him in a while, but one of those guys is an old partner of a partner. i heard he started one on pacific ave in stockton.
Harborside uses Steep Hill lab.
i got a lab, .....
..... i call it my bong. bongsmilie
you can have lab results waved at you all day. you have to smoke it to truly know though. if pot were simply a number on paper there would only need to be 1 strain. what about flavor, effect, length of high, intensity, taste, ........? so many different factors to consider other then THC content. measuring THC is like measuring your dick. you're bound to exaggerate a little. ;)
fdd is correct, but dispensary buyers are not as smart as he.


its too bad Cali doesnt recognize my state's medical marijuana program, and vice versa. we have 30 NEW caregivers in my city alone, and most of them dont have enough product. its pretty much that way throughout most of the state. weve went from 9,000 patients in 2009 to 23,000 in October 2010
What state are you in?????


Active Member
wish those up north prices would trickle down to so*cal,

more importantly i wish yall would look into marketing down here with your so called super buds. all i ever hear are my friends complain that the quality is getting weaker and weaker, and all the shops have some kind of happy meal gimmick.

so fdd, what would u say is a quick in shop quality test?
ive told my friends they need to get a fat nug and break it under a magnifying light, and look for trichs. also to rub the nug then rub yur fingers to see the residual trails? the hairs are just strain characteristics correct?

Matt Rize

wish those up north prices would trickle down to so*cal,

more importantly i wish yall would look into marketing down here with your so called super buds. all i ever hear are my friends complain that the quality is getting weaker and weaker, and all the shops have some kind of happy meal gimmick.

so fdd, what would u say is a quick in shop quality test?
ive told my friends they need to get a fat nug and break it under a magnifying light, and look for trichs. also to rub the nug then rub yur fingers to see the residual trails? the hairs are just strain characteristics correct?
ima jump in here because I just got off the phone with one of the lab guys and we were talking about this. looks can be deceiving with cannabis. in fact most of the best sativas do not look like typical high grade. they are very hairy and on the outside generally not covered with trichomes. but the high from this kind of pure sativa land-race style herb is superior to the highly resinous sativa dominant crosses. the terpenes (compounds that give smell) play a huge role in the overall affects so in a sense your nose knows what it wants to make you feel right. THC percentages can only tell you so much as CBD blocks receptors, making the high last longer and less intense.

if you want to get super high (not medicate) then you want:
1) high THC,
2) low to zero CBD,
3) the right terpenes (smell) which will depend on your biochemistry.

Now if you want to medicate for sleep, or pain, or whatever ails ya, then higher CBD will help.

blackberry kush is a great example of frosty herb that is not that potent. Lab analysis: %15.44 THC %0.23CBD %0.05CBN


Active Member
see whats fucked up is that MOST tenders dont know diddle crap about thc/cbd/cbn. they all market: smells dankiest, its got fat nug structure, gets me super lifted lol... even a local shop has started a "connesiure shelf" which apparently is the staffs top picks. but that whole idea is bullshit, for one because all their listed strains were all the same strains they considered 'top shelf' just weeks before. but now they have 4 tiers of choices. connuesiurs, top shelf, generic strains, and economical lmao....

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
see whats fucked up is that MOST tenders dont know diddle crap about thc/cbd/cbn.
I'm not sure I fully understand CBN's.

they all market: smells dankiest, its got fat nug structure, gets me super lifted lol... even a local shop has started a "connesiure shelf" which apparently is the staffs top picks. but that whole idea is bullshit, for one because all their listed strains were all the same strains they considered 'top shelf' just weeks before. but now they have 4 tiers of choices. connuesiurs, top shelf, generic strains, and economical lmao...
Not without reason. Their goal is to sell a lot of bud. Blame it on the customers for choosing the biggest, most purple, hydro looking buds over what are actually the best.

I guarantee you that if people started buying up high quality organics rather than the biggest hydro buds they can find, clubs would value high quality organics the most. To a certain extent, the job of a club is like the job of a DJ, you've got to give the people what they want.

I know some sick jungle DJ's who spin dubstep at gigs because that is what their audience wants to hear. Same goes for clubs. If people buy big hydro nugs over organics, shouldn't the club give the people what they want?