Growing with your girl?


Active Member
My girls awesome, Shes beatiful, and wayy more than sexy.. I love her half to death and shes smokes all the time with me. We got some great glass pieces, bongs, bowls, bubblers, and even a vaporizer. She cleans the bongs, and bowls... She is always around my apartment to help me and always sucks some great d*ck aha. (And she makes these amazing fucking sandwhiches lol) Does she sound like the chick who would be down to grow ?


Well-Known Member
#1 reason for growers getting caught is ex girlfriends. I'm sure she's great but unless you plan on spending the rest of your life with her dont do it.


Active Member
yeah, past experiences says don't tell your girlfriend. when she's your ex, she will hex your crop. Not all women are the same, but if she isn't the one, then one day you will break up with her. She will not be nice. You might have to ditch your crop. Happens. Hopefully she doesn't take it.


Active Member
I'm pretty damn sure im gonna listen to you guys. Idk I was even considering breaking up with her. I don't even have a reason why I mean shes hot and all but that same pussy gets boring eventually lol. Thinking about a variety, Some fresh puss. :p


My girls awesome, Shes beatiful, and wayy more than sexy.. I love her half to death and shes smokes all the time with me. We got some great glass pieces, bongs, bowls, bubblers, and even a vaporizer. She cleans the bongs, and bowls... She is always around my apartment to help me and always sucks some great d*ck aha. (And she makes these amazing fucking sandwhiches lol) Does she sound like the chick who would be down to grow ?
Trust no one and tell no one man doesn't matter how good the fuck sandwiches are..


Well-Known Member
She sounds like the majority of young pot smoking women, not a trustee in a grow-op. Go with your gut. My gut tells me that I'm hungry, and that you probably should go about the whole thing single-handed. It's great that she cleans your bongs and all that but look at the bigger picture. Unless you're getting married laying a bunch of trust on a woman like that isn't wise. No sexism, but women are women. They gossip, they have friends that smoke pot etc etc. What's the number one ideal you must maintain above all ? Keeping your mouth shut. A successful grow operation is absolutly dependent on descretion... And then there's the mad Ex thing :-P. The last thing you want is getting busted, or much more dangerous, robbed because the ex-hole decided to spill the beans out of spite. Even carelessness. Saying little things you don't mean to say during emotionally stressful times(break ups) happens. A lot. My two cents.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty damn sure im gonna listen to you guys. Idk I was even considering breaking up with her. I don't even have a reason why I mean shes hot and all but that same pussy gets boring eventually lol. Thinking about a variety, Some fresh puss. :p
First off as a woman your a fucking dick for this post but whatever that's your view as far as weather to tell her don't do it I got into growing with the ex because he couldn't do it when we split he tried to pin a grow charge on me by taking his papers and my caregiver form and ripping them up I got lucky and he came clean about the legality of it we made an arrangement and he has fucked me over so I went and got my own papers as he even tried taking all the grow equipment that I bought as much as I'd love to grow with my partner I don't trust it after that


Well-Known Member
I live with my gf and we both smoke,,quite alot. she knowns of my grow and since we have been together 2 years now(nov 30th) I can trust that of we do break up, god forbid, i doubt she would go to the police. I mean she would effectivly be getting free smoke, like people say it depends on how much you trust her. As long as you didnt break up with her in a bad way it should be fine. if you give her ammo if/when you broke up then she will fire away,no offence ladies but you do get abit trigger happy....
but as long as you treat her with respect when you do it and its the last option.(breaking up)
If you thinking of breaking up with her at all then why would you tell her your biggest secret?? also, you clearly like this girl so breaking up should be an issue. also when it comes to relationships I could go on about this and that and more but as long as she see you trying to make the relationship work and you have difference argue etc(each relationship is different and some work some dont but thats for another thread maybe)
but really you just have to treat it like a big secrect that you dont want to tell anyone.(maybe annonimusly like here) treat it like you killed someone and you cant tell anyone. and you ask her not to chat about it to her gf's and blab to anyone. My gf dosnt help , invest or do anything to my garden. Its my hobby so its more a case of her looking ever now and then.

on another note though if we did split and she did go to the police and that I wouldnt let it get that far for her to tesify. Im a dam good shot at 500 yards.. If im going down im going down for a long time...make it worth it.
.and if you dont live together or arnt intending on having a longterm sort of thing Id keep it to yourself. If you lived together good luck tying to hide that.
take it easy...


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can ever be sure was with the ex 4yrs and got him out of 3 possession charges among other things you would think since i grew his meds he wouldn't have tried a thing but he did ya just never can be too careful


Active Member
She sounds like the majority of young pot smoking women, not a trustee in a grow-op. Go with your gut. My gut tells me that I'm hungry, and that you probably should go about the whole thing single-handed. It's great that she cleans your bongs and all that but look at the bigger picture. Unless you're getting married laying a bunch of trust on a woman like that isn't wise. No sexism, but women are women. They gossip, they have friends that smoke pot etc etc. What's the number one ideal you must maintain above all ? Keeping your mouth shut. A successful grow operation is absolutly dependent on descretion... And then there's the mad Ex thing :-P. The last thing you want is getting busted, or much more dangerous, robbed because the ex-hole decided to spill the beans out of spite. Even carelessness. Saying little things you don't mean to say during emotionally stressful times(break ups) happens. A lot. My two cents.
Amen to that !!!


Active Member
i agree with bunnyface, its one thing for her to know about it, but once she sees it or starts to help then you have an accomplice in your crime. But if this is your first grow try to start with a stealth speaker box or something along those lines and just keep it in your man cave ( garage, or whatever). Like bunny my girl knows that i grow but shes never seen it, she just knows i keep good smoke and we havent had a problem. An its one thing if she talks to a friend about you growing but once she sees it and then tells her friends what shes seen thats when you got problems. Maybe toy with the idea around her but dont sound like your makin plans for next week or anything but just judge her reaction, if she gets all excited and starts cleanin your place again dont do it shes gonna be a talker. Either way best of luck


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can ever be sure was with the ex 4yrs and got him out of 3 possession charges among other things you would think since i grew his meds he wouldn't have tried a thing but he did ya just never can be too careful
Yeah,,but as you know and I see every with the guys, men are dicks. women are abit calmer and more calculated. Is the team america pussies, dicks and assholes really that far off human interaction?
I surpose you can never be too careful as you say...
I try to find some good in people. I mean my gf when I meet her enjoyed her coke and pills,booze and mdma, others I cant think of. she wasnt or isnt a junkie or that. this is her party style, you know work 9-5 in an office and sat sun get wasted. thats what I did while I was at uni and then I meet her on a night out, invited her back for a smoke.if you get me. I think those were my exact words...haha, and the rest is history. but I guess thats a one in a millon.?? , trust is really key. that and how relaxed are you both about everything? I like to think each case is different. getting off the point,
yeah, men are worse for revenge, hence the 500yard headshot.
take it easy...


Well-Known Member
Yeah,,but as you know and I see every with the guys, men are dicks. women are abit calmer and more calculated. Is the team america pussies, dicks and assholes really that far off human interaction?
I surpose you can never be too careful as you say...
I try to find some good in people. I mean my gf when I meet her enjoyed her coke and pills,booze and mdma, others I cant think of. she wasnt or isnt a junkie or that. this is her party style, you know work 9-5 in an office and sat sun get wasted. thats what I did while I was at uni and then I meet her on a night out, invited her back for a smoke.if you get me. I think those were my exact words...haha, and the rest is history. but I guess thats a one in a millon.?? , trust is really key. getting off the point,
yeah, men are worse for revenge, hence the 500yard headshot.
take it easy...
The 500yard headshot made me laugh my ass off you have a point trust is key and hey some may be like me and know how to keep their mouth shut personally I'm hooking up with another grower next lol levels the field there and well you can always snap a pic of your girl with the plants if she is down to grow that way you have incriminating evidence on her and she will be more likely to not say a word :D


Well-Known Member
hell hath no fury like a woman scourned. it could seem like cake for a while but what about when you get in a fight. people do stupid things when they are angry. my girlfriend knows because we have been together for over 3 years and we will probably get married, but it still took me a few months to tell her. you never know what someone might do to you when they are mad.


Active Member
The 500yard headshot made me laugh my ass off you have a point trust is key and hey some may be like me and know how to keep their mouth shut personally I'm hooking up with another grower next lol levels the field there and well you can always snap a pic of your girl with the plants if she is down to grow that way you have incriminating evidence on her and she will be more likely to not say a word :D
I mean.. Idk, I'm in an awkward situation. I began my grow what 3 weeks ago now? I just like wish I knew what to do. A few of these posts helped me alot, Its none of her buisness. She wants to run around and clean my crib she ain't gonna find my grow cuz that shit is hidden in the garage lol. Maybe thats a good idea, tell her to take her shirt off and let me snap a pic. Shes cool with my taking naked pictures of her, but not sharing them with other people and I wouldn't share them due to shes my girl and I love her.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like my girl, but we're engaged and have a kid. Even if we broke up she'd never rat on me because she would rather my son have his father.

that being said. it's probably not a good idea. How long have you been together?