Just ate a few tabs


your so hostile! what happened to calm peaceful earth loving hippies?

I entered this thread with no intentions of getting into a hardcore online argument. Im the bigger man who can just walk away. its okay I was wrong in your alls eyes. I'm so horrible.
This site is all about people like you all who like to argue and shit. im just saying its not for me. Im done with this thread and will hopefully not encounter you or any others like you while im on this site. sorry for the inconvenience.
how much do they pay you to keep out the trolls? or do you just feel obligated to the job?
misinformation upsets me... sorry there.
We dont get paid, and I 'feel obligated' as a moderator to keep doing the job..... though rolli really needs to step up with SOME kind of appreciation :(

Red Robin

New Member
misinformation upsets me... sorry there.
We dont get paid, and I 'feel obligated' as a moderator to keep doing the job..... though rolli really needs to step up with SOME kind of appreciation :(
What mis information did I give?
Ill be waiting for a response from you.

and mabey you should speak with a psychiatrist, if simple mis-information upsets you.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Haha i know right!

Ive been good, my outdoor plants this year got kinda fucked but all in all it was better then getting nothing.
Had some bud worm problems during the last week of my first harvest and then the last one we had bad rain during the last 2 weeks and bud mold fucked me up before i could even do anything about it. But still got 3 oz off that one could got double that :/ made 6 grams hash though! haha.

But how about you? everything going good?

Thats great man! ahha gotta love that feeling though when you feel yourself starting to float away.

Heres something interesting to watch to give you a little laugh! Those crazy japanese lol!
Damn Japanese are a trip man haha..

Well like you put it somethings always better then nothing..

Things are going good my way man, just living the good life lol...

Jeez these visual's are ridiculous haha... Man i love lsd... and mashed potatoes