ok guys im finally doing it


Well-Known Member
Dont rush into it; make sure you have a clear head and feel good. I remember when I was trying to light dmt my first time; was shaking so badly, lol.


Well-Known Member
The first time I smoked DMT out of a light bulb I got very poor results. I could never get the crystals to vaporize. I would just put it in between a small bowl of herb and make sure to lightly, light the herb on top and not torch it at all. That's how I used to smoke JWH with marshmallow leaf out of my bong and it worked wonders. Way better then chasing the dragon on tin foil. I just like that method because as long as you inhale all the smoke from the mixture your pretty much guaranteed to inhale at lest SOME the combustible product. Also i've had a friend who had bought some DMT and smoked it that way and said it worked wonders.


Well-Known Member
A lightbuld is a wish wash way to do it. You could lose product... I'd suggest to put a starter dose of 15mg's and see what happens.


New Member
Just got done with a 15 mg test.

Need to fix somethings on the bulb. Air leaked :(

Well the taste wasnt as bad as i percieved. Not good though but much handable. Inhaled hit within like 5 secs. Just felt high but almost like something was going to happen but didnt.

Anyhow will be doing 30mg tomorrow.

One question though is the dmt supposed to turn to liqued first then smoke?


Well-Known Member
i agree with everyone....

load a 'nug plug' of dank weed in a pipe.
put 30-50 mgs of dmt on top.
and put another SMALL layer of bud on top.
and dont let the flame touch the dmt.
let it melt into the bud and slowly 'milk' it.


and have fun ;)


Well-Known Member
did you get your pipe from everyonedoesit?
if so it works fucking brilliantly although ive only used it for smoking AMT and a bit of green.